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Joining the connections of the Scumbaggery from Ardern to lucifuge

Well this started off as a reply to the 80 odd points of action that the current government puts forward.
I started off going through each point but soon begin to realize that, actually nothing has been done , except promote current UN agendas.
So I got the feeling that UN corruption was rife in NZ politics. So I checked.
The doors opened and the names and connection leap out. Well not quite, Google has hidden everything they deemed offensive. In other words stuff they don't want you to know .
Well where do we start ...
When did things in NZ change? Well I believe , when NZ borrowed under " think big " this allowed the usual criminals to enact their usual schemes , borrow money , raise interest and offer an escape or debt repayment scheme if the UN , world Bank takes over the steerage of the asset. ( Country and it's assets )
We just called it rogernomics.
So what is " rogernomics" ..well it's a cute , more user friendly name for monetary theory from the Chicago school. This basically says: theories developed there were based on intense mathematical modeling to test hypotheses. One of the bedrock assumptions of the Chicago School is the concept of rational expectations. Friedman's quantity theory of money holds that general price levels in the economy are determined by the amount of money in circulation. By managing general price levels, economic growth can be better controlled in a world where individuals and groups make economic allocation decisions in a rational way. Also beneficial to an economy, according to the Chicago School, is the reduction or elimination of regulations on business. that your income denotes your spending or choices and that the market is King .
So who or what are these neo-liberalists. Well , just a bunch of satanically depressed Germans who tended to be Jewish, that's all , nothing to worry about.
The New York Intellectuals were a group of American writers and literary critics based in New York City in the mid-20th century. Mostly Jewish, they advocated left-wing politics but were also firmly anti-Stalinist. The group is known for having sought to integrate literary theory with Marxism and Socialism while rejecting Soviet Communism as a workable or acceptable political model.
Writers often identified as members of this group include Hannah Arendt, William Barrett, Daniel Bell, Saul Bellow, Elliot Cohen, Midge Decter, Leslie Fiedler, Nathan Glazer, Clement Greenberg, Paul Goodman, Richard Hofstadter, Sidney Hook, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Irving Kristol, Seymour Martin Lipset, Mary McCarthy, Dwight Macdonald, William Phillips, Norman Podhoretz, Philip Rahv, Harold Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Susan Sontag, Harvey Swados, Diana Trilling, Lionel Trilling, and Robert Warshow.
Many of these intellectuals were educated at City College of New York ("Harvard of the Proletariat") New York University, and Columbia University in the 1930s and associated in the next two decades with the left-wing political journals Partisan Review and Dissent, as well as the then-left-wing but later neoconservative-leaning journal Commentary. Writer Nicholas Lemann has described these intellectuals as "the American Bloomsbury".
Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neo-conservatism
Let's have a look at a few Neo-liberal notables in the world bank.
Paul Wolfowitz. Wikipedia;
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (/ˈwʊlfəvɪts/; born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, and former dean of Johns Hopkins SAIS. He is currently a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, working on issues of international economic development, Africa and public-private partnerships, and chairman of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council.
He is considered to be a leading neoconservative. Wolfowitz rejects the term and prefers to call himself a "Scoop Jackson Republican", after U.S. Senator Henry M. Jackson, a Democrat, who was known as a liberal hawk.
He was an early advocate of the Iraq War and has widely been described as an architect of the Iraq War. In the aftermath of the war, Wolfowitz denied influencing policy on Iraq and disclaimed responsibility.
After serving two years, he resigned as president of the World Bank due to scandals described by a Reuters report as "a protracted battle over his stewardship, prompted by his involvement in a high-paying promotion for his companion".
If we look deeper in to this scumbag it just gets worse....
But who did he know and how does this effect New Zealand.
Graham Wheeler.... That's where, Snip, again from Wikipedia:
Educated at the University of Auckland, Wheeler began working at the New Zealand Treasury in 1973 as an adviser. From 1984 to 1990 he was economic and financial councillor for the New Zealand delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, eventually becoming director of macroeconomic policy at the New Zealand Treasury in 1990. In 1997, he went to work for the World Bank Group, firstly as director of the Financial Products and Services Department. From 2006 to 2010 he was managing director of operations at the World Bank overseeing 12,000 staff and a US$1.7 billion budget. In 2010, Wheeler left the World Bank to start his own firm, advising investors and Russian policy makers about Russian privatisation.
Now hang on a minute who was working where and when?
“World bank presidents Paul Wolfowitz 2005–2007 United States”
So wheeler and Wolfie were twice a year at least sitting at the same table. You appoint someone to look after your interests ... someone who shares your ideals .
So wheeler becomes reserve bank governor of NZ and of course institutes UN policies.....
We will come back to NZ in a moment.
Who are these Satanist nut-jobs and where do they come from ..well that friends is a story that goes back to when I was just a young lad and the fella next door was building an ark.
What do Neoconservatives Believe?
“Neocons” believe that the United States should not be ashamed to use its unrivaled power – forcefully if necessary – to promote its values around the world. Some even speak of the need to cultivate a US empire. Neoconservatives believe modern threats facing the US can no longer be reliably contained and therefore must be prevented, sometimes through preemptive military action.
Most neocons believe that the US has allowed dangers to gather by not spending enough on defense and not confronting threats aggressively enough. One such threat, they contend, was Saddam Hussein and his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Since the 1991 Gulf War, neocons relentlessly advocated Mr. Hussein’s ouster.
Most neocons share unwavering support for Israel, which they see as crucial to US military sufficiency in a volatile region. They also see Israel as a key outpost of democracy in a region ruled by despots. Believing that authoritarianism and theocracy have allowed anti-Americanism to flourish in the Middle East, neocons advocate the democratic transformation of the region, starting with Iraq. They also believe the US is unnecessarily hampered by multilateral institutions, which they do not trust to effectively neutralize threats to global security.
However, the history of the term, is not as clear cut as this narrative might imply. According to Arnaud Brennetot, for example, the term was subsequently mainly used to refer to French and other liberals associated with a publishing house called La Libraire de Medicis at least until the early 1950s. By then, the term was increasingly used to refer to German Ordoliberalism, which was a “neoliberal” school based on the idea that markets need a strong state in order to protect competition — ideas that are a major forerunner of the European Union’s framework conditions.
