A brief History of being screwed
In the past people through the temple, the stories, or the land, had a sense of belonging, a sense
of worth, of value in the great order of things. This was dispensed with through a consumer-centric society, deliberately so due to the billion brokers via the temple.
I believe starting in 341 ads ( or possibly much earlier ), the council of Nicene where the Latin concept of filioque, moved the church towards papal primacy and the shift towards Machiavelli's the prince ( though Machiavelli and his beloved Florence were at considerable odds with Venice).
The shift that saw ordinary man fell from being the image of God , ape ,ie with creative ideas and rational thought to a high ape, a beast of burden. Beasts from where the feeling of meaningfulness came through the purchase of more and more perceived value goods. Beasts of which were disposable when they were unable to maintain the burden and as the 1st-century Jewish historian Plilo notes the emperor Caligula reasoned either kings were gods and men were beasts.
The shift that saw ordinary man fell from being the image of God , ape ,ie with creative ideas and rational thought to a high ape, a beast of burden. Beasts from where the feeling of meaningfulness came through the purchase of more and more perceived value goods. Beasts of which were disposable when they were unable to maintain the burden and as the 1st-century Jewish historian Plilo notes the emperor Caligula reasoned either kings were gods and men were beasts.
Now this "abomination " has an ally in the bullion traders, it's unfair to cast dispersions on one particular group, as there are, and were, just as many Shylocks from other religions, and the con and the history of the #CON# go something like this.
When a nation’s money represents a principal on which interest is owed, someone always comes out the loser, since there is never enough money in circulation to repay the debt interest, and thus, a national debt can never be repaid, it can only grow. Contrariwise, when a nation’s money represents a receipt for goods and services rendered and is issued interest-free by the state itself, that state can experience almost total employment, and there is no built-in principal of debt and scarcity.
The scammers have used the same old tired script, for the millennium:
1. The First Stage: Penetrate and Ally with the Temple
2. The Second Stage: Issue False Receipts
3. The Third Stage: Substitute Bullion for Letters of Credit as a Measure Against False Receipts
4. The Fourth Stage: Then Create a Facsimile of Money
Thus, once again the money supply is not only expanded, but the use of such instruments actually served to allow the bullion brokers to circulate more of such notes than they had actual bullion to redeem. The key, once again, was the sanctifying probity that the temple association gave them. With this step, their power and influence over the various states which they penetrated were almost complete, for it gave these ancient bankers, like their modern counterparts, the ability to expand or contract a state’s money supply, and to control their economies to create boom or bust. The final step, in other words, was to create a clay or stone (or in modern times, paper or plastic) facsimile of the facsimile of state-issued money (the bullion-based monies, also of their own creation
Fast forward through Rome and the freed Chaldean slaves ( Babylonian). In the case of Sparta, it was also noted that it alone of all the ancient Greek city-states resisted this Babylonian financial policy, a fact which led ultimately to the Peloponnesian War and to the eventual succumbing of Sparta to these policies of the bankers
Fast forward through Venice, the Holy roman Empire into Holland and then onwards to London. but before we head north let us stop and look at Venice which was a cancer consciously planning its own metastasis. From their lagoon, the Venetians chose a swamp and an island facing the North Atlantic: Holland and the British Isles. Here the hegemonic Giovanni party would relocate their family fortunes and their characteristic epistemology. France was also colonised, but the main bets were placed further north ( London). First, (Cardinal) Contarini’s relative and neighbor Francesco Zorzi was sent to serve as a sex advisor to Henry VIII
its remembered that The future prime minister Benjamin Disraeli wrote in his novel Coningsby that the Whig aristocrats of 1688 wanted “to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of Venice, making the kings into doges, and with a ‘Venetian constitution.’” but staying with henries world and noting the War of the League of Cambria of,1509 , an alliance of virtually every power in Europe threatened to wipe out the Venetian oligarchy.
The Venetians knew that France or Spain could crush them like so many flies. The Venetians responded by launching the Protestant Reformation with three proto-stooges — Luther, Calvin, and Henry VIII and with
the Venetian Doge, Enrico Dandolo, imposing a puppet Latin government on the ancient Eastern Empire The great Venetian oligarchical families and their family found or fortunes (literally, “funds”), were in place: the Cornaro, the Dandolo, the Contarini, Morosini, Sorzi and Tron fortunes.
This brings us neatly up to the east India company and the bank of England and Zionism. As this is essentially a reply to an economic question. I'm not going to dwell on the rise of the hidden societies. Some notable names appear, Edward the 7th,( started WW1 ) Bertrand Russel ( looney ) Arthur Balfour ( Occultist) and Lord Palmerston ( 2 pencils up nose and a tendency to exclaim, "wibble " ) and our Venetian favourite Giuseppe Mazzini ( made that nutjob in Goodfellas look like a saint )
There are I believe around 5000 people total running the joint broken into 5 or 8 families. The. Boys . There are others but are not as virilus or persuasive as the others:
The European ones:
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe
And one mustn't forget the Chinese, Li family, busy in Hong Kong and possible though his gaussian formula engineered the crash of 2008.
So we have the history, we have the whose, is who in their black history, the why can be a substantial debate, suffice to say total power and the reliving of the golden age are two points of note
We, therefore, return to the original question of incentive. knowing now what we know about the who and the why and knowing that we need 5% of the adult population to effect total change and that those in power will coerce the emerging social contract as they did in the Russian September revolution where they backed the Bolsheviks and not the Mensheviks who proposed a debt free currency.
How will the people affect the incentive of change unless two fundamental things happen
Over 5 % of the population become educated as to the extent of the rot and unite to effect the second part of removing and putting in place structural reforms such as the removal of a debt based scrip and a scrip that is based on surplus a surplus that must be tied to the health of the land and a clear limit on control such as a strong highly diversified local economies.
The strong are never strong enough to always be the master unless it transforms strength into right and obedience into duty
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