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Showing posts from March, 2025
      Surely the Government is in control of the country and its supply of money? Surely money is only a symbolic token to facilitate the production, exchange and distribution of goods and services? Not so, say the Third Positionists, who reject both Capitalism and Communism... A $HORT HISTOR¥ OF £ANKING In the old days there was no paper money. The accepted token of exchange was precious metal minted into coins by the Church and the Crown. Because there was only a limited amount of gold and silver available, the economic life of the nation had a certain regularity. An even greater restriction existed throughout Christendom. This was a prohibition against usury, or charging interest. The Church held it to be a grave sin and the code was upheld by the civil powers. There were harsh penalties for those who broke the law. The regulation of usury was to prevent the separation of money from reality. Money is not a good, it is a measure. It is fraud to pretend otherwise, a...