Famously, Milton Friedman even referred to himself as a “neoliberal” in a 1951 article for the Norwegian magazine Farmand, although he subsequently dropped the term.
As I have mentioned before , the original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals who, in the 1960s and 70s, grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left’s social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. Many of these neocons worked in the 1970s for Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a staunch anti-communist. By the 1980s, most neocons had become Republicans, finding in President Ronald Reagan an avenue for their aggressive approach of confronting the Soviet Union with bold rhetoric and steep hikes in military spending. After the Soviet Union’s fall, the neocons decried what they saw as American complacency. In the 1990s, they warned of the dangers of reducing both America’s defense and Israels.0
Make you wonder don't it....
Let's go back into the roots of neo-liberalism.. who was considered the " godfather"
Let's look at one of them: Irving Kristol.
Born January 22, 1920 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.
Died September 18, 2009 (aged 89) Falls Church, Virginia, U.S. Alma mater City College of New York.
Occupation, Journalist.
Irving Kristol (/ˈkrɪstəl/; January 22, 1920 – September 18, 2009) was an American journalist who was dubbed the "godfather of neoconservative". As the founder, editor, and contributor to various magazines, he played an influential role in the intellectual and political culture of the last half-century. After his death, he was described by The Daily Telegraph as being "perhaps the most consequential public intellectual of the latter half of the 20th century".
Kristol was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a fellow emeritus at the American Enterprise Institute (having been an associate fellow from 1972, a senior fellow from 1977 and the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellow from 1988 to 1999). As a member of the board of contributors of The Wall Street Journal, he contributed a monthly column from 1972 to 1997. He served on the Council of the National Endowment for the Humanities from 1972 to 1977.
Another New york Intellectual was; Midge Decter;
A senior fellow at the Institute of Religion and Public Life. She is one of the signatories to Statement of Principles for the Project for the New American Century. Decter serves on the national advisory board of Accuracy in Media. In 2008, Midge Decter received the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom.
Writers often identified as members of this group; include Hannah Arendt, William Barrett, Daniel Bell, Saul Bellow, Elliot Cohen, Leslie Fiedler, Nathan Glazer, Clement Greenberg, Paul Goodman, Richard Hofstadter, Sidney Hook, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Irving Kristol, Seymour Martin Lipset, Mary McCarthy, Dwight Macdonald, William Phillips, Norman Podhoretz, Philip Rahv, Harold Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Susan Sontag, Harvey Swados, Diana Trilling, Lionel Trilling, and Robert Warshow.
Many of these intellectuals were educated at City College of New York ("Harvard of the Proletariat") , New York University, and Columbia University in the 1930s, and associated in the next two decades with the left-wing political journals Partisan Review and Dissent, as well as the then-left-wing but later neoconservative-leaning journal Commentary. Writer Nicholas Lemann has described these intellectuals as "the American Bloomsbury".
Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neoconservatism.
And on saying all of this, we had better have a look at the poster child of neo-liberalism monetary policy: Milton Friedman.
Milton Friedman was born on July 31, 1912, in New York, and died on Nov. 16, 2006, in California. Friedman grew up on the East Coast and attended Rutgers University, studying mathematics and economics. He graduated from college in 1932 and went on to earn a Ph.D. in economics at Columbia University in 1946. In 1937, Friedman took a position at the National Bureau of Economic Research to study income distribution in the United States. After his work on income inequality, he focused on tax research and statistical analysis. In 1946, after graduating with a Ph.D., Friedman took an economics position at the University of Chicago, where he conducted his most notable work.
Friedman's first big breakthrough in the field of economics was his Theory of the Consumption Function in 1957. This theory championed the idea that a person's consumption and savings decisions are more greatly impacted by permanent changes to income rather than changes to income that are perceived as ephemeral. This theory produced the permanent income hypothesis, which explained why short-term tax increases actually decrease savings and keep consumption levels static, all else being equal.
So let's recap and add another element to this discussion;
We have a group of depressed Jewish Germans who escaped Nazi Germany came to America took the long walk through the institutions and influenced a group of New York Jewish intelligentsia. Who used their influence to push an agenda in the world stage that has been used or corrupted by the unscrupulous monied classes.
In The Road to Serfdom, published in 1944, Hayek argued that government planning, by crushing individualism, would lead inexorably to totalitarian control. Like Mises’s book Bureaucracy, The Road to Serfdom was widely read. It came to the attention of some very wealthy people, who saw in the philosophy an opportunity to free themselves from regulation and tax. When, in 1947, Hayek founded the first organisation that would spread the doctrine of neoliberalism – the Mont Pelerin Society – it was supported financially by millionaires and their foundations.
The unscrupulous, used the institutions to further their agenda, whether the different factions we have looked at were aware of an overriding design, we cannot say for sure. Some were some were not . But money and power does attract a rum sort. Institutions were financed to promote and spread ideas such as the previously mentioned neo liberalism through such places as The University of Chicago which was incorporated as a coeducational institution in 1890 by the American Baptist Education Society, using $400,000 donated to the ABES to match a $600,000 donation from Baptist oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, and including land donated by Marshall Field. Money that had been raised during the 1920s and financial backing from the Rockefeller Foundation helped the school to survive through the Great Depression.
Now we mentioned a depressed group of German jews fleeing Nazi Germany, The Frankfurt school. There were a few of them it seems and they doo seem to be from similar backgrounds, The next lot;
The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of dissidents who felt at home in none of the existent capitalist, fascist, or communist systems of the time. Many of these theorists believed that traditional theory could not adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the twentieth century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.
Although sometimes only loosely affiliated, with some authors preferring the term "Frankfurt circle" rather than reference the school, these theorists spoke with a common paradigm in mind; they shared the Marxist Hegelian premises and were preoccupied with similar questions. To fill in the perceived omissions of classical Marxism, they sought to draw answers from other schools of thought, hence using the insights of antipositivist sociology, psychoanalysis, existential philosophy, and other disciplines. The school's main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber, Simmel, and Lukacs.
