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Showing posts from March, 2023

Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, signed in Kiev on 31 May 1997

UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/52/174 9 June 1997 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: RUSSIAN Fifty-second session Items 38 and 81 of the preliminary list* SUPPORT BY THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM OF THE EFFORTS OF GOVERNMENTS TO PROMOTE AND CONSOLIDATE NEW OR RESTORED DEMOCRACIES MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY  Letter dated 6 June 1997 from the Permanent Representatives of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General We have the honour to transmit the texts of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership (annex I), a Russian-Ukrainian declaration  (annex II) and a joint statement by the Russian Federation and Ukraine (annex III), signed on 31 May 1997 in Kiev by the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Boris N. Yeltsin, and the President of Ukraine, Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma. We should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annexes circulated as a document of ...

All things Russia.

 To the best of my abilities, this is the best information I could find that make sense of it all  My blog post;  "Constantinople in the Quran in Ākhir Al-Zamān (i.e., the End-Time) by Imram Hosien ( a notable Islamic Scholar)     Quote “ This book offers an insight into the emergence of modern western civilization in the drama which attended  CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE QUR ’ ĀN”     The birth of a child to a virgin mother, when part of the Israelite people accepted Jesus ‫السلام‬ ‫عليه‬ as the Messiah, and another part rejected him and slandered him and his mother. All the Israelite people—both those who accepted Jesus ‫السلام‬ ‫عليه‬ , as well as those who rejected him—were then expelled from the Holy Land after he had departed this world, and they were banned from returning until Gog and Magog were released into the world and the had subsequen...