At the beginning of the fourteenth century Florence was
a city state, with a dependent territory somewhat less in extent
than the county of York Its merchant companies or societies
had their agents in every important centre of population
throughout Western Europe, and finding ample opportunity
for the negotiation of loans, they had extensive dealings with
the Papacy, the Plantagenets, the Valois, and the Angevins
of Southern Italy. In fact, most of the business of Europe of
this particular type was in their hands, and in many places
their remarkable success procured for them cordial hatred (fn. 1)
in Florence, from its merchant nobles downwards, is said to have been
more or less engaged in the production of wealth The mainstays of its
prosperity were the
extensive transactions in banking and moneylending already
mentioned, and a flourishing cloth industry embracing manufacturing,
dressing, and dyeing The silk industry was
probably not of first-rate importance till somewhat later The
gilds of the "Exchangers" or "Bankers," of the "wool merchants," and of
the "merchants in foreign cloth" were the
chief of the seven "Arti Maggiori" of the city (fn. 2)
The "Arte del Cambio" seems to have been first concerned with the collection and transmission of dues from
various princes to the Roman Pontiff, and it is probable that
whilst thus engaged the merchants first realised the possibilities of this branch of their activities The Societies of the
Mozzi and Spini of Florence were famous papal bankers of
the thirteenth century and farmers of the papal revenues; in
the fourteenth century they had largely given place to the
Bardi and Peruzzi, whose agencies were by then scattered
widely throughout Western Europe (fn. 3)
For the "Arte della Lana" and the "Arte di Calimala"
the chronicler Villani gives some interesting figures for the
year 1338 He asserts that the former had more than two
hundred cloth manufacturing and dyeing establishments in
the city, that 70,000 to 80,000 "panni" or "pieces" of cloth
were produced annually to the value of 1,200,000 golden
florins, and that over 30,000 people were employed in the
trade The wool from which this cloth was made was imported mainly from Spain, Portugal, and England The
"Arte di Calimala" had, says Villani, no less than twenty
"fondachi" or "warehouses" importing over 10,000 panni
valued at 300,000 florins, all to be resold in Florence (fn. 4) In the
list of the names of the societies owning these warehouses
appear the Bardi, Peruzzi, Acciaiuoli, Alberti, and Bonaccorsi,
all of which at different times had their agencies in England (fn. 5)
by side with this industrial and commercial prosperity
of Florence there existed social and political unrest, in which
usually the merchant societies were deeply involved A conspiracy,
inculpating certain of the Frescobaldi, had been frustrated in 1323, (fn. 6) to be followed in 1325 by another equally unsuccessful Tommaso Frescobaldi had undertaken to betray
the city to Castruccio Castrucani of Lucca, and although
he escaped with his life, he was sentenced to perpetual
infamy and his property confiscated (fn. 7) War with Castruccio supervened in the same year, and the Florentine arms
endured severe defeat at Altopascio, (fn. 8) the enemy ultimately
reaching the very walls of the city The Duke of Calabria,
eldest son of the King of Naples, was made Lord of the City,
but not arriving at the stipulated time, he imposed the Frenchman, Walter de Brienne, Duke of Athens, on the people, as
his Lieutenant The Emperor, Louis of Bavaria, also
appeared in Italy, and received the iron crown of Lombardy
at Milan in May, 1327, and the prospect was distinctly gloomy
for the Florentines The Duke of Calabria hurried south to
protect his father, leaving the Duke of Athens behind him
He had done nothing whatever for the Commonwealth, but
his rule had entailed expenses to the extent of 900,000 florins (fn. 9)
Relief, however, came unexpectedly-Castruccio died on the
3rd September, 1328, and the Duke of Calabria died also in
November in the same year The death of the latter, according to Villani, prevented an uprising against him in Florence (fn. 10)
The war with Castruccio had caused heavy expenditure, but
the city was by no means at the end of its resources
over various intrigues, which centre round Lucca,
the acquisition of which town was earnestly sought by the
Commune of Florence, the city was next at war, from 1336
to 1339 with the powerful House of Scala The exchequer
being much depleted, a number of "wise and clever merchants" (of whom
Villani is said to have been one) was summoned together and arrangements
were made with the gilds
by means of which 100,000 golden florins, and more
as required, were to be provided at a stipulated rate of
interest (fn. 11) Florence was, however, duped by her powerful ally
Venice, and reaped little from the war, other than a debt of over
450,000 florins, for the repayment of which the customs' dues
of the city were pledged to private citizens for the next six
years (fn. 12)
One authority considers that this is the epoch which may
be justly regarded as furnishing events signifying the beginning of the end for the financial and commercial prosperity of
Florence (fn. 13) During this period there developed a state of
affairs inimical to the Commonwealth throughout the spheres
of influence of her merchant societies The Bardi and
Peruzzi were probably the richest of these societies, and there
is little doubt that they were heavily involved in the financial
difficulties of the city at home This in itself, however, would
not have been serious, the very extent of their business activities throughout Europe would have provided, and in fact did
provide them with the means of meeting their obligations for
some years after 1339 The outbreak of war between England and France was the great calamity which ultimately
ruined the merchants They probably found it impossible
to maintain friendly relations with both combatants, in any
case the formal outbreak of the war in 1337 was accompanied
by the arrest of the representatives of the Florentine societies
in France, the price of their release being huge loans to Philip
of Valois (fn. 14) But what was still worse, the King of England,
to whom they had made enormous advances, ceased in actual
fact to make any adequate payment of his debts whilst all
the time desiring to take up further loans (fn. 15)
Added to all this there was further financial disaster in
Florence itself, and also in the kingdom of Naples, where the
merchants had much capital engaged This capital was, of
course, not entirely their own property, but that of Florentines
and others who had deposited with them Lucca was again
the immediate cause of the crisis Disappointed at not
having obtained possession of the town after the war of 1336
to 1339, Florence entered into further negotiations for its purchase, which ultimately involved her in war with Pisa After
enduring a severe defeat in October, 1341, the Commonwealth
appealed for aid to Robert, King of Naples, and, greatly
angered by his apathy, it even turned momentarily to the
Emperor, Louis of Bavaria Yver argues that the Florentine
merchants used all their influence in the endeavour to secure
the assistance of the King of Naples, and that they-the
Bardi, Peruzzi, and their dependents-were the "certi savi
amatori di parte guelfa" (fn. 16) of Villani, who, having much at
stake in the Neapolitan kingdom, and being anxious not to
alarm Robert, did their utmost to prevent the acceptance of
the Emperor's terms The result was satisfactory to the
merchants as regards the Emperor, but not so in the kingdom
of Naples, where there occurred a run on the funds of the
Florentine bankers which caused the immediate failure of the
Bonaccorsi and several other of the smaller firms (1341) (fn. 17) The
greater companies, the Bardi and Peruzzi, had still sufficient
political prestige at home, and sufficiently valuable property
and possessions, and sufficient business reputation, to enable
them, though severely shaken, (fn. 18) to combat fortune a little
Florence suffered further defeat to her armies, and Pisa
obtained possession of Lucca in July, 1342, after which Walter
de Brienne, Duke of Athens, a French adventurer, (fn. 19) was
chosen Lord of the City and made commander of the armies
He did not continue the war, but intriguing, in order to obtain
supreme power, with the "grandi" and "popolo minuto"
against the "popolani grassi," he succeeded rapidly in
alienating all classes (fn. 20) Many of the wealthier merchants, including the Bardi, Peruzzi, and Acciaiuoli, at first supported
the Duke, hoping through him to re-establish their estate
somewhat, but when he entirely repudiated the public debt,
they realised their error and engaged in conspiracies against
In one of these, the Bishop of Florence, a Dominican of
the family of the Acciaiuoli, and many nobles, including
representatives of the Bardi and Frescobaldi families, were
involved, but nothing came of the attempt (fn. 21)
The city, however, having first asked help from Siena and other
neighbouring towns, rose against the tyrant on the 26th July, 1343
Some of the "popolo minuto" and a few of the great
"popolano" families-the Peruzzi, Cavalcanti, Acciaiuoli,
and Antellesi, at first tried to create a diversion in his favour, (fn. 22)
but finding it quite useless they allied themselves with the
majority of the citizens By Monday, the 28th July, a
Committee of fourteen citizens (seven "grandi" and seven
"popolani," one of whom was named Simone Peruzzi) was
deputed to reform the government of the city (fn. 23) Barely escaping with his life, the Duke was smuggled out of Florence in
the dead of night on the sixth of August His rule had
lasted a little over ten months, and had cost the city over
400,000 florins (fn. 24)
After the expulsion of Walter de Brienne, those of the
wealthier classes who had at first supported his aggressions
were attacked by the populace The main strength of the
"grandi" was in the Oltrarno quarter of the city on the left
bank of the river, where the houses or palaces of the Bardi,
Frescobaldi, Rossi, Nerli, Mannelli, and others were situated (fn. 25)
The barricaded bridges over the Arno were stormed and
carried on the 25th September, 1343, and the houses of the
Frescobaldi and Rossi were soon captured and despoiled The
Bardi made a desperate resistance, but their palaces were
sacked and burnt, and they themselves with difficulty escaped
alive From fifteen to twenty members of noble families
were banished, and the loss of the Bardi alone on this occasion is said to have been over 60,000 florins of gold (fn. 26) This
was the "coup de grâce" to the Florentine merchant companies They could not even appeal for aid to Robert, King
of Naples, for whom they had done so much, for he had died
in the previous January, and the treasure which he had