Following Marx, they were concerned with the conditions that allow for social change and the establishment of rational institutions. Their emphasis on the "critical" component of theory was derived significantly from their attempt to overcome the limits of positivism, materialism, and determinism by returning to Kant's critical philosophy and its successors in German idealism, principally Hegel's philosophy, with its emphasis on dialectic and contradiction as inherent properties of human reality.
Since the 1960s, Frankfurt School critical theory has increasingly been guided by Jargen Habermas's work on communicative reason, linguistic intersubjectivity and what Habermas calls "the philosophical discourse of modernity". Critical theorists such as Raymond Geuss and Nikolas Kompridis have voiced opposition to Habermas, claiming that he has undermined the aspirations for social change that originally gave purpose to critical theory's various projectsâ€"for example the problem of what reason should mean, the analysis and enlargement of "conditions of possibility" for social emancipation, and the critique of modern capitalism.
The term "Frankfurt School" arose informally to describe the thinkers affiliated or merely associated with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research; it is not the title of any specific position or institution per se, and few of these theorists used the term themselves. The Institute for Social Research (Institute Sozialforschung) was founded in 1923 by Carl Granberg, a Marxist legal and political professor at the University of Vienna, as an adjunct of the University of Frankfurt; it was the first Marxist-oriented research center affiliated with a major German university. However, the school can trace its earliest roots back to Felix Weil, who used money from his father's grain business to finance the Institute.
Weil, a young Marxist, had written his doctoral thesis (published by Karl Korsch) on the practical problems of implementing socialism. With the hope of bringing different trends of Marxism together, Weil organized a week-long symposium (the Erste Marxistische Arbeitswoche) in 1922 in Ilmenau, Thuringia, a meeting attended by Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch, Karl August Wittfogel, Friedrich Pollock and others. The event was so successful that Weil set about erecting a building and funding salaries for a permanent institute. Weil negotiated with the Ministry of Education that the Director of the Institute would be a full professor from the state system, so that the Institut would have the status of a University institution.
Georg Lukacs and Karl Korsch both attended the Arbeitswoche, which had included a study of Korsch's Marxism and Philosophy"but both were too committed to political activity and Party membership to join the Institut, though Korsch participated in publishing ventures for a number of years. The way Lukascs was obliged to repudiate his History and Class Consciousness, published in 1923 and probably a major inspiration for the work of the Frankfurt School, indicated that independence from the Communist Party was necessary for genuine theoretical work.
The philosophical tradition now referred to as the "Frankfurt School" is perhaps particularly associated with Max Horkheimer (philosopher, sociologist and social psychologist), who took over as the institute's director in 1930 and recruited many of the school's most talented theorists, including Theodor W. Adorno (philosopher, sociologist, musicologist), Erich Fromm (psychoanalyst), and Herbert Marcuse (philosopher).
The political turmoil of Germany's troubled interwar years greatly affected the School's development. Its thinkers were particularly influenced by the failure of the communist revolution in Western Europe (precisely where Marx had predicted that a communist revolution would take place) and by the rise of Nazism in such an economically and technologically advanced nation as Germany. This led many of them to take up the task of choosing what parts of Marx's thought might serve to clarify contemporary social conditions that Marx himself had never seen. Another key influence also came from the publication in the 1930s of Marx's Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts and The German Ideology, which showed the continuity with Hegelianism that underlay Marx's thought.
As the growing influence of National Socialism became ever more threatening, its founders decided to prepare to move the Institute out of the country. Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the Institute left Germany for Geneva, before moving to New York City in 1935, where it became affiliated with Columbia University. Its journal Zeitschrift Sozialforschung was accordingly renamed Studies in Philosophy and Social Science. It was at this moment that much of its important work began to emerge, having gained a favorable reception within American and English academia. Horkheimer, Adorno and Pollock eventually resettled in West Germany in the early 1950s, although Marcuse, Lowenthal, Kirchheimer and others chose to remain in the United States. It was only in 1953 that the Institute was formally re-established in Frankfurt.
Which "theorists" to include in what is now called the "Frankfurt School" may vary among different scholars. Indeed, the title of "school" can often be misleading, as the Institute's members did not always form a series of tightly woven, complementary projects. Some scholars have therefore limited their view of the Frankfurt School to Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Lowenthal and Pollock. However, most pre-war theorists can be considered as having shared a very similar paradigm. Most of the members of the Institute for Social Research were of Jewish descent. Although he was initially part of the School's inner circle, Jargen Habermas is generally considered as the first to have diverged from Horkheimer's research program, thus giving rise to a new generation of critical theorists.
Early members of the Frankfurt School were:
Max Horkheimer Theodor W. Adorno Herbert Marcuse Friedrich Pollock Erich Fromm Otto Kirchheimer Leo Lawenthal Franz Leopold Neumann Henryk Grossman
People who were associated with the Institute or its theorists include:
Siegfried Kracauer Alfred Sohn-Rethel Walter Benjamin
Later theorists with roots in Frankfurt School critical theory include:
Habermas Claus Offe Axel Honneth Oskar Negt Alfred Schmidt Albrecht Wellmer
The Frankfurt School's work cannot be addressed without understanding the objectives of critical theory. Initially outlined by Max Horkheimer in his Traditional and Critical Theory (1937), critical theory may be defined as a self-conscious social critique that is aimed at change and emancipation through enlightenment and that does not cling dogmatically to its own doctrinal assumptions. The original aim of critical theory was to analyze the true significance of "the ruling understandings" generated in bourgeois society, in order to show how they misrepresented actual human interaction in the real world, and in so doing functioned to justify or legitimize the domination of people by capitalism. A certain sort of story (a narrative) was provided to explain what was happening in society, but the story concealed as much as it revealed. The Frankfurt theorists generally assumed that their task was mainly to interpret the areas of society Marx had not dealt with, especially in the superstructure of society.
Now old uncle Frank had a plan, all eleven of them. They are as follows;
1. The creation of racism offences. 
2. Continual change to create confusion 
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children 
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority 
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity. 
6. The promotion of excessive drinking 
7. Emptying of churches 
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime 
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits 
10. Control and dumbing down of media 
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

