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Kalergi plan

Kalergia Pan-European Plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Freemason (In 1922, Kalergi became a member of the Masonic lodge "Humanitas"), Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book entitled "Praktischer Idealismus " (practical idealism), which set forth his views on how he believed the abolition of the right to self-determination and liquidation of European countries should be carried out with the formation of the European Union.
After the publication of the book, Kalergi received help from the baron of millionaire Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, who linked him to one of his friends, the banker Max Warburg. Warburg financed Kalergi to help form his European movement. Kalergi urged not only the destruction of European states, but also the deliberate genocide of indigenous peoples through forced mass migration to create a homogeneous mass.
The Kalergi in his own words:
"(European) man of the future will be mixed races. Today's races and classes will disappear due to the disappearance of space (nations) and time."
The Pan-European plan of Kalergi envisaged the use of violent and disproportionate mass immigration, especially from non-European countries, in order to bring about a common European state dictatorship and the destruction of the indigenous white population - the nationalities of Europe.
Intentional and violent immigration in any country in order to colonize and destroy is one of the most extreme racist doctrines
They say that the supporter of the plan of Kallergi is Soros and the Rothschild family. By the way, in the European Union there is a special Charlemagne Prize and the first one awarded is Kallergi.
In his works, Kudenhove-Kalergi showed that if there are no nations, then there will be no borders - therefore a single community will be created.
Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), told the USA Magazine on August 12, 1955: "The priority of European countries should be the control of fertility and the promotion of the ideal of interracial unions in order to create a single race in a single world [one unipolar] subordinate to centralized power" .
In "Practical Idealism" the main inspirer of modern united Europe has directly written that in the future Europe will be ruled by a spiritual elite, the core of which will be the German aristocracy and the Jews. At the same time, the leading role will remain for the Jews, whom he calls "the leading spiritual race of Europe," "the nobility of the brain," and "the spiritual aristocracy."
As for the rest of the population of Europe, in the future it will, according to Kalerga, become a homogeneous Eurasian-Negroid race, and the nations will disappear, mix with each other and - very importantly - with a LARGE number of MIGRANTS.
Today, the ideas of Kudenhove-Kalergia are successfully implemented. Before our eyes, the demographic revolution is taking place (the reduction in the number of Europeans replaced by the "Eurasian-Negroid race"), the "spiritual nation of leaders" is consolidating , the process of "denationalizing" Europe is rapidly proceeding through the abolition of political boundaries.


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