amassed was being squandered by his successor Robert had
also, like Edward of England, though for other reasons, forborne to pay his debts, and was under obligation to the extent
of 100,000 florins to each of the societies of the Bardi and
Peruzzi. (fn. 27) He had been, during his long reign, (fn. 28) a means of
their attaining opulence and power, he was also an instrument
of their downfall The crisis, from this moment, seems to
have been inevitable, it was merely postponed for a few
months longer, till the beginning of 1345, but their creditors
were everywhere clamorous and their stability was destroyed
It is evident that in England their activities were seriously
curtailed, and that they practically ceased to be of any vital
financial importance after 1343 The affairs of Florence did
not improve, the catastrophe of 1345 was followed by a failure
of the harvest in 1346, and by famine in the following year
The feeding of the people is described by Villani, and he estimates the loss to the Treasury at more than 30,000 florins (fn. 29)
Worse than all this, in 1348 came the terrible devastation
wrought by the Great Pestilence (fn. 30)
The foregoing considerations may serve to establish the
opinion that the failure of the Italian financiers is not solely
to be attributed to the perfidy of Edward of England It may,
perhaps, be true that his were the most serious delinquencies, (fn. 31)
yet the disturbed state of Florentine affairs and the expenses
in which the merchants were there involved, the loss of
property they sustained, their persecution in France, (fn. 32) and their
repudiation by the King of Naples, must have been potent
factors in the shattering of a business reputation, whose limits
were alone determined by the civilisation of the age
Most of the societies of Italian merchants that had been
prominent under his father and grandfather had disappeared
from the field of operations at the beginning of the reign of
Edward the Third Two great societies had already met
with serious misfortune, the Riccardi under Edward the First
and the Frescobaldi under his successor The remaining
companies were either involved in the ruin of the greater ones,
or considered the risks too formidable, or perhaps they found
the magnitude of the negotiations beyond their ability, and
continued to trade in the country privately apart from the
court Whatever course they adopted, with two outstanding
exceptions, they withdrew for the most part from the political
arena The exceptions, of course, were the societies of the
Bardi and Peruzzi of Florence
Of these two societies, that of the Bardi was much the more
important at first It appears indeed to have succeeded
almost immediately to the position from which, owing largely
to the antipathy which the English displayed in 1311 towards
foreigners, (fn. 33) the Frescobaldi fell The Bardi advanced at
least £72,631 to the English Sovereigns between 1290 and
1326, and of this amount, only £4,926 was lent before 1311, (fn. 34)
whilst the Peruzzi, on the other hand, are only recorded as
having taken part in two transactions with the King, and are
only involved to the extent of £900, (fn. 35)
within the period above
mentioned There is, however, a tendency apparent by
about the year 1337, for the two societies to act in concert
This has become the established custom by 1340, in which
year the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer received
orders to charge and discharge each society by itself in the
accounts which they rendered for sums and things lent by
them to the King and delivered to them by the King, "as
they have begun to render their accounts together for such
sums" (fn. 37) When the crisis came in 1345 both societies were
irretrievably ruined
By reason of their great wealth, their business capacity,
the universal acceptability of the Florentine gold coinage,
which was of absolute fineness and was never debased (fn. 38), and
their advanced methods of international credit and exchange,
the services of the Italian merchants became practically indispensable to several governments of their age They were not
"mere merchants," but "bankers" also, exercising the
double function of receiving and husbanding the funds
entrusted to them by depositors, especially after the suppression of the Templars, and also of negotiating loans for clients
who could offer reasonable security (fn. 39) They were invaluable
to the Papacy as collectors and transmittors of its revenues.
In the following attempt to estimate the extent of the
services rendered to Edward III by the Bardi and Peruzzi, it
is proposed that the Society of the Bardi shall be first dealt
with, as they, without doubt, were the more important at the
commencement of the reign
The deposition of Edward II appears to have affected them
but little They were extensively employed, both in France
and England, by Isabella and Mortimer, and after the fall of
the latter, still more by the youthful King
A merchant operating alone, either for himself or as a
representative of his society, had become somewhat of an
exception-owing perhaps to the increasing magnitude and
risk of the negotiations The tendency also to require some
security for the monies advanced-the pledging of jewels, an
assignment on some branch of the customs revenue, or the
privilege of exporting free of toll, or at a reduced toll at least-
was pronounced A day for repayment was also often fixed,
and gifts in money or kind were of frequent occurrence as
compensation for failure to meet the obligation The necessity
to pay it was, indeed, instanced by the King as a hardship
when writing, through his Chancellor, to the sheriffs and the
collectors of the triennial tenth and fifteenth granted by the
community of the realm in various counties These officials
had not been sufficiently prompt in rendering account of the
monies received by them for the King's use The King
ordered arrest of the collectors and seizure of their lands and
goods, unless his orders were at once complied with, "for,"
states the writ in question, "the King has learned that the
collectors retain the money, devoting it to their own uses, not
weighing the King's most urgent necessity for lack of money,
which is notorious to all his subjects, by reason of the war, so
that he has had resource to usury with several creditors" (fn. 40)
In connection with the Bardi the name of Taldo Valori
appears in 1327 He did not apparently visit England after
this date, although his death did not occur before 1344 He
appears to have been dissatisfied with the conditions and
vicissitudes of financial dealings with English Kings (fn. 41) A
detailed list of the names of members of the Society of the
Bardi trading in England during the reign of Edward III is
given below, so far as they are indicated in the Patent and
Close Rolls (fn. 42) Of these names the following recur most
frequently -Alessandro de' Bardi, Bartolommeo de' Bardi,
Pietro Bene, Dino Forzetti, Giovanni di Francesco, Francesco
Grandoni, Jacopo Niccolini, and Pietro Rinieri
At the beginning of the reign of Edward III the Society
was engaged in a not very important dispute with Thomas de
Useflete, a former keeper of the Great Wardrobe, who had
been ordered to account with Taldo Valori and his fellows
for things bought and received by him for the late King's
Wardrobe and to certify what was due to them or to the King (fn. 43) This was followed by complaints from the Bardi to the effect
that Thomas de Useflete had caused the bailiffs of Boston Fair
to seize £400 worth of their goods at the Fair, on the ground
that the Bardi ought to have supplied £400 worth of spices,
etc, to the Wardrobe of Edward II for the like amount of
money handed to them The company, claiming to have
supplied £200 worth, appealed to Edward III, who appointed
a day in Chancery for the hearing (fn. 44) Almost a year later,
Thomas de Useflete was ordered to make restitution of certain
goods "in consideration of good service done by the merchants to the King," (fn. 45) and the aulnager, who had seized the
goods, viz, six coloured cloths, ostensibly because they were
not of standard length, etc, was ordered to return them and
was informed of the defence of the merchants that they did
not intend the goods for sale in this country, that they were
bought in Flanders and intended for Brabant, and accidentally
taken to Boston by their servants (fn. 46)
The above appears to be fairly typical of the treatment of
the merchants during the first ten years of Edward's reign
Local friction frequently occurred, but the Italians usually
found a firm friend in the sovereign, and for the most part
their appeals were answered in their favour
On March 1st, 1327, protection and safe-conduct for a year
under the privy seal was granted to Jacopo Niccolini, Dino
Forzetti, Francesco Grandoni, Alessandro de' Bardi, Giovanni
di Francesco, Pietro Rinieri, Pietro Bene, and Tano Cecco,
merchants of the Society of the Bardi of Florence (fn. 47) This was
renewed for a year after it had only run for a little over three
months, viz, on June 15th (fn. 48) This is a typical entry constantly
recurring throughout the period A licence was granted by
the King at the instance of Queen Isabella to the same merchants (the name of Alessandro de' Bardi alone being omitted)
in May of the same year, allowing them to buy and export
wools for one year without complying with the ordinances
of the staple of wool, provided they paid the customs, etc, due
thereon to the King (fn. 49) Again, in August, the customers of
Southampton were ordered to send to the King at once any
money in hand of the customs of wool, hides and wool-fells,
and of the new custom, any previous assignments notwithstanding, "except those to the merchants of the Society of the
Bardi of Florence" (fn. 50)
These are all instances of privilege conferred on the Italian
merchants, in defiance of statutes limiting the residence of
foreign merchants in the realm and expressly forbidding the
assignment of customs to their use (fn. 51) Again, on 12 January,
1328, it was ordered that all monies received, or to be received,
from the collection of the "twentieth" in the county of Kent,
should be paid to the Bardi, to hold it for the King's use
until further orders (fn. 52) This exhibits the merchants acting as
a "bank deposit" for the King. A month later they sold
to the King certain "houses" they possessed in Lombard
Street for the sum of £700 (fn. 53)
Evidence of the Crown's heavy indebtedness to the Bardi
is afforded quite early in Edward's reign before the debts
could have been of his own contracting
the 20th August, 1328, orders were issued to the collectors of the
'twentieth' in Southampton, London, and twentyone counties (excluding
Kent) to raise £4,435-to the collectors of the 'tenth' of the clergy in
twelve dioceses to raise
£2,000-and to the 'customers' of the ports of Chichester,
Southampton, and London to raise £1,565-in all £8,000.