I wonder if one can recognize any of those points around us today. Then we have this guy, Saul alinsky came out of Chicago ran with the Capone mob learned at the feet of frank Nitty, Capones enforcer, as a kid his idea was through community organizing was attack attack attack the mouthpiece for critical theory however there isnt much proof that Alinsky new about the frankfurt school.
But the methods have a familiar ring to them. Old Saul also had a few rules:

  • RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  • Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)
  • RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)
  • RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)
  • RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
  • RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
  • RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)
  • RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
  • RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
  • RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
  • RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)
  • RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
  • Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)
  • RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
  • Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Again does any of these “ rules “ have a familiar ring to them.

I dont know about you but if a country is good enough to take me in from my home which has become difficult to live in. The last thing I start to do is subvert the host community, So why and how did the depressed loonies get their ideas from? Who were these loonies running from ?

Well the does seem to be a common thread and it isnt of this world from what I can gather.
Germany had just lost the first world war, but its not to them we turn but rather the hidden, the occult and the people with time on their hands to enjoy the luxury of thought. The well off.
The Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and the Cabbala. It was the first German nationalist groups to use the symbol of the swastika as an emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism.
The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force. The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the master of himself, of others around him and of the world. IN Other words Satanism.
The belief was that the world will change and the "Lords" will emerge from the center of the Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become "Lords" ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.

The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun ( Saturn was also called the “black sun , I would suggest this should be the “black STONE) a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril.
The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun. This is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed Hitler. A manifestation of the "Great Work" promulgated by the Adepts of secret societies throughout the ages.
Perhaps the most wild claims still circulating about the Vril Society, and its offshoot The Thule Society, is the legends of a secret Nazi UFO program. Presumably the Vril Society established contact with the "Secret Chiefs" or the Vril-ya themselves, and secretly began cooperating with certain German scientists in the late 20's.
As early as 1936 Hitler was sending teams of "Spelunkers" into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. The Nazi's had also explored Antarctica extensively during the years 1937-38. In search of the fabled hole of the South Pole they apparently had success, like Admiral Byrd, in discovering these entrances. It was here that some say they made contact with the "Unknown Superman" who lived in the fabled "Rainbow City".
"In his controversial presentation UFO Secrets of the Third Reich, Vladimir Terziski draws a connection between alien beings and such German secret societies as the Tempelhoff, the Thule, the Vril, and the Black Sun ( stone ?). Terziski tells of an "alien tutor race" that secretly began cooperating with certain German scientists in the late 1920's in underground bases and began to introduce their concepts of philosophical, cultural, and technological progress." (The Rainbow Conspiracy, p.62)
"With help from extraterrestrial intelligences, Terziski postulates, the Nazis mastered anti-gravity space flight, established space stations, accomplished time travel,and developed their spacecraft to warp speeds. At the same time the aliens "spread their Mephistophelean ideas" into the wider German population through the Thule and Vril Societies."
In hi book “Reich of the black sun “ Joesph P Farrell also discusses the Nazi “space program “ citing evidence to show that the German had a Uranium enrichment program and would make move into the Sudetenland a attractive option.
Note ; Jáchymov (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjaːxɪmof]), until 1945 known by its German name of Sankt Joachimsthal or Joachimsthal (meaning "Saint Joachim's Valley"; German: Thal, or Tal in modern orthography) is a spa town in the Karlovy Vary Region of Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. It is situated at an altitude of 733 m (2,405 ft) above sea level in the eponymous St. Joachim's valley in the Ore Mountains, close to the Czech border with Germany.
Also showing that Auschwitz is just a stone throw from the Uranium field and have a rather surprising failure of a synthetic rubber plant
As the Auschwitz concentration camp evolved from its beginning, one of its primary purposes became providing slave labor to German industrial and armaments firms. In April 1941, the IG Farbenindustrie chemical concern began construction in Auschwitz of a huge factory complex to manufacture synthetic rubber and fuel (IG Farben was a corporation formed from several German chemical companies). This factory area was to the east of the town of Auschwitz, some six kilometers from the Auschwitz I main camp, and was called the "Buna-Werke" ("Buna" being an abbreviation for the components used to manufacture synthetic rubber), or "IG-Auschwitz." The site provided a large level area with ample water and nearby coal and other raw material supplies, served by an adjacent railroad.

Prisoner labor from Auschwitz was used to build the factory complex. At first, prisoners from the Auschwitz I main camp were marched the six kilometers to the Buna-Werke site, but this wasted too much time so they were moved to the site by rail. As demand for prisoner labor increased, work camps were started around the factory complex, and the prisoners were marched across the road and into the factory site. The main camp was built in October 1942 at the southeast edge of the factory area, and was called "Dorfrand" and later the "Buna Lager." This became the largest camp and in 1944 it gained autonomy and operated as Auschwitz III "Monowitz" (the Monowice village had been located across the road from the camp), in charge of all the other Auschwitz sub-camps (some 47 in total).
Prisoner labor at the Monowitz sub-camps was eventually provided by selections from arriving train shipments of Jews from around Europe, numbering over 35,000 prisoners in 1944 (the highest number in the Monowitz camp itself was about 11,000). Mortality was high, as the work was strenuous and living conditions poor.
Records show , these became available after the collapse of the berlin wall allowing reseachers access to soviet records. That the Buna-werke factory, despite costing a large sum of money, produced no synthetic rubber. However did consume a vast amount of electricity! Also as much if not more than Berlin. ( Joesph. P. Farrell Reich of the black sun,)
So a factory , sitting on a swamp, the water table in the area is less than a meter and with drainage they could get it to about a meter and a half , two meters. You can still see the drainage ditches there today.
A factory , with water using a lot of electricity and access to a workforce that cost a substantial amount of IG Farben money that was to produce synthetic rubber but actually produced. Nothing.
Unless, you used the cyclotron. The calutron is a type of sector mass spectrometer, an instrument in which a sample is ionized and then accelerated by electric fields and deflected by magnetic fields. The ions ultimately collide with a plate and produce a measurable electric current.
Its name was derived from California University Cyclotron, in tribute to Lawrence's institution, the University of California, where it was invented. Calutrons were used in the industrial-scale Y-12 uranium enrichment plant at the Clinton Engineer Works in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The enriched uranium produced was used in the Little Boy atomic bomb that was detonated over Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. ( note; the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was a plutonium bomb , in other words the Germans double crossed the Japanese and Bormann sold German technology; i.e. 30 odd kg of enriched uranium to the Americans. Which they promptly used on Japan as a signal to say WE have the technology.)

