The Nazi party aimed to control every aspect of people's political, social and working lives. It maintained control through a mixture of Propaganda and intimidation. 1. Government (political) The way Hitler consolidated power in 1933-1934 meant that the Nazis had absolute control of national and local government. Hitler installed Gauleiters: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and their Deputies, 1925-1945. They were among the most powerful men in Germany from 1933 to 1945 and answered to only one man...Adolf Hitler. 2. Religion (social)Hitler believed that religion was a threat to the Nazis' control over people's minds, so he tried different ways to reduce the power of the church over people. 3. Culture (social)Hitler ordered Nazification - the imposition of Nazi values - on all aspects of German life. 4. Work (working)Dr Robert Ley, head of the DAW.F [ DAF : German Labour Front ], boasted that he controlled workers' lives fro...