The amount to be raised by each collector is exactly specified,
and it is required that the money be paid to the Bardi of
Florence "in part payment of a great sum of money lent to
the king" (fn. 54) The amount to be raised in the port of London
is £1,390, but the whole of the revenue here is not available
for the Bardi, owing to the claims of William and Richard
de la Pole The latter share the customs revenue of London
with the Bardi, and in addition receive by assignment all
monies from the customs in Ipswich, Yarmouth, Lynn,
Boston, Kingston-upon-Hull, Hartlepool, and Newcastleupon-Tyne, because they have undertaken to provide the King
with £20 daily for the maintenance of his household (fn. 55) Assignments from the customs revenues, such as the above, are the
security most often accorded to the merchants for repayment
of loans
The provision of money for the maintenance of the royal
household had become one of the functions of the Bardi very
shortly after the date of the writ just quoted
The Exchequer was ordered on 20 August, 1329, to make
speedy payment to the Bardi out of monies received "as much
is owing to them," (fn. 56) and as they had promised to find a certain
sum (£20) daily for the expenses of the King's household for
a certain time (fn. 57)
This payment appears to have continued until All Saints'
Day, 1331, and the day on which the payments commenced is
elsewhere given as 17 August, 1329 (fn. 58) Collectors of customs
were ordered to make payments direct to the Bardi, and the
Exchequer was to cause tallies at the receipt to be levied for
the sums the "customers" paid to the Bardi in execution
of the King's orders, "because they pay daily to the King's
Wardrobe for the expenses of his household," and the tallies
were to be delivered to the merchants, or their attorneys, for
the discharge of the said collectors (fn. 59) This maintenance of the
household for 807 days, involved a sum of £16,140, but the
merchants would be receiving repayment, more or less continuously, from the customs, etc, throughout the period (fn. 60)
Under date 15 November, 1331, it is stated that the Bardi
have agreed to find 1,000 marks per month for the royal household from 1 December to 1 October next, and an assignment
was made in their favour "on the old custom of London, and
on the old and new customs of Boston, Kingston-upon-Hull,
Lynn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Hartlepool, also on a moiety
of the old custom of Southampton (because with assent of the
Bardi, the other moiety is assigned to certain merchants of
Aquitaine) (fn. 61) and on all the new custom there to an amount not
exceeding 500 marks yearly, with a further allocation of £1,000
out of the first issues paid by the Chamberlain of Wales, or
from other monies of Wales, etc" (fn. 62)
The indenture drawn up at Windsor, containing the above
details, concludes with an engagement "that the King will
have regard to the Bardi for expenses of collecting, etc, in
such manner as they shall consider themselves satisfied in
reason" (fn. 63) The total liability of the Bardi under this obligation
would be 11,000 marks (fn. 64)
There is some evidence, particularly later, after the beginning of the French War, that repayments from assignments
were not always satisfactorily made, but even at this period
grants for losses sustained were being made to the Bardi, one
of these, under date 16 December, 1332, was a gift of £1,000
promised for the ensuing Easter, on account of the merchants'
losses, and "for furnishing the expenses of the household to
Michaelmas last" (fn. 65)
After the first day of October, 1332, there follows a period
of two years, to Michaelmas, 1334, during which the Bardi
do not appear to be making the same regular contributions for
the upkeep of the Royal Household which they had made for
three years previously They did make certain payments
which are recorded, but with one exception, they were all in
the last five weeks prior to Michaelmas, 1334 The entries
relative to these transactions may be summed up as follows -
An acknowledgment of the King's indebtedness to the Bardi
on 2 May, 1333, in £1,071 paid for the expenses of the household and other purposes, with an assignment on the customs
of the port of London, (fn. 66) on 28 August, 1334, an order for repayment out of the customs of Southampton, and the custody to
the merchants of one part of the "cocket" seal in that port,
because they had lately paid 500 marks to Richard de Ferriby,
keeper of the Wardrobe, for expenses of the household, (fn. 67) -on
12 September 1334, an order for payment from the old custom
in the port of London, of £200, which had likewise been paid
to Richard de Ferriby, as before, (fn. 68) -and lastly, under the privy
seal as in the two former cases, an assignment out of the first
issues of the coinage in the Stannary of Cornwall, because the
Bardi had advanced two sums of money, one of which was 600
marks, paid to Richard de Ferriby for the household (fn. 69) If the
whole of the £1,071 mentioned above be included (although
not entirely for the household) these payments amount to
£2,004 6s 8d or 3,006½ marks, about sufficient, at the previous
rate (fn. 70) to have maintained the household for three months
Certainly therefore, use must have been made of other sources
of supply during the remaining twenty-one months of the
period under consideration
At the end of this two years the regular contributions of
the merchants once more commenced On 1 October, 1334,
a grant from the old and new customs of London, Southampton, Boston, and Kingston-upon-Hull, saving certain other
specified assignments, (fn. 71) was made to the Bardi, who were
again supplying 1,000 marks monthly for the household for
a year from Michaelmas last (fn. 72) Their loans for this period
(ending Michaelmas, 1335) would therefore be 12,000 marks
Again, on 12 December, 1335, a further assignment on the
customs was made in favour of the Bardi, because they had
arranged to find 500 marks per calendar month from 1 Novem
ber, 1335, until the ensuing Michaelmas (fn. 73) This must have
involved them in the payment of 6,000 marks It is, however,
hardly likely that the expenses of the household had been cut
down by fifty per cent, hence it seems probable that a further
500 marks per month was being obtained elsewhere Once
more, on 2 October, 1336, the Bardi had undertaken to find
6,000 marks for the year ending Michaelmas, 1337 (fn. 74) It
appears to be certain, therefore, from the foregoing, that this
one company provided the household of the King with at
least £41,477 13s 4d during the years from 17 August, 1329,
to Michaelmas, 1337 (fn. 75)
Beyond one entry on 18 October, 1337, which orders the
"customers" of Southampton to pay to the Bardi up to 2,000
marks everything-from the issues of the customs-from the
subsidy of 20/- per sack on every sack of wool exported,
granted to the King at Nottingham-and also from the loan
of 20/- per sack of wool exported by foreign merchants-
"because they (the Bardi) pay the expenses of the household" (fn. 76),
the Patent and Close Rolls cease for the moment to
afford evidence as to the contributions of the Bardi for household
expenses This may be due in part to the commencement of the French War
and the King's frequent absence
abroad, for the contributions of the merchants are usually
designated from this time onwards as "for war requisites"
in some form The above entry, however, seems to indicate
that the Society continued to assist in the maintenance of the
household after Michaelmas, 1337, and there is definite evidence that
they did so assist a year or two later This will be
again mentioned in due course (fn. 77)
The King's immediate household was not, however, alone
in its reliance and dependence upon the financial resources of
the Bardi Queen Philippa, Queen Isabella, and Edward,
Earl of Chester, required and received assistance Queen
Philippa received £400 for household expenses prior to 21
December, 1330, (fn. 78) and £2,268 15s od "paid at various times"
for the same purpose by 4 February, 1333 (fn. 79) The Bardi are
stated to have lent £4,535 11s 11d for the debts of Queen
Philippa on 10 October, 1337, (fn. 80) and previously on 18 March,
1337, they had been ordered to pay £500 which they had
received from the papal collector of the King's moiety of the
clerical tenth, etc, "to John Darcy 'the nephew' as part payment of £1,000 which the King promised to pay to John for
Queen Philippa, being part of a large sum the Queen owes
John for the manor of Wark in Tyndale, which she has bought
from him" (fn. 81)
£900 had been paid to Queen Isabella prior to 5 February,
1333, (fn. 82) and on 6 May, 1336, the King acknowledged his indebtedness to the Bardi for £7,200 (fn. 83) paid to the Queen his