but I have digressed, I want to return to Europe and look at a rather unusual group of individuals in the fashionable home counties
The cliveden set.
The Cliveden Set's pedigree was impeccable, and its social standing beyond reproach. Its persuasive powers permeated the clubs and institutions of London, the corridors of Oxbridge colleges, the pages of the quality press, and the great country houses of England. Its proceedings were conducted at Cliveden, the fabled country estate of Nancy and Waldorf Astor. Suddenly, in the late 1930s, this distinguished group was catapulted into notoriety. It had been identified as a cabal that sought to manipulate, even determine, British foreign policy. It would use any means—even negotiate a dishonorable settlement with Nazi Germany—to maintain its privileges, those of a decaying ruling class.
The Cliveden Set were a 1930s, upper class group of prominent individuals politically influential in pre-World War II Britain, who were in the circle of Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor. The name comes from Cliveden, the stately home in Buckinghamshire, which was then Astor's country residence.
The "Cliveden Set" tag was coined by Claud Cockburn in his journalism for the Communist newspaper The Week. It has long been widely accepted that this aristocratic Germanophile social network was in favour of friendly relations with Nazi Germany and helped create the policy of appeasement.
It functioned more like a think-tank than a cabal. According to Carroll Quigley, the Cliveden Set had been strongly anti-German before and during World War I. After the end of the war, the discovery of the Nazis' Black Book showed that the group's members were all to be arrested as soon as Britain was invaded; Lady Astor remarked, "It is the complete answer to the terrible lie that the so-called 'Cliveden Set' was pro-Fascist."
However in a 1935 speech, the Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) had called for a closer understanding of Germany in order to safeguard peace in Europe, and in response Sir Thomas Moore, a Conservative Member of Parliament, suggested setting up a study group of pro-German MPs. From that idea emerged the AGF, established in September 1935 with Lord Mount Temple as chairman, and historian Philip Conwell-Evans and merchant banker Ernest Tennant as secretaries. Tennant was a friend of Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Ambassador to Britain. The group's stated aims were to foster political, professional, commercial and sporting links with Germany, but Mount Temple stated publicly that membership of the society did not assume support for Nazism or anti-Semitism.
The organisation was aimed at the influential in society, and the membership was dominated by businessmen keen to promote commercial links. Members included Bank of England director Frank Cyril Tiarks ( note Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht served as the Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic and Montagu Collet Norman, 1st Baron Norman DSO PC (6 September 1871 – 4 February 1950) Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944 had a very close relationship. )Norman was a member of the cliveden set.
Also members of the Cliveden set were: Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, Prince von Bismarck, Geoffrey Dawson editor of The Times. "Corporate membership" was also available for leading companies who wished to show their support for co-operation with Germany and this was taken out by such leading organisations as Price Waterhouse, Unilever, Dunlop Rubber, Thomas Cook & Son, the Midland Bank and Lazard Brothers amongst others.
Several Members of Parliament, mostly from the Conservative Party, joined the group: they included Sir Peter Agnew, Ernest Bennett, Sir Robert Bird, Robert Tatton Bower, Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, Marquess of Clydesdale, Robert Vaughan Gower, Thomas "Loel" Guinness, Norman Hulbert, Archibald James, Alfred Knox, John Macnamara, Sir Thomas Moore, Assheton Pownall, Frank Sanderson, Duncan Sandys, Admiral Murray Sueter, Charles Taylor and Ronald Tree.
Members of the House of Lords to hold membership included Lord Brocket, Lord Galloway, the Earl of Glasgow, Lord Mount Temple,[5] Lord Londonderry, Lord Nuffield, Lord Redesdale, Lord Rennell and the Duke of Wellington.
By 1937, the group seems to have had 347 members.
Finally, as I had better start to close this article. I would like to look at th leading light of the cliveden set Lady Astor and the Astor bloodline.
The Astor family represent some of the wealthiest people in recent history, with their name stretching back to the 1720s. Their power and wealth are reflected in the numerous important landmarks in the New York area named after them.
Notable family members include many generations of John Jacob Astor, including one who perished on the Titanic.
The original founder of the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1848). John Jacob Astor was born in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline.
The Jewish origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor’s heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. John Jacob Astor was a butcher in Walldorf.
In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless – and that may be true – he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City.
(This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 – 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).
By 1788, Astor was a master of Masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak English when he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor.
John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being cold-hearted, anti-social, “a man who didn’t have charm, wit or grace.”
Astors original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.
The next break came when two men who are now known to have been in the Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin – both Illuminati members.
The United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for his ship to sail with its cargo.
His ship sailed and made close to a $200,000 profit in that day’s money. Astor strangely profited greatly from the War of 1812, which crippled almost all the other American shippers.
Astor also worked together with George Clinton ( same Clinton family. I wonder ?), another member of the Illuminati, on land deals.
Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Commitee of three hundred and for the top thirteen families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a British secret agent.
The thirteen families have very intimate roles with the American and British intelligence cults. Prior to 1817, John Jacob Astor entered into the fur trade and remained the biggest player in the fur trade until he got out of it in 1834.
Over the years, he had managed to build up a monopoly. How he managed to push everyone else out is a good question.
Bear in mind, white people had been trapping furs in the New World for several centuries, and the Indians for who knows how long. Then this guy Astor comes along and in a few years totally owns the whole industry!
Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right.
Obviously, others in the commitee of three hundred had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor.
One result of his fur company, was that Astoria, OR was created.
Today, perhaps in honor of the family that originally took interest in it, Astoria is a real hot-bed for the secret Satanic covens in Oregon.
John Jacob Astor did have a few helpful connections. Three of his relatives were captains on clipper ships. He had connections in London to the Backhouse family. He married a Todd, a family frequently associated with Satanism.
His wife, a Todd, was also connected to the influential Brevoort family. And finally for some reason, John Jacob Astor was also on good relations with the politicians of the day, perhaps because most of them were Freemasons too.
For a few years John Jacob Astor had participated in the opium trade, but in 1818-he publicly quit running opium to China. Note;
“John Jacob Astor made a hugh fortune out of the China opium trade …. it was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously lucrative China opium trade, through its monopolistic BEIC, and the beneficiaries of their largess remained forever wedded to the Committee of 300.”
Interestingly another Top 13 family, the Russells, was also one of the lucky ones to get a slice of the China opium trade. It is clear repeatedly from history that Astor was privy to inside information in the government, and maintained his own courier system.
John Jacob Astor bought up large amounts of land in NY which land greatly increased in value. The Financial Panic of 1837 allowed him to foreclose on a large number of mortgages. John Jacob Astor’s wealth continued to skyrocket.
As one biography said:
“When it came to a question of principle versus profit, Astor was a practical man.”
Put simply, he had no scruples. Astor had a reputation for being a ruthless landlord. He also had the reputation of not paying his legitimate debts.
Astor became a banker, and sat on the board of 5 directors of the new national bank that Hamilton created for the U.S. government called the Bank of the United States.
Astor owned a large block of the stock of the Bank of the United States. Astor also was fairly active during his life as a Freemason, holding several more key positions in the secret lodge life. John Jacob was the richest man in the United States.
In 1890, a real estate expert calculated the Astors owned 1/20 of New York City real estate.
After making their fortune while residing in the New York area, the Astors by and large have all gone to England. They still wield great financial power in the United States through proxies.
Forum Magazine, Nov. 1889, commented that authorities estimated the Astors were worth $300,000, but that that figure had to be an underestimate. Today, my estimate of the Astors is that they are worth about 40 billion dollars.
One of the many foundations that the Astors created was the Vincent Astor Foundation, which is controlled from England by the Astors and has in the range of $100 million tax exempt dollars.
The Vincent Astor Foundation has typically given to Catholic and Episcoplian needs, among other things.
They also give money to agencies opposed to private ownership of guns. They give money to NY’s public library.
A 1971 Foundation Directory stated that the V. Astor foundation had its present emphasis on preventing juvenile delinquency. Why don’t I trust the Astor’s in helping out with law enforcement?
The William Waldorf Foundation states that its purpose is ‘Promotion of mutual understanding and the diffusion of knowledge and culture among the United States and the dominions, colonies, and countries of the British Commonwealth.’
This sounds very similar to the public statement of purpose that the secretive Pilgrim Soc. has given out to those who need something about them.
Assets for this foundation are a mere $64,000. Vincent Astor (now deceased) was a member of 41 private clubs.
To give an idea of how much power just one of the many Astor men wield some of the businesses Vincent was involved include:
  • director- American Express Company dir. Atlantic Fruit and Sugar Co.
