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Jacinister Adern

 This was produced by the Vinny Eastwod and all thanks goes to his show for diving into Jasinisters past.....

Labours new leader Jacinda Ardern was

Brought up as a Mormon -
Her father Ross Ardern,
A long serving police officer,
went on to serve as Niue's chief of police,
And later after retiring from his 40-year policing career,
Became New Zealand’s High Commissioner to the small Pacific nation.

Jacinda was educated at Waikato university,
Assisted, by a Freemasons scholarship,
Which tells you something about her family ties,
And reflects yet another MP,
Whose promotion was assisted by select interests,
who enforce the states quo power base,
 of the ‘old boys school tie’ network.

Her Background,
Is in public relations.
Her parting with the Mormon church,
Came around the same time she first went to work for Phil Goff,
Goff, is The current Mayor Of Auckland,
Parting with the church especially the Mormon church is a significant event
She has also openly said she suffers from anxiety.

A supporter of privatisation who proposed the sale of Auckland’s ports.
He is also, A member of Parliamentarians for Global action.
Jacinda then worked for Helen Clark,
Clark, is A supporter of privatisation,
a proponent of the TPPA,  and signed the Tppa...
As well as the Global Compact on migration..

a Member of both the Club De Madrid,
& Parliamentarians for Global action,
Who, with support from John Key,
Has made attempts to become the UN’s next Secretary General.

Jacinda’s past employment,
 included a review of policing in the UK and Wales,
Which was first brought about because of the John Stalker affair in the 1980’s,
Which demonstrated Freemasonry,
Had a strong influence on the UK policing system.
A general ban on Freemasons joining the police,
followed the affair.
This widely reported issue was made into several films and dramas,
Including Irvine Welsh, Filth & Porridge.
In 1990 there was again,
UK media focus on police corruption,
Pertaining to the abuse of children,
By senior police officers.
However, Jacinda,
with assistance from this particular corner,
of the old boys school tie network,
participated in an orchestrated whitewashing of the issue,
The resulting investigations,
Conveniently found nothing…
Demonstrating yet again,
That Freemasonry,
Was still in control of the UK police force,
With lodges deliberately flouting bans on members joining the police,
following the Stalker affair.

Jacinda then went to work for the Better Regulation authority in the UK,
A pro business agency.
It was set up to assist large corporates in the European Union,
By establishing legislation that both,
Reduced regulations for major corporates,
And strangled small businesses with red tape.

Although we do not have confirmation that Jacinda herself,
Is a member of the globalist Parliamentarians for Global Action,
Nearly all of her Labour party Mentors, Goff, Clark, Shearer And Roberts, ARE.

In 2008
Ardern told Parliament it was unspeakable that New Zealand form a parliamentary select committee, to question the science of climate change which is now labour policy

In 2011,
Assisted by members of Parliamentarians for Global Action,
Phil Goff & David Shearer respectively,
Jacinda shot up the party list,
Despite having no real profile,

Her Partner,
Clark Gayford,
is a well known TV presenter in the Auckland Media crowd,
and will undoubtedly make sure she gets good press.

In summary,
Jacinda generally appears to be a career politician,
Groomed from the start,
And tipped for a post election career,
in the UN.
Just like Clark.

Now that we’ve got her out of the way,
What about the rest of the Labour Party?

Firstly, it’s a party loaded with members of globalist groups and clubs,
Parliamentarians for Global action.
The Club de Madrid,
The Freemasons (old boy school tie net work),
And almost all their polices support the UN Agenda 21 protocols,
Global government,
and the globalisation ideology in general.

Labour opened the door to retrospective law changes,
Giving politicians a literal get out jail free card.
Instigated a law change,
allowing people who are not born in New Zealand,
to become MP’s.

Labour were the ones responsible for delivering Rogernomics,
A Neo-liberal privatisation policy,
to New Zealand’s political landscape.
And Consecutive Labour Prime Ministers,
Such as Mike Moore & Helen Clark,
Also sold Strategic assets designed to protect national sovereignty.
They’re advocates of iwi having a greater say in government,
While at the same time,
Laws like the proposed Maori Land Court changes,
Seek to give iwi Corporate management,
Greater control at the expense of the wider Maori community.
The End result being,
Iwi (as minority partners to multinationals)
are now being used to introduce privatisation through the back door.

Labour supported  the Flag change,
Which if successful,
Would have introduced a style of republicanism,
One which does not contain equal constitutional protection,
for all of NZ,
or protect its national sovereignty.
The symbols offered as a ‘choice’
Were the silver fern,
or red peak,
effectively symbolising iwi dominance in the South Island,
And West Coast,
both of which had already accepted treaty settlements,
symbolically coming at the expense of the other iwi,
yet to settle.

In Between Labour Victories,
National governments under Prime Ministers Muldoon,
Bolger, Shipley & Key, respectively,
Have also sold strategic assets designed to protect national sovereignty.

Labour were responsible for introducing the TPPA,
In addition to brokering both US & Chinese trade deals,
All of which facilitate the control of New Zealand,
By multinationals,
Owned and controlled,
by less than 1% of the population.
They also initiated the process that will eventually,
Allow the US Food and Drug Administration,
to regulate our food and medicines.

They provided lip service against US warship visits,
Even though it was Labours Lange Government who initially banned the ships.
Labour has remained silent on increased Unites States And NZ military relations,
Silent on the militarisation of New Zealands Antarctic Ross shelf,
And silent on the down scaling of New Zealand’s presence in Antartica.

They got NZ involved in US based Iraq & Afghanistan conflicts,
Based solely on vague promises of milk deals,
At a time, when American milk,
was literally being poured down the drain,
due to an excess of supply.
Labour is responsible for the continued escalation of New Zealand military spending,
In 1987, it was 1% of the GDP
In 2017, it’s at 4%,
And climbing.
Labours creation of the elite SAS within the NZ military,
Was later continued by National,
who set them up as a separate fourth arm of the military.
Under Lange, the NZSAS budget was increased 34%,
And has increased with each consecutive government.
Labour also increased budgets,
For New Zealand’s intelligence agencies,
With each consecutive government.
And Are Responsible,
For the creation of Waihopai spy base,
Beginning the process of mass surveillance,
on kiwis, by their government.
And Labour has again,
only paid lip service,
To Key Security Intelligence warning bells.
On a final note
Labour also introduced Genetic Engineering,
And Genetically modified crops,
Into New Zealand’s land scape.

Finally , due to recent events in chch. Laws have been past that would make the mad German blush.

14 years in prison for watching or sharing a video.

ill concieved gun laws rammed through with a speed that suggests prior planning ( The Arms Amendment Bill was the focus for MPs today as it had its second reading, just 25 days after the Christchurch terror attacks.)

Police raids on journalists and gun owners

This is a corrupt fascist state.

And national are just as bad


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