mother On 15 November of the same year the Society was
ordered to lend £250 to Edward, Earl of Chester, the King's
son, for expenses of his household, another equal sum being
found otherwise (fn. 84)
Very varied are some of the incidental necessities of the
sovereign which the Bardi relieved-£100 for the funeral
expenses of John of Eltham, the King's brother (fn. 85) -1,000 marks,
part of which was for the expenses "of our sister Eleanor's
passage beyond sea" (fn. 86) -1,635 marks on Eleanor's behalf (fn. 87)
£1,000 being probably "her marriage portion" which was paid
to Reginald, (fn. 88) Count of Gueldres-392½ marks paid to the
King of Sicily (fn. 89) -£300 the King's gift to Queen Philippa (fn. 90) -
£7 8s 4d to a London merchant for "spicery" (fn. 91) -£19 11s od
for "couriers" on the King's business (fn. 92) -25 marks "to Colard
Maloysel, yeoman of the Countess of Julich, sister to Queen
Philippa, for bringing news to the said Queen of the birth
of a child to the Countess" (fn. 93) -£1,000 to Roger Mortimer, Earl
of March, in aid of the marriage of his daughter with the
eldest son of Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, and
Marshal of England, paid at the King's request (fn. 94) -
£2,417 10s 3d for diverse jewels of gold and silver, delivered
into the Wardrobe for the "solemnisation of the King's
marriage" (fn. 95) -£22 for two cups bought for the King through
Thomas West (fn. 96) -£863 7s 8d to Antonio 'Bache' for redemption of gold and silver jewels which the King had pawned
to raise a loan (fn. 97) -£200 to Lapinus Roger, keeper of the table
for the King's "exchange" at Dover (fn. 98) -4/8 to the King's
smith in the Tower of London for his expenses in making
tackle and an anchor for the "Christopher" (fn. 99) -40 marks to
Raymond Spiawie of Bayonne, a poor, old, and faithful servant of the King and his father (fn. 100) -and even £27 8s 10d (fn. 101) and
£97 17s 11d (arrears at 3/1 per day for nearly two years) (fn. 102)
for the upkeep of the King's menagerie of lions and leopards
in the Tower of London
The above entries, chosen somewhat at random, will serve
to indicate the universality of interests for which the resources
of the merchants were requisitioned, but of course it was
mainly as a result of hostilities that such assistance from them
was necessary The war, especially in its earlier stages, entailed a lavish expenditure in the form of "fees" or "pensions"
to numerous dignitaries to retain them in Edward's service (fn. 103)
The case of John of Hainault will serve by way of illustration
On 7 February, 1327, the King assigned to him 1,000 marks
annually, out of the customs of the Port of London, until the
King should provide him with land to that amount in England (fn. 104) Dino Forzetti and his fellows of the Society of the
Bardi of Florence were appointed by John, on 28 June, 1329,
as his attorneys in London to receive this sum for him (fn. 105) It is
stated on 16 June, 1329, that the Bardi have promised to pay
to John of Hainault £7,406 6s 9d in full payment of a greater
amount due to him from the King (fn. 106) 10,000 marks from the
King of Scotland was part of the assignment to them on this
occasion, but they do not appear to have received it, although,
apparently, it was paid to the King (fn. 107) John's pension of 500
marks half-yearly was regularly paid by the merchants from
Easter, 1329, to Michaelmas, 1336, and although after this
date, with one or two exceptions (fn. 108) the pension does not appear
to have been paid through the Bardi, John of Hainault is
indicated as receiving it until Michaelmas, 1345, (fn. 109) that is to say,
to within twelve months of the battle of Crécy, in which he
was an adherent to the King of France, Philip of Valois Like
many another of Edward's German and Netherlandish allies
he was probably more anxious to acquire his remuneration
than to render any very effectual services
Pope John xxii, by a bull dated 30 June, 1329, imposed a
four-yearly tenth on the clergy of England, Ireland, and
Wales, and also reserved the first-fruits of vacant benefices
for the same period This was done with the connivance of
the King, to whom a moiety of the above was granted The
Papal Collector in England, (fn. 110) who would have to account with
the King for the moiety due to the latter, was ordered to pay
the King's share to the Bardi, for the whole of it was, in
due course, part by part, made over to them as payment for
services rendered to the King (fn. 111) When the papal agent fur
nished his statement as to the result of the first three years'
collection, he gave particulars of the amounts received and in
arrears, and of the sums paid over to the Bardi These details
are of some little interest As regards the first-fruits of
vacant benefices, over £10,312 is due, of which £8,135 has
been collected The King's share was therefore over £4,067,
of which the collector had paid over already the sum of
£3,627 Of this, however, the Bardi had only received a little
under £648
The clerical tenth of course was more productive The
amount due for the first three years was £57,075, at the rate
of £19,025 per annum The collector requested that £1,890
might be allowed to himself for expenses of collection and
because of exemptions granted to certain cardinals beneficed
in England The balance due was then £55,185, of which
the King's moiety was about £27,593 Four acquittances
were produced by the collector shewing that he had paid
£26,000 to the Bardi, and had advanced £1,000 for the King
in Ireland (fn. 112)
The death of Pope John xxii in December, 1334, is said
to have interfered with the completion of the collection of the
above tenth, and the King summoned the members of the
Societies of the Bardi and Peruzzi and others to discuss the
question It is stated that the King considered that the
advice of the merchants would be most opportune for the completion and happy disposition of this affair (fn. 113)
The Calendars of Patent and Close Rolls contain very
little of importance relative to the dealings of the merchants
of the Society of the Peruzzi of Florence with Edward III
prior to the year 1336 Though they were undoubtedly
trading in the country, they do not appear to have been very
closely associated with the affairs of the Court
In 1330 they were acting in concert with the Bardi, as
attorneys for the Count of Julich, receiving for him the pension
allowed him by Edward III (fn. 114) In 1333, licence was granted
to Neri Perini, Arrigo Accorsi, Giovanni Giuntini, and his
companions of the Society of the Peruzzi dwelling in England, to take certain of their wools to the staples appointed,
and to export them, after paying the customs, where they
will, notwithstanding the ordinance of the staple directing that
all wools shall be bought at the staples (fn. 115)
Privileges of this kind, also accorded to the Bardi, may be
taken as evidence that the Peruzzi were doing considerable
private trade They dealt extensively in wool with the various religious houses (fn. 116) -as did the Bardi and others also-and
they also cultivated business relations with the nobility They
were connected with the affairs of Hugh le Despenser the
younger, and had to account to the King for certain properties, when the whole of his effects was forfeited to the Crown (fn. 117)
There is also a record of negotiations with the Prior of the
Order of S John of Jerusalem in England who pledged over
15,000 animals to the Bardi and the Peruzzi, together with 40
sacks of wool, and silver vessels worth 200 marks, in return
for a loan of 2,681 marks The same prior also acknowledged
his indebtedness to the societies in a sum of 34,000 marks,
which he duly repaid (fn. 118)
The Peruzzi family was of considerable importance in
Florence, and during the days of the Republic produced ten
"gonfalonieri" and fifty-four "priori" (fn. 119) The Head, or Director,
of the Company during the period under consideration was
Tommaso d'Arnoldo Peruzzi till 1331, then Giotti d'Arnoldo
Peruzzi till 1336, then Bonifazio di Tommaso Peruzzi,
who, compelled to leave Florence and visit London
in 1339, when the affairs of the company became
precarious, died there in 1340, "perchance," says
Peruzzi, "from grief, foreseeing the impending catastrophe
to his family, and to Florence" He was succeeded as Director by his brother Pacino di Tommaso
Peruzzi, who was a signatory to the "arrangement" of 6
September, 1347 (fn. 120)
The Society maintained agents in all important centres
where they traded, their London representative being Giovanni
di Tano Baroncelli, whose family, in common with those of
Giovanni Villani, the chronicler, Gherardo Gentili, Stefano
Uguccioni, Baldo Orlandini, Francesco Forzetti, and others,