  • dir. Chase Manhattan Bank (of the Rockerfellers)
  • dir. City and Suburban Homes Co.
  • dir. Classical Cinematograph Corporation
  • dir. Cuban-Dominican Sugar Co. dir. Great Northern Railroad
  • dir. Ill. Central Railroad
  • dir, Inter. Mercantile Marine Co. dir. National Park Bank of NY
  • dir. NY County Trust Co.
  • dir. Weekly Publications Inc. dir. Western Union Telegraph trustee NY
  • Zoological Soc. advisor to Bankers Trust of NYmember Amer. Museum of Nat.
  • Hist. member Nat. Instit. of Soc. Sciences (notice these last two like so many elite controlled organizations are heavily involved in the spread of the evolution theory.)
Just like the Rothschilds Duponts and Rockerfellers the Astors always set one of their Astor males as the head of the entire family. This headship is passed down as a birthright within the different branches of the family, just as any King passes on his throne. In 1894, John Jacob wrote a novel A Journey in Other Worlds where he describes a society which operates on the idea of conserving energy.
Later in 1901, the Astors contributed toward the creation of the Pilgrim Society, which was the cover organization for Amer. & Brit. 6° Princes of the Illuminati. I believe at least five Astors are now members of the Pilgrim Society.
The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, and William Waldorf Astor 3rd.
And during the 1970s, Baron Astor of Hever was the President of the London branch of the Pilgrims. This implies that Astor of Hever was at least the next level up in the chain of command. Again, as was earlier pointed out, the key to understanding Satanism is the bloodlines.
In 1910, the muscle and bone branches of the Illuminati reconfigured themselves with the creation of the Round Table groups in 1910.
The Astors were the part of the financial backers behind the Round Table groups along with Abe Bailey. Rhodes and Milner were key players is setting up The Society of the Elect, a super secret top circle of Illuminati.
Rhodes Trust in part helped by the Astor, helps finance the Rhodes Scholarship system. (Cecil Rhodes. As much as I would like to delve into this character , I will just stay with the Astors. In the name of brevity !).
Cecil Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarships to recruit and bring top men from several nations to Oxford to be initiated into the Illuminati and to learn about how to bring in a One-World-Government.
In the picture you see how the Cliveden Astors were intimately connected to the Rhodes Scholars. Rhodes Scholars frequently went to the Cliveden Estate. By looking at the genealogy chart you can see how the family in London broke up into two powerful segments.
One part centered around the Cleveden Estate. Another group became Barons-the Astors of Hever – or the Hever Astors for short. William Waldorf Astor owned the Pall Pall Mall Gazette, the Observer, and the Pall Mall Magazine.
The London Times was largely controlled by the Astors, and since 1922 they have owned this major source of British news.
The Institute for Pacific Relations ( lPR ) was the group that supervised the Illuminati’s decision to allow Red China to share in the Opium trade. The puppet strings behind big world events may not be seen by the public, but if we trace the origins of several big events we see the Astors helping pull strings.
The IPR helped lay the groundwork for the Pearl Harbor attack. The Astors also were behind the appeasement policy in Europe which allowed Hitler to become a threat.
Col. Jack Astor, one of the world’s most powerful men, was among those who went down with the Titanic. The story of the Titanic has in itself too many unanswered questions, accidents , insurance , coal and in my opinion a distinct lack of bodies,!
However it may have been warning to the New World Order’s elite.
Another Illuminati invention was Communism. This has been so thoroughly documented I don’t know why I have to state it here, except that there are still people who haven’t taken the time to study it out.
James II. Billington’s book “Fire in the eyes of men” – a very scholarly work, and Occult Theocracy are some good starting points to study this.
The Fabian Society was also connected to the Illuminati. For instance, Illuminati prince Prof. George Edward Gordon Catlin, Pilgrim Soc. member was a member of the Fabian Society’s executive committee. The Fabian logo is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing
Fabians like H.G. Wells who wrote so eloquently on the New World Order with such books as:
During the 1930’s, the Fabian Socialists created the Political and Economic Planning group (PEP). Mason Viscount Waldorf Astoria was a leader of PEP. A confidential program that the PEP created and implemented through the British government was later described in a book Principles of Economic Planning in 1935.
George Berhard Shaw, who was a communist and Fabian Socialist was the best friend of Lady Nancy Astor, who became the first woman Member or Parliament.
After Nancy Astor was elected (or selected by the elite) to be the first lady MP, one of the Russell lady’s soon afterwards also became an MP.
Nancy Astor was a big supporter of Christian Science. Christian Science was a front for witchcraft from Its very beginning.
Nancy Astor wrote The Natural History of the Vampire and a book on the early Mason/Communist Bakunin. She used Grenfell family papers. The Grenfell family were close friends to the Cliveden Astors. David Astor, (The Honorable) attended Bilderberger meetings in 1957 and 1966.
Alpha Lodge is the lodge in England that is traditionally for royalty. There are other elite lodges too, where the those of the elite, can protect themselves from rubbing shoulders with those of less social stature. These are the type of masonic lodges that the Astors Join. Another Astor; Ava Alice Muriel Astor was an occultist.
She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very serious woman. She was a very strong willed person that was able to dominate a person in her presence unless they were also strong willed.
She was into Egyptian magic and believed she was the reincarnation of an Egyptian princess and a disciple of Ikhnaton. Alice Astor may have been one of the first people to enter King Tut’s tomb, where she got herself a necklace.
Aldous Huxley wrote “A Brave new World” as a picture of things that were to come –most people think as a expose, but it was really more as a plan or blueprint Aldous Huxley and Alice did a great deal of occult things together. Their financial power is unchecked.
Thirteen families or bloodlines are at the top, and five of these families are the inside core of these thirteen. Prior to Be Wise As Serpents, the existence of thirteen top families was not known by very many people. The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families are mentioned in Dope Inc. as involved in some aspect of the drug trade:
  • Astors
  • Bundys
  • DuPonts
  • Freemans
  • Kennedy’s
  • Li’s ( david Li may have been the one who developed the mathmatical formula for asset risk , based on flawed research caused the 2008 global financial crisis)
  • Rockefeller
  • Rothschild
  • Russell
It should be mentioned that some other prominent Illuminati families also play key roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheimers ( remember this name from the Nazi rocket program). Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois Genoud of Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov of Bulgaria, the Duke of Kent – Master of the Grand Mother Lodge of the Scottish Rite, and Jardine Matheson to mention a few dangerous names.
Lets return to the Astor. The Astors have come up with various origins for themselves and those for or against the family have added more ideas.
One strong possibility is that the Astors are descendants of the Astorga family found in Southern Italy before the 1600s. The most likely meaning of the name is that both Astorga and Astor are variations meaning “Astarte” who is the mother of the occult.
Her name is also Semiramis. In Babylon the trinity was Nimrod (the sun), Semiramis (the moon), and Tammuz (the morning star).
In Egypt, these gods were called Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The pictures and statues Isis and Horns were renamed by the Roman Catholic church as the Virgin Mary and the Christ-child.
The family may have moved from Savoy to Walldorf, Germany. Although it is not a certainty, the best explanation from the available clues indicates that Walldorf’s coven had some important personages in the witchcraft/ satanic system and that Johann Astor’s family had power.
At that time in Europe, the Astor family had no chance to turn their occult power into success. The power and class structure In Europe was rigid and gridlocked.
The boundaries between peasant and aristocracy were solidly in place. So the family looked to the New World to transmute their position in the Satanic hierarchy into financial wealth and power.
Johann Astor In Walldorf was only a butcher. His best son John Jacob (1763-1848) was selected to establish the House of Astor in America. While in America the Astor family helped the Satanic elite headquartered in England to maintain its control over America. Having come from Germany, and also due to Satanism being secret, John Jacob Astor’s help given to pro-British-elite moves were more difficult to suspect.
After establishing themselves as aristocrats in America, the tribe of Astors moved to England, where because of their high social position in America, no one questioned the Queen bestowing titles of nobility on them. All along the process, people with Illuminati connections opened doors for the Astors.
At this point, it needs to be pointed out that there were ties between the following groups: English royalty, English Satanism, English Freemasonry, and German witchcraft, and the Italian Black nobility. It should be noted that, The Queen of England sent Sir Francis Bacon as a young man in his twenties to the continent of Europe. Sir Francis Bacon toured France in places such as Louvre, St. Cloud, Blois, Paris, and Poictiers, He also traveled to Germany, Italy and Spain. He visited the various royal courts, such as the court of Marguerite de Valois. Marguerite was married to King Henry of Navarre. Her mother was the evil Catherine de Medicis. Sir Francis Bacon also met with many secret societies.
At Marguerite’s court he spent time with “The Pleiade” fraternity, which was a group of 7 intellectuals. According to the best biographer of Sir Francis Bacon, who was Alf red Dodd (Alfred spent his entire life studying Sir Francis Bacon), Sir Francis Bacon was initiated into a large number of secret occult societies when he was on the continent of Europe. ( and we wont get into Francis Bacon and the writing of Shakespere at this point )
He learned kabbalistic magic, Egyptian mysticism, Arabian mysticism, and the customs of the German Steinmetzin.
Now as I have mensioned before about the “cult of Saturn “ Ordo Saturnus
This is an old secret satanic German order.It means Satan. This information helps us understand John Jacob Astor IV when he writes in his bookA Journey in Other Worlds":
“The souls of the righteous departed were found on Saturn, where, to a background of weird music, pulsating hearts, luminous brains and centers of spiritual activity quiver with motion.” 

