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Email from John Munro Aucland Council Iclei

Hi Stephen.  Thanks for your email and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
The "5 point plan" is really just ICLEI's interpretation of our work.  For a better grounding, I'd suggest looking at the Auckland Plan (it's big!) and the Low Carbon Auckland Action Plan, here.  You may also wish to read some of my quarterly musings (for example, here)
Christchurch is taking similar action on climate change.  It may be a bit dated as a document, but you may wish to see this plan.  We also work closely with CHCH and other larger NZ cities through LGNZ and, most recently, the Local Leaders Climate Declaration.
Tony Moore who works for CCC will most certainly be able to provide more detailed information than I about Christchurch.
So who is this ICEIL non profit organization..
It looks like a group of like minded people committed to the green ideas of sustainability …
Low-carbon City
A low-carbon city recognizes its responsibility to act. It pursues a step-by-step approach towards carbon neutrality, urban resilience and energy security, supporting an active green economy and stable green infrastructure
Sounds good. So who are these people with such ideals…
Again from the ICEIL website
Representatives of the newly-formed partnership involving UN-Habitat, UNISDR, World Bank, GFDRR, IDB, Rockefeller Foundation, 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge Programme, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and ICLEI. (Photo by UNISDR)
Now these representatives are not turkeys voting for Christmas,, why would someone who built their empire on oil and energy inn a most ruthless way , vote for alternative energy. They wouldn’t , unless it was of a greater benefit.
Well again from the ICEIL website we find Agenda 21 or as it is now called agenda 2030,
So we start delving into agenda 21 ,the who what’s and whys
Agenda 21 is


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