had been connected with the company for over fifty years (fn. 121)
In the year 1336 the Peruzzi advanced to the King sums
amounting to £4,666 13s 4d for urgent matters and for the
King's secret business beyond the sea, and were promised
payment by fixed dates out of the tenth and fifteenth (in four
counties) granted to the King by the commonalty of the realm
and by the citizens and burgesses thereof (fn. 122) This is all that
is recorded for the year, but a very different state of activity
is at once evident with the advent of the year 1337, in the first
six months of which the company has provided the King with
more than £18,000 (fn. 123) Moreover, it is fairly evident that the
Patent and Close Rolls do not contain a record of the whole
of the transactions with the company For example, an
entry, dated February, 1337, mentions that the Peruzzi have
lent to the King £11,732 13s 4d for his war with Scotland
and for the defence of the realm, (fn. 124) of which there is no definite
account given, and further, in September, the King acknowledged his indebtedness to the Society, first for £28,000, then
for £35,000, the former amount being included in the latter (fn. 125)
The Company, however, lent to the King £2,000 at the beginning of September, (fn. 126) so that, if we may assume that the
£18,000 and £11,732 above mentioned, are independent
amounts, which seems probable, there is evidence of debt to
the extent of about £32,000 Further, the entry of 2 September, re the £35,000 which the King acknowledged, states that
the Peruzzi have already lent the greater part of it, and are
about to pay the rest (fn. 127) Now the loans of the Company to the
King were fairly continuous for some little time after this
date, generally for purposes more or less connected with the
war-as, for example, £100 for fitting out ships for the King's
service, (fn. 128) £130 wages of mariners, conveying the King's
envoys back to the realm, (fn. 129) £100 for building a galley at New
Hythe, Kent, (fn. 130) 1,000 marks to the Earls of Salisbury and
Huntingdon, and to the Bishop of Lincoln (fn. 131), £200 for services
rendered to Master Richard Bintworth, King's Clerk, (fn. 132) and
(January, 1338) the sum of £7,139 16s 8d for specified purposes, of which £4,472 3s 4d was for Henry, Bishop of
Lincoln, and the two Earls of Salisbury and Huntingdon,
when sent as the King's envoys beyond the sea (fn. 133)
In this connection, however, the most striking fact is, that
there is an entry on the Liberate Rolls of the Exchequer,
dated 15 October, 1337, which seems to prove that the huge
sum of £35,000 was actually paid from the King's Exchequer
to the Society of the Peruzzi on one writ alone (fn. 134)
The making of gifts to the merchants by way of compensation for losses sustained through delay or failure on the part
of the King to meet his obligations was a practice to which
resort was frequently made It was, no doubt, in some cases,
a subterfuge by means of which interest on money lent could
be paid to the merchants, without direct contravention of the
laws against all usury In some cases the King paid interest
expressly as such (fn. 135) and he was frequently compelled to pledge
articles of great value-even the crown of England, (fn. 136) two
crowns of Queen Philippa, (fn. 137) or the jewels in the Tower, upon
occasion-before he could obtain money at all At other
times the security took the form of the detention of some
important dignitary of the realm, the Earl of Derby, for
example, at the time of the crisis of 1340 and 1341 The
Archbishop of Canterbury was also bound for the King's
debts to certain men of Louvain, who would have imprisoned
him without doubt, if they could have obtained possession of
his person, but the Archbishop protected himself against both
the King and the merchants, by wisely remaining within the
precincts of his Cathedral of Canterbury (fn. 138) Even the King
himself was little better than a prisoner in Ghent, when in
November, 1340, he dared not leave openly on account of his
debts but was compelled to have recourse to clandestine
departure (fn. 139)
A very definite example of the payment of interest by the
King occurs in an indenture between the King and the
Leopardi, where the former acknowledges that he owes to the
latter (for non-payment of a sum of £9,897 6s 0d at the
stipulated time) a further sum of £1,386, calculated at the
rate of £346 10s 0d per month, for a period of four months
This amounts to 3½% per month, or 42% per annum approximately (fn. 140) Again, in June, 1341, the King being in debt to
certain men of Brussels, it is stated that he has paid to the
Bardi 430 marks, which they, at the request of Henry of
Lancaster, Earl of Derby, have paid for the King, 'in order
to obtain respite for a time' from the payment of a sum of
about 4,000 marks This is about 10¾% of the total, but
an exact computation is impossible in this instance as the
time is not specified (fn. 141) Further, in the same month as the
preceding, the King, considering the services rendered to him
by the Bardi and Peruzzi, and finding that they have not been
able to obtain 1,800 sacks of wool granted for export with
the ease that was presumed, now permits them to take 300
sacks, and allows them to have 2½ marks per sack (of the 40/custom and subsidy) by way of rebate on the King's debts to
them, provided that they pay the remaining half mark to
certain merchants of "Almain" to whom the King has granted
the customs, etc, in all ports of the realm (fn. 142) This is not so
definite and certain an example of interest, as those before
given, as it depends upon whether the 300 sacks here mentioned
are, or are not, part of the grant of 1,800 sacks A careful
collation of the several entries relating to these 1,800 sacks
and stipulating the ports from which they are to be taken,
has led to the conclusion that the 300 sacks are probably by
way of compensation for delay in the acquisition of the larger
grant (fn. 143) It is perhaps almost impossible to arrive at certainty,
as in the case of most of the larger grants of wool made to
the Bardi and Peruzzi, the latter appear never to have been
able within a reasonable time, or indeed at all, to acquire the
total number of sacks allocated to them
An example of the payment of interest covertly occurs
at the very beginning of the reign In September, 1327,
the King acknowledged a debt to the Bardi of £2,066 13s 4d,
of which £500 is described as "recompense for delay in
repayment" of various sums of money by the King (fn. 144)
Direct gifts to the merchants, particularly to the Bardi,
are of somewhat frequent occurrence prior to the year 1339
After this date there is a marked scarcity of these awards, two
or three alone being recorded Occasionally gifts were made
to the wives or daughters of the merchants, probably as Bond
suggests, with a view to securing the grant to some particular
individual, and so preventing its absorption by the funds of
the Company Five of these grants were made in June, 1339
-to the wives of Gherardo Boninsegni, Bartolommeo de'
Bardi, and Dino Forzetti, of the Society of the Bardi, and to the
wife of Tommaso d'Arnoldi Peruzzi, and the daughter of
Bonifazio di Tommaso Peruzzi, to the last named on the occasion of her marriage (fn. 145) The Bardi were paid in July, 1340,
there is no entry on the Liberate Rolls as regards the two
grants to the Peruzzi
By far the most remarkable of these grants are the two
huge gifts of 28 June, 1339, £30,000 to the Bardi, and £20,000
to the Peruzzi, "in remembrance of time subsidies for the
King's service, and their losses, labours, and expenses endured
for him" (fn. 147) It would be interesting to know whether these
payments ever were really made, it seems to be almost
impossible that they could have been made in one sum, and if
it became a matter of assignment, there is grave doubt as to
whether the greater part ever would be received by the merchants Besides the gifts specified above there are several
other large awards, or promises of award, notably-one of
£10,000, (fn. 148) one of £4,000, (fn. 149) one of 4,000 marks, (fn. 150) two of £2,000, (fn. 151)
one of 2,000 marks, (fn. 152) and five of £1,000, (fn. 153) to the Bardi, and
one of £9,000 (fn. 154) to the Peruzzi Many of these were not
actual payments-promise to pay on a certain date was given,
or an assignment on some tax or on the customs, etc, was
stipulated Possibly also the gifts were sometimes made
with a view to inducing the merchants to negotiate further
advances, certainly several indentures drawn up between
themselves and the King refer quite pointedly to both assignments and further loans, (fn. 155) and it is occasionally stated that the