I will sit and think about this for a while , and return with a conclusion.
Well that was a long read wasn't it. If you made it this far with out self harm, I congratulate you .
I was going to write a conclusion full of intrinsically linked ideas and "t" that have been crossed.
The actual conclusion is a lot less complicated and sums up everything that is , has and most probably will happen in this world.
Whether you believe in in or not, it doesn't matter. Just like the belief in Santa Claus, while people may not actually believe in Santa clause. They act on it. Ever get a Christmas present from your parents?
So just like the belief in Santa , is the belief in Satan and Satanism. The common thread running through this article is an "occult belief " .
Arden gave up a central pillar of her child hood " Mormonism". Kabbalistic thought of the New York intelligentsia to the down right wacky Vril society. To the Satanic rise to power of the Astor family .
Satanism and the satanistic pursuit of self glorification at the expense of everything else. The lies , the deceit and the out right evilness of the psychopathic , sociopath elite 
This is the danger that we face today. Not from Jacinder Arden, she is just a useful idiot playing her "globalist UN " role as "leader", not even from " the banks " who use paper backed by fresh air and backed by energy and the sweat of slaves to shift assets into the "Fondi" ( investment funds) of the "families". The threat doesnt even come from " the law" a collection of spells used by magicians to spellbind the unwitting who get caught in the the web of Tooks court.
No , the threat to us is simple. As Eleanor Roosevelt may have said" with freedom comes responsibility"
The responsibility to educate your self about how and why things are as they are. With that knowledge, act  in a ways that benefit others and enhance the world we live in.
As Samuel Adams may have said " If virtue and knowledge were diffused among the people, they would never be enslaved.
I finish with the nine tenets of the Anton Le`vie Church of Satans "bible". and ask you to remember that a psychopath has no empathy and when you combine a psychopath with the tools they require. They will act.

