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Why it annoys me

I'm going to expand in order to highlight
Now I must stress , this is not about you. However it is about a generation.
I sit down next to a stranger in a skate park in christchurch and strike up a conversation.... He has bought 30 acres in Swanandowa ( sp) .....
My lot have had 17 odd houses.. you through a bit of hard work and good fortune probably are similar.

Most people of my generation have had to work as hard
Just to keep our heads above water.!
Retirement, savings, a new car?...not happening unless you carry debt.
Unless you are on the housing ladder deep in debt and stripping capital from the asset...
Now that's fine ..I have no problem with that , the American dream isn't  my thing.
I do however, take issue;      I do take issue,  when I point out" how why and where! supported by not my " made up facts "  but evidence that you simply can't  make up ..( plants eat co2 and the atomic weight is 44  see previous posts  etc. ) and the  listener suffers from a massive attack of cognitive dissonance. ...let's use another episode to illustrate the point;
A simple case in point .. John key , yes a total psychopath..Alan Hubbard? South Canterbury finance?..
But Murray Mc Cully? Was just as guilty.. so this is telling you that many and I do mean many MP's are not serving the people .
So then we need to ask some questions ,it's your duty as a CITIZEN. .
Why? Why is the national party " blue" and labour " red"... strangely the Democratic party and Republican party are the same ...and in Brittan?..bit strange that !

Why didn't they choose pink or off White?...
So if similar patterns are followed ..what are the chances of a central or plan shared by a similar group.? The current measles outbreak that just " happens to be in the Philippines, California, Tokyo, Texas and more at the same time ...
Do you think the news is coming from the same three agencies?  Or some how measles broke out at the same time in those locations by magic?

Now has any actually read
Ar5, SR15,
the law passed by both national and labour concerning the Tppa
The global compact
Agenda 21
Agenda 2030
The wildlands project
NZ monetary policy
The budget ...!!!
The Christchurch climate action plan ( this is where your rates are going towards!)
Know what "Common purpose"  actually is ....

No... I doubt it ...I have and have the copies I can produce.

And yet " opinions" are forced passive aggressively and when challenged the cycles goes like this:  debate , slander,  anger.. ignore ... you can set your watch by these cycles.

Classic cognitive dissonance.

At this point . I can feel the cognitive dissonance kicking in. ...and the rebuttal forming.....
But without evidence or support the opinion is meaningless.

I take issue with "opinion"based on nothing but the " age card" ( which I used to differ to but at 21+ years of age doesn't wash,)

Or opinion based on "TV"..( I know one who worships that evil )

  If,  I were to get the reply , " oh that's interesting, why do you think that?".
I will investigate that , and reply with "I think your wrong/right because...!"
 I do however  note , that the information ,which came  via the computer has really only become available in the last 20 years and if the computer isn't a comfortable device , access to the information will be limited.and or stressful to obtain.

  This is not just me saying these crazy things. We live in is a post fact world run by criminals .. ..many many people in NZ ( look at France if you want evidence;)
Many people are saying the same thing.   I'm not smart enough to think of all this by myself. 

 I do try and check what people say...and from over 10 years ( more so in that last 5) years . I have formed this opinion. and while sometimes, actual quite a lot of the time.  I'm wrong on details.I'm not wrong in what I say .
Now what usually happens; is I will get:
A throw away comment
An angry " in  denial" outburst
Ignored   But......
What will not happen,  is a reply to the points I have raised.
It's the same Every-time 

and I'm not going to tolerate it anymore.


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