King has taken the merchants under his protection, on account
of the services they have rendered to him, "and more especially
because the merchants have granted that they will make a
further loan of the sums assigned to them, when they obtain
these" (fn. 156) The King found it necessary to protect the merchants by letters patent with respect to the gifts he made to
them, stating expressly that the sums assigned by the King
and the late King to the merchants "have been pure gifts
made of mere liberality, and they are quit in respect of them" (fn. 157)
This was probably necessary to prevent various royal officials
from charging the gifts against the Companies The King
also performed occasionally some act of favour at the request
of the merchants, as for example the conferring of a minor
office on some person preferred by them, (fn. 158) whilst on at least
one occasion, he appealed to the Doge and Community of
Venice for fair treatment of the Bardi in a dispute between
themselves and that city (fn. 159)
It has already been remarked that the Bardi and Peruzzi
were apparently trading in concert shortly after the commencement of the year 1337 In this year the dealings of
the Peruzzi with the Crown first become very prominent as
the King's necessities were greatly enhanced by the imminence
of war with France The Peruzzi appear at a first glance to
have been more generously treated in the way of repayments
by the King than were the Bardi who had really done more
for him, but deeper investigation would be necessary for the
absolute determination of this point The loans and assignments to the merchants afford evidence in many cases after a
cursory examination that the share taken by the Bardi was to
that of the Peruzzi in the ratio of three to two, in fact, that
this was so, is once or twice expressly stated (fn. 160) The merchants
were once again contributing to the upkeep of the royal household for a period of one year from 1 June, 1340 (fn. 161) They were
to find 2,000 marks per month of 28 days-in sterling when
the King was in England and in current money for trade
when he was abroad (fn. 162) The money was stated to be for the
maintenance of the King's family, and for the wages of his
servants, serjeants, etc, and it was to be paid monthly, as to
1,200 marks by the Bardi, and as to the remaining 800 marks
by the Peruzzi, (fn. 163) according to agreement entered into between
themselves and the King on 28 May, 1340 (fn. 164) Assuming that
this arrangement was observed it must have entailed an
expenditure of 26,000 marks by the societies, and to enable
them to meet it the King assigned to them all the subsidy of
the ninth of sheaves, fleeces, and lambs, and the ninth of
movables of the citizens and burgesses in the county of
Gloucester of the first year The King emphasised the necessity of the strict observance of this grant to the merchants, (fn. 165) but it is very probable that they would experience the usual
difficulty in obtaining repayments, especially after the conversion of the subsidy of the ninth, etc, into a subsidy of a
definite number of sacks for the King in the Parliament of
1341, a procedure which would no doubt render their assignment invalid in its first form and would occasion application
for some other allocation (fn. 166) Prior to this, a further grant had
been made to the merchants towards household expenses An
assignment of £2,650 for the Peruzzi and £3,600 for the
Bardi was granted and apportioned to twenty-two ecclesiastical
collectors to be paid to the merchants from the biennial tenth
granted by the clergy It is stated that the Bardi complained
that they had at the end of the year found £2,369 11s 8d
more than they had received, and an order was made for this
to be paid to them (fn. 167) Since their share of the payment was
15,600 marks, this goes to prove that they obtained repayment
to the extent of £8,030 8s 4d
Edward's only chance for the successful prosecution of the
war lay in his ability with the assent and assistance of the
merchants to manipulate the wool trade, as this provided
the only real source of revenue on which he could rely for
an extended period In March, 1338, (fn. 168) it was agreed between
the King and the Bardi and Peruzzi that the former should
deliver to the latter all the wool (understood to be about
25,000 sacks (fn. 169) ) granted to him in England, and that the merchants should sell them for as much as they could for the
King's profit The merchants were to have controllers to
write down what they received and sold, and the King wished
them to take the sacks as a rebate on that in which he was,
or for which he would be, bound to them Various assignments, dependent upon numerous stipulations, were then made
to the merchants, and they undertook to advance £15,000 and
to observe several conditions The King further undertook
to bring on his ships "to the sum of 2,000 sacks of the levies
of the merchants," as quickly as possible, "at their cost and
freightage, to sell them, if they can better supply the King's
needs" (fn. 170) The custom on the wool was to be rebated to the
merchants on that which the King owed to them at the rate
of forty shillings per sack No levies were to pass out of
England except those of the Brabançons and the
Germans until all the said levies had passed and
were sold Further, the King, realising that the
merchants by undertaking these things were put in
rebellion to the King of France, and would be in
danger of losing what they had in his realm, promised
to make amends to them for such losses Finally, the merchants were to have every facility granted to them to enable
them to carry out their part of the undertaking whenever and
wherever the same might be needed This example may well
serve to illustrate the manner in which the merchants were
made serviceable to the King,-there was more involved than
a mere loan and its repayment with or without interest-the
merchants were to trade with the King's goods, they were,
so to speak, to invest his wool in their business and account
with him for the profit accruing on his "shares" There can
be little doubt that the heavier customs and other dues, charged
on the wool, would assist the merchants in efforts to buy more
cheaply from the English producer, and the merchants would
enhance the price as much as possible when selling in the Low
Countries This procedure in turn would be aided by
Edward, if as promised, he prevented the export of all other
wool until these particular wools were sold The extreme
slowness with which the King's wool was collected made the
advances of the merchants still more necessary to the
monarch who required immediate supplies During the
autumn and winter of 1338-1339 a large fleet was held in readiness for transport at Harwich The date of its departure is
uncertain, but presumably it must have set sail before 24
March, 1339, since it does not appear to have been destroyed
by the French, when, on that day, they sacked the town (fn. 171)
As time went on supplies of wool for the King became more
and more difficult to secure, and in September, 1340, the
Bardi were aiding him with their own wool "as he could not
have the wool granted to him by Parliament, so readily as he
believed at the time of the grant" (fn. 172)
In the section on Florentine affairs above, (fn. 173)
an attempt was
made to trace out certain influences at work in Florence,
Naples, and France, which were contributing from 1339
onwards, and especially after 1343, to the ultimate downfall
of the Florentine financiers Similar forces were at work in
England centring around the King's pecuniary necessities
due to his wars with Scotland and France The situation
really became acute after the war with France became inevitable in 1337,
and there was much native jealousy and irritation caused by the
presence and operations of the merchants,
and by the royal favour bestowed upon them There may
have been conspiracy on the part of English merchants against
them, and the King may have been involved in it (fn. 174) -one thing
is certain, that the storm seems to overwhelm them quite
suddenly and without any very obvious cause The Bardi
and Peruzzi appear to have themselves requested an audit of
their accounts and payment of what was owing to them As
a result of the audit we find the merchants in prison, seemingly convicted of malpractices, but with no specific charge
against them except that they owe a large sum of money to
the King, of which he demands payment by a fixed date under
penalties, whilst admitting that his own debts to the merchants
are greater than theirs to him (fn. 175) The King graciously
accorded his royal pardon to the merchants a little later, (fn. 176) but
did not do anything further towards alleviating their distress.