The 9 Beliefs of the LaVeyan Satanic Church
 The Satanic Bible, published by Anton LaVey in 1969, is the principal document that outlines the beliefs and principles of the Satanic Church. It is regarded as the authoritative text for Satanists​ but is not considered sacred scripture in the same way that the Bible is to Christians.
 The Satanic Bible is not without controversy, due in large part to its vehement and deliberate contradiction of traditional Christian/ Judaic principles. But an indication of its ongoing importance and popularity is seen in the fact that the Satanic Bible has been reprinted 30 times and has sold more than one million copies worldwide.

The following nine statements are from the opening section of the Satanic Bible, and they summarize the basic principles of Satanism as practiced by the LeVeyan branch of the movement. They are printed here nearly exactly as they appear in the Satanic Bible, though slightly corrected for grammar and clarity.

  •  Indulgence, Not Abstinence 
Nothing is to be gained by denying oneself pleasure. Religious calls for abstinence most often come from faiths that view the physical world and its pleasures as spiritually dangerous. Satanism is a world-affirming, not world-denying, religion. However, the encouragement of indulgence does not equate to mindless submersion into pleasures. Sometimes restraint leads to heightened enjoyment later—in which case patience and discipline are encouraged. Finally, indulgence requires one to always be in control. If satisfying a desire becomes a compulsion (such as with an addiction), then control has been surrendered to the object of desire, and this is never encouraged.
  •    Vital Existence, Not Spiritual Illusion Reality and existence are sacred, and the truth of that existence is to be honored and sought at all times—and never sacrificed for a comforting lie or an unverified claim one cannot bother to investigate.
  • Undefiled Wisdom, Not Hypocritical Self-Deceit
 True knowledge takes work and strength. It is something one finds, rather than something handed to you. Doubt everything, and avoid dogma. Truth describes how the world truly is, how we would like it to be. Be wary of shallow emotional wants; all too often they are satisfied only at the expense of truth.
  •  Kindness to Those Who Deserve It, Not Love Wasted on Ingrates
There is nothing in Satanism that encourages wanton cruelty or unkindness. There is nothing productive in that—but it is also unproductive to waste your energy on people who will not appreciate or reciprocate your kindness. Treat others as they treat you will form meaningful and productive bonds, but let parasites know that you will not waste your time with them.
 Not Turning the Other Cheek Leaving wrongs unpunished merely encourages miscreants to continue preying on others. Those who do not stand up for themselves end up being trampled. This is not, however, an encouragement for misbehavior. Becoming a bully in the name of vengeance is not only dishonest, but it also invites others to bring retribution on you. The same goes for performing illegal actions of retribution: break the law and you yourself become the miscreant that the law should come down on swiftly and harshly.
  •  Give Responsibility to the Responsible Satan advocates extending responsibility to the responsible, rather than acquiescing to psychic vampires. True leaders are identified by their actions and accomplishments, not their titles. Real power and responsibility should be given to those who can wield it, not to those who simply demand it.
  • Man Is Just Another Animal Satan sees man as just another animal—sometimes better but more often worse than those that walk on all-fours. He is an animal who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all. Elevating the human species to a position somehow innately superior to other animals is blatant self-deceit. Humanity is driven by the same natural urges that other animals experience. While our intellect has allowed us to accomplish truly great things (which should be appreciated), it can also be credited with incredible and wanton acts of cruelty throughout history.
  •  Celebrating the So-Called Sins Satan champions the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification. In general, the concept of “sin” is something that breaks a moral or religious law, and Satanism is strictly against such following of dogma. When a Satanist avoids an action, it is because of concrete reasoning, not simply because dogma dictates it or someone has judged it “bad." In addition, when a Satanist realizes that he or she has committed an actual wrong, the correct response is to accept it, learn from it and avoid doing it again--not to mentally beat yourself up for it or beg for forgiveness.
Best Friend the Church Has Ever Had Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years. This last statement is largely a declaration against dogmatic and fear-based religion. If there were no temptations—if we did not have the natures that we do, if there was nothing to fear—then few people would submit themselves to the rules and abuses that have developed in other religions (specifically Christianity) over the centuries. 

         Finally, I will leave you with this;  drawing on the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and Ragnar Redbeard, LaVey’s bible kicks off with ‘The Nine Satanic Statements’ which include: “Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!”, “Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!” and “Satan represents undefined wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!”
The overarching dogma of  satanism is not about worshiping any external forces – real or spiritual – but instead worshiping oneself and doing everything in your power to achieve your potential. “If everyone had a particular time and place for the purpose of indulging in their personal desires, without fear of embarrassment or reproach, they would be sufficiently released to lead un-frustrated lives in the everyday world,” writes LaVey in The Satanic Bible.



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 From the epoch Times   As the failed predictions pile up, climate experts appear to be more cautious in making their predictions too specific. The current general consensus among climate change proponents is that extreme weather events, such as droughts and storms, will become more prevalent or intense. The recently released short-form report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that unless carbon emissions are cut drastically and promptly , the planet will warm roughly an additional 1.1-2.4 degrees Celsius by 2100 ( pdf ). That would lead to “high” or “ very high ” risk of wildfire damage, permafrost degradation, biodiversity loss, dryland water scarcity, and tree mortality on the land, and loss of warm-water corals in the sea. Most of the severe risks are asserted with moderate or low confidence, meaning that underlying evidence is lacking or inconclusive. The full IPCC report hasn’t been released yet. One of the most famous climate ...

Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, signed in Kiev on 31 May 1997

UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/52/174 9 June 1997 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: RUSSIAN Fifty-second session Items 38 and 81 of the preliminary list* SUPPORT BY THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM OF THE EFFORTS OF GOVERNMENTS TO PROMOTE AND CONSOLIDATE NEW OR RESTORED DEMOCRACIES MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY  Letter dated 6 June 1997 from the Permanent Representatives of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General We have the honour to transmit the texts of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership (annex I), a Russian-Ukrainian declaration  (annex II) and a joint statement by the Russian Federation and Ukraine (annex III), signed on 31 May 1997 in Kiev by the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Boris N. Yeltsin, and the President of Ukraine, Mr. Leonid D. Kuchma. We should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annexes circulated as a document of ...