It remains, however, to examine events a little more closely
There is notice of an audit of the accounts of the Bardi,
taken with a view to the making of payment or assignment
to them, as early as 1336, (fn. 177) It was therefore quite natural that
they should ask for an audit at a later date, and perhaps,
expect the same result There seems to have been a tendency
to desire the institution of a periodic audit of accounts, even
of the royal accounts, about this time, on the part of the
Commons, but no such result was obtained during the reign
of Edward III (fn. 178) Signs of aversion to the foreigners are early
evident John Molyns was entrusted with the arresting of
all foreign merchants of Lombardy and elsewhere, except
partners of the Bardi and Peruzzi, (fn. 179) in 1337, and in 1338
Edmund de la Beche, King's clerk, had a similar commission,
and was not to be liable for impeachment or disturbance as a
result of his appointment (fn. 180) The King issued notice to the
Exchequer in September of this year, not to pay any fees to
the King's ministers by "writs of liberati" even though these
writs be brought to them, nor cause any fees of the ministers
to be allowed until they had received other mention by the
King's writs This action is defended on the ground that the
King was incurring great expense for the defence of the realm,
and to recover the rights of his crown, and that, as all ought
to assist in this, he had ordained, with the assent of the
council, that the yearly fees of all ministers, as stated above,
should cease, unless some of the ministers were so needy
that they could not manage without this, and that the money
should be applied in the meantime to the support of the said
charges (fn. 181) This order serves to show the trend which affairs
were taking, and in the next year it was followed by another
which affected the merchants more closely On account of his
necessity the King revoked on 6 May, 1339, all assignments,
of money or other things, made by him or his ministers, before
or after his passage beyond sea, "other than for defence of
castles and towns in Scotland, and to the Bardi and Peruzzi,"
and of all respites of debts made since his last transfretation,
and ordered that, until his return, no fees should be paid to
any justices, barons of Exchequer, clerks promoted, or other
ministers, who have other means of support (fn. 182) This writ is
exceedingly important, but it appears to indicate that exception was made in favour of the Bardi and Peruzzi, and this
point of view also seems to be strengthened by subsequent
entries in the Patent and Close Rolls On 18 May, 1339, (fn. 183)
protection and safe-conduct were granted to the Peruzzi, who
had made large subsidies for the King's service, since he went
beyond seas and before, and had promised to pay large sums
for him in England,-their goods were to be treated with the
same care as if they were the King's goods, on 15 June, five
weeks after the "revoking" order, £10,000 was assigned to
the Bardi, (fn. 184) on the 26th of the same month an order for the
payment of certain monies to individuals who had victualled
the fleet expressly contained the words "in spite of assignment of this money to the Bardi, and assignment to them being
excepted in recent order revoking all assignments made before
this time," (fn. 185) lastly, on 28 June, 1339, a writ was issued permitting William de la Pole to have his assignments, in spite
of the "revoking" order (as he cannot otherwise continue to
supply the King)-and this writ was to be obeyed "although
the King lately revoked all assignments except those made to
the Bardi and Peruzzi for the munition and defence of his
castles and towns in Scotland" (fn. 186) No doubt the order of 6
May, 1339, was sufficiently serious as indicating how little the
merchants might ultimately expect from the King, and it was
no doubt wise that the Director of the Society of the Peruzzi
should come at once to London to attend to the affairs of his
firm, (fn. 187) but the final breach with the English monarch had not
yet occurred
Edward promised, on 4 August, 1339, to protect and pay
both the Bardi and Peruzzi, and enjoined his son to attend to
the carrying out of this, if he should fall in the wars Seven
witnesses vouched for the good faith of the King, and the writ
referred to the sufferings of the two firms through their
services to him, which had caused them to lose capital and
credit, to undergo imprisonment, and to be called on suddenly
for repayment through fears as to their solvency (fn. 188) A commission was appointed in July, 1340, possibly owing to the
complaints of Parliament, to examine and audit the receipts
and payments (from the time of the granting of the tenth for
three years, and notwithstanding any acquittances or pardons
made by the King) of the Bardi and Peruzzi and others, and
the writ expressly states that the grants to the merchants had
been made on the understanding that the King would do this (fn. 189)
Nothing of importance appears to have resulted from the
appointment of this commission, but it is very probable that
the Bardi and Peruzzi were receiving very little repayment
in comparison with the amounts owing to them from this
time onwards, and we are informed in July, 1341, when a new
assignment is being made to them, that it is "for relief of
their estate, much depressed in these days by large payments
made and undertaken on his (i e the King's) account" (fn. 190)
Under date 19 October, 1342, appears what seems to be the
earliest notice of the appointment of the commission of "oyer
and terminer," which was to examine all accounts of the Bardi
and Peruzzi touching wool, jewels, money, and other things
of the King received by them as well beyond seas as within,
for which they should account (fn. 191) This Committee probably
did not sit immediately, and when it did meet, its deliberations
seem to have been unduly prolonged (fn. 192) At first the commissioners numbered four, but in January, 1343, their total was
brought up to nine (fn. 193) They were required to audit the accounts
of the merchants from the beginning of the twentieth year of the
reign of Edward the Second (fn. 194) until a fixed date The treasurer
and barons of the Exchequer were to search their files for all
writs of allowance, warrants, etc, by which the merchants
could have any allowance upon their accounts, and they were
required to have the same transcribed, and sent under the
Exchequer seal to the commissioners appointed to undertake
the audit (fn. 196) No doubt, the examination of these accounts was
a long and tedious process, and it does not appear to have
been completed before the end of 1343 (fn. 197) Robert de Wodehouse and his fellows had been ordered to do all that was just
and reasonable, and to make all proper allowance to the mer
chants, (fn. 198) and further, if they came across anything doubtful,
which had been claimed by the Bardi and Peruzzi, to put it
by itself, so that when the matter came before the King and
his council, they might declare as they thought fit (fn. 199) There
are several writs to the Commissioners, and to the Exchequer
authorities, requiring them to make various allowances to the
merchants, and the latter were apparently not at all satisfied
with the statement which the Commissioners, as requested,
submitted to the Exchequer authorities This statement had
to undergo examination in the Exchequer, and the treasurer
and barons were urged to discharge the merchants of what
was allowed to them in the accounts and proceed to a final
issue in accordance with the law and custom of the Exchequer,
always saving to the King and his council the discussion of
any claims in the said accounts which the merchants had laid
before the auditors (fn. 200) As a further commission was appointed
on 5 February, 1344, to examine carefully all the data furnished to the King and council, and to certify them in the
matter, it seems probable that the merchants had appealed
against the finding of the earlier commissioners and the
Exchequer There appears to be no further information about
them until it is stated in the next month, March, 1344, that
the King has issued a writ to the Sheriffs of London directing
them to take certain of the Bardi and Peruzzi and all their
fellows, and have them before the Chief Justice by a certain
date, to satisfy the King for the trespasses and deceits whereof
they were convicted before Robert Parvyng and his fellows (fn. 202)
This order was superseded for a time but not countermanded, and affairs were by no means progressing favourably
for the Italians Giovanni di Portenari of Florence, and
Antonio "Bache" were in the Fleet prison in March, 1343, for
arrears of account, (fn. 203) and Ridolfo di Peruzzi was there in June,
1344, in company with two other of his associates (fn. 204) Safe
conduct and protection for a year was granted in February,
1345, to the Bardi, who were going through various counties,
collecting monies of an assignment which the King had made
to them from the clerical tenth and from the tenth and fifteenth
of the laity granted to the King in the last Parliament, (fn. 205) but
in June and July the King was issuing orders to the Constable
of the Tower to keep certain of the Peruzzi safely lodged there
until further orders, (fn. 206) and to the Sheriff of London not to
permit certain of the Bardi to be released from prison until
they had satisfied the King for the debts in which they were
bound to him (fn. 207) The Bardi acknowledged in November of this
same year that they owed the King £18,000 to be paid at
Martinmas next, and the King granted that if £9,000 were
paid at Martinmas, or before, the bond for £18,000 should be
null, but otherwise the £18,000 should be rebated in the debt
which the King clearly owed them, and if they failed in part
in the payment, then the triple of what was lacking should be
rebated in that debt (fn. 208)
What the faults of the merchants were is not here stated, (fn. 209)
but it is conceivable that they might be such as might be condonable in the light of the conduct of the King, who appears
to have treated them with considerable injustice Certain particulars given in April, 1345, deal almost exclusively with the
Bardi and fix their accounts with the King at £50,493 5s 2½d
for the period December, 1338, to July, 1340
The amount is made up of £30,264 12s 3½d actual loans
in money to the King, £10,000 paid for the King and his
council, and £10,228 12s 11d granted as a gift for services
and losses Certain sums are then mentioned as having been
received by the Bardi between December, 1342, and March,
1344, and it is stated that they are all accounted for by the
merchants in the return presented by Robert de Wodehouse
to the Exchequer, except a sum of £2,595 18s 2d still
required from the Bardi at the Exchequer Finally the merchants are said to have been duly charged with all wools and
other things which they have received (fn. 210) But this entry cannot
possibly be the completed return of Robert de Wodehouse
and his fellow commissioners, for it deals with a few years
only of the period under discussion, it gives receipts for one
period and loans for another, and it deals with the affairs of
one company alone
The King promised in March, 1346, to pay the Bardi
£23,082 3s 10½d due in their account begun before Robert
de Wodehouse This entry is followed by a number of others
mentioning debts of the Bardi to various individuals, and
these were always deducted from the above amount, the King
having undertaken to pay them In this way the sum owing
to the Bardi was reduced apparently to £13,454 2s 11½d in
1348, after which date nothing further appears with regard to
it (fn. 211) During this period, and indeed until 1360, the date of the
last Patent Roll available, protections and safe-conducts were
continuously issued for the Bardi, forbidding anyone to
attempt to obtain any payments from them, as they owed the
King a great sum, and might not be able to pay, if others
were allowed to sue them for debt, and "according to the
ancient prerogative of the Crown, the King ought to be pre
ferred before others in the payment of debts" (fn. 212) The
Calendars of the Close Rolls contain little of importance as
to the Bardi and the Crown after 1345, but the merchants
seem to have continued to trade in a very small way, (fn. 213) and a
certain Gualtiero de' Bardi was master of the mint at the end
of the reign of Edward III and at the beginning of that of
Richard II (fn. 214) The only payment they appear to have received
towards the acknowledged debt of £50,493 5s 2½d was one of
£150 in October, 1347 (fn. 215) Many years later, in the reign of
Richard II, under the date 10 November, 1391, occurs the
following -
"Pardon and discharge, for reasons agreed upon between
the Great Council of the one part, and Gualtiero de' Bardi,
merchant of the Society of the Bardi of Florence, their attorney, of the other part, and for the salvation and discharge of
the souls of the late King, the King, his heirs and executors,
as well as divers lords spiritual and temporal of the realm,
their heirs and executois, to the said Gualtiero and merchants,
their heirs, executors, and attorneys, of all actions, suits, and
demands, sums of money, or other things the value of money,
due to the King from them, or current in demand at the
Exchequer or elsewhere in the King's places" (fn. 216)
Such then appears to be the end of the transactions between
the English Crown and the Bardi
There are but few facts recorded in the Calendars of the
Patent and Close Rolls after 1345 as regards the Peruzzi
They were still in the Tower in March, 1346, but not closely
confined there, being free to go and come as they chose (fn. 217) The
King's indebtedness to them in 1347 was given at £20,000,
or rather, Walter de Chiriton and others, having assignments
to the value of £40,000 were to satisfy the Peruzzi for the
King (fn. 218) It is stated that Chiriton and his fellows had undertaken to pay £100,000 for the King's debts in Gascony and
£20,000 to the Peruzzi (fn. 219) On the whole, however, the Peruzzi
were, perhaps, somewhat more fortunate than the Bardi, for
they appear to have received payments amounting to £6,375
in June, 1346, (fn. 220) and a further payment of £100 in August,
1352 (fn. 221) This is the last mention of the Society, perhaps they
were among the Lombard merchants about whom the
Commons complained as having left the country in that year (fn. 222)
Villani gives certain particulars as to the affairs of the companies He appears to have been himself financially interested
to a small extent, first, in the Peruzzi, (fn. 223) with whom he had
invested 2,000 lire, (fn. 224) and after 1308, in the Bonaccorsi He
is said to have been imprisoned for a short time on the failure
of the Companies (fn. 225) He notes the state of the accounts of the
Societies in England at the time of the outbreak of war
between that country and France, which was a serious misfortune to the Companies (fn. 226) Villani puts the loans of the
Bardi to Edward at 180,000 marks, those of the Peruzzi at
135,000 marks, and evaluates the total at 1,365,000 florins of
gold, (fn. 227) "the worth," says he, "of a kingdom" (fn. 228)
The date of the failure is given as January, 1345, (fn. 229) and the
indebtedness of the King of England is fixed at 900,000 florms
to the Bardi, and 600,000 to the Peruzzi The King of Naples
had left debts of 100,000 florms to each company, therefore the
grand total owing from the two Kings was 1,700,000 florins, or
evaluating at the ratio used by Villani above, about £262,000
sterling The debts of the merchants in Florence and elsewhere amounted to about 900,000 florins, or about £138,000
The Acciaiuoli, Bonaccorsi, Cocchi, Antellesi, Corsmi, the
Uzzani, Perendoli, many other small companies and private
individuals were all involved in the general destruction of the
commercial importance of the city, which was bitterly
lamented by the Chronicler, but ultimately attributed to the
justice of God, in the punishment of the sins of the people (fn. 230)
The magistrates of Florence appealed on behalf of the Bardi
to the King of England-" Regum Gloriosissime et Domine"
-but apparently without effect, (fn. 231) the marked indifference of
Edward and his Parliament being especially noted by
Peruzzi (fn. 232) The King of France, instigated by the Duke of
Athens, says Villani, made reprisals against the Florentines
in his realm, (fn. 233) and before the end of 1345 several of the Bardi,
being implicated in the introduction into the city of a number
of coiners of false money from Siena, (fn. 234) were put to death in
Florence The failure of the Florentines spread something
very like panic throughout the trading communities of Europe,
but an arrangement was ultimately arrived at and signed on
6 September, 1347, at a conference held in Florence under the
auspices of the Commune (fn. 235) The names of the "syndics"
appointed by the city to aid in the settlement of affairs between
the societies and their creditors are given below, as are also
those of the members of the companies at that period (fn. 236)
The Bardi appear to have paid about six soldi per lira, or
about 30%, whilst the Peruzzi paid four soldi per lira, or about
20% (fn. 237)
To complete the account of the loans by Italians of this
period to the sovereigns of England, it would be necessary to
deal with numerous small companies and certain important
individuals Such are the Acciaiuoli, Albertini, Leopardi,
and Bonaccorsi, certain merchants of Lucca, Siena, and Genoa,
the Portenari, Antonio Pessagno, Antonio "Bache," and
others, (fn. 238) some of whom made very important contributions to
the royal needs, and no doubt were among the Lombard merchants who left the country in 1352, (fn. 239) that is, such of them as
escaped the general "débâcle" of 1345
Four great companies of Italian merchants had been ruined
by dealings with English kings-the Riccardi of Lucca under
Edward I, (fn. 240) the Frescobaldi of Florence under Edward II, (fn. 241) and
the Bardi and Peruzzi under Edward III
The two last mentioned Companies advanced £73,500 (fn. 242) to
the first Edward and his successor, and they appear to have
found no less (if we include their contributions to the maintenance of the Household) (fn. 243) than £359,600 for Edward III (fn. 244)
This gives a total loan of not less than £433,000 to the English
Crown between the years 1290 and 1345, by the merchants of
the Societies of the Bardi and Peruzzi of Florence alone
There is considerable ground then for the statement that
as regards the repudiation of his obligations by Edward III of
England "se non fu allora la sola causa per cui decadde la
prosperitÀ della repubblica di Firenze, ne fu certamente una
delle maggiori" (fn. 245) E Russell
(a) Lists of names of merchants of the Societies of the Bardi
and Peruzzi of Florence, trading in England, during the
reign of Edward III (Compiled from Calendars of
Patent and Close Rolls)
(b) Names of members of the Companies at the time of their
failure, and names of the "Syndics" appointed by the
Commune of Florence, to aid in effecting a settlement
between the Companies and their Creditors
Merchants of the Society of the Bardi of Florence trading in England
during the reign of Edward the Third
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