The Ottoman Empire
The Christchurch shooting traumatized Christchurch New Zealand. The official narrative held that “ a lone white supremacist gunman” shot 50 people in a mosque before being arrested by police. The attack was “live streamed to facebook” and subsequently banned in very short order by the Ardern led Labour government.
Written in white paint on the gun “ an assault styled weapon, ” were dates of Greek and Ottoman battles. Battles involving the orthodox church. ( Rum, aka Russia). A few weeks later, an attack on a christian church in India shocked the media yet again.
So what is going on here? Why is conflict being engineered between orthodox Christianity and western Christianity? We need to pop back a few years and look at the history of the Ottoman empire and see who did what to whom and why. - how the Ottoman Empire sabotaged the relationship between Christianity and Islam, through oppression and aggression, and the desecration of the Hagia Sophia. How the New Zealand shooter is explicitly linked to this?
The desire of the Ghazi Turks to expand their territory under Osman I early in the 14th century led to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. These Islamic raiders attracted hordes of nomadic peoples to bolster their army and successfully assaulted the decaying defenses of the Byzantine Empire in Anatolia.
The ancestors of the Ghazis were tribal nomads who fled from Genghis Khan's Mongols and settled in Anatolia in the 12th century. The word "Ottoman" comes from the name "Osman." After Osman I united the Ghazis, they attacked the Byzantines but bypassed the capital, Constantinople. After the death of Osman I, the Ottomans expanded into the Balkans and Eastern Europe. They captured Thessaloniki from the Venetians in 1387 and Kosovo from the Serbs in 1389. The European crusades of the Middle Ages failed to vanquish them. Finally, in 1453, the Ottomans overcame the heavily fortified city of Constantinople. In the 15th and 16th centuries, further conquests expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire into Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Mesopotamia, Greece and parts of Hungary.
The Osman were given land by the Seljuk for their help in defending against the Mongols. The Osmans expanded as the Seljuk Empire began to disintegrate. The Osmans founded the Ottoman Empire expanded into the Balkans. The Ottomans soon came into conflict with the Byzantines. They recruited Christians in the Balkans, who they converted to Islam and enlisted in their Janissaries corps ( note; The Janis began as an elite corps of slaves made up of kidnapped young Christian boys who were converted to Islam ( either that or be killed) and became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries. Forbidden to marry or engage in trade, their complete loyalty to the Sultan was expected).
Italian and French merchants who had dominated Mediterranean trade since the Byzantine era, married women from local non-Muslim communities and created the Levantine class. Among them, the Lorando, Tubini, Baltazzi, Corpi, Stefanovic, Shilizzi, Negroponte, Coronio and Alberti families were the most famous. Apart from the Levantines, there were Jewish money changers like Camondo and Fernandez, along with Greek money changers (sarraf) such as Mavrokordato and Zarifi and Armenians such as Köçeoğlu and Mısırlıoğlu. Because the signature on their official work permit given by the state looks like "tail," they were called "money changers with a tail." This is important as one must remember that Constantinople was a hub of “silk route trade” and was to be controlled in the worship of Mammon.
The initial success of Osman and his Beylik comes from its ability to print coins. The Beyliks did not mint coins in the name of their own leaders while they remained under the suzerainty of the Ilkhanids.
Islamic states invariably printed excerpts from the Holy Koran on the coins, however, it is significant that Ottoman coins bore no religious references from the establishment period. Even examining the sultan titles on the coins provide important clues on the power of the state.
In the early periods, coins would simply feature names of the sultans and their fathers. As Empire grew stronger, titles such as “Sultan of two lands, Khan of Two Seas Sultan’s Son Sultan” or “Sultan of Greek, Persian and Arabic lands” are observed on the coins. However, when the Empire worn by the centuries faced economic hardships, titles were once more simplified.
The Mongol invasion having crushed the Seljuk Empire, leave a number of independent principalities governed by Beys, amongst them the Beylik of Osmanoğulları.
Coins provide us with accurate information on the fiscal structure of Ottoman State. In the first 150 years of the State, silver currency “Akçe” did not lose any value with regard to weight and carat, and therefore there was no inflation. However, in the Sultan Mahmud II period, Ottoman state could not even cover war expenditures and reduced the weight and carat of silver coins every three to five years, and was forced to create new currencies.
Following Mehmed the Conqueror’s conquest of Istanbul, the first gold coin minted is regarded as the sign of Ottoman State becoming an Empire. However, within the same years, the weight of Ottoman silver coins was reduced for the first time which led to a janissary uprising.
The alliance in 1441 of what was then a tiny territory of the Aegean and Anatolian controlled by the Ottomans (they had captured Gallipoli since 1354) and the Crimean Khanate doubled the territory and the might of the Ottoman Empire. Once the control of the Black Sea from the Crimea and the control of the entrance to the Marmara Sea from the Mediterranean at Gallipoli under the firm hands of the Ottomans, Mehmet the Conqueror could plan and execute the successful capture of Constantinople, aided by a weapon which was unknown until then: the cannon that could send bullets to knock the City's walls. Once the City captured Mehmet would add to his title Kayser-i Rûm (Emperor of the Romans) and absorb all of the military symbols of what was until then the richest and mightiest empire of the time.
Mehmet would be the first to institutionalize permanent offices of tax collections. And use lower taxes as a way to lure new territories to accept the hegemony of the Ottomans.
Rather than the inconclusive second siege of Vienna in 1683, it is the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca in 1774 making the Crimean Khanate an independent territory that is often agreed by historians as the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
In their affluent and prosperous days Byzantium controlled huge swathes of Europe and North Africa along with Levant. ( this is a key point, I believe) . Although they were building upon international trade connections that existed long before Byzantium and previous Roman Empire existed. The long Byzantine centuries and Roman centuries before had wielded people adept at statecraft, bureaucracy and building armies and defensive buildings. There was elaborate networks of roads that enabled quick movements and mobilisation. Technology had been developing since much earlier civilisations.
MAP 2: Ottoman successor to Byzantium. Notice contemporary Venetians
The embryonic Ottomans were very fortunate to have been bequeathed the advantages Byzantium once held. Venice, ( remember Venetian really does mean Rome ) was a powerful maritime trading republic. However this important city of commerce needed to go through Constantinople to trade in regions of Black Sea and beyond. Ottomans needed to win hard fought victories to establish themselves. They had inherited the efficient Byzantine Bureaucracy and continued along the architectural engineering projects and treaties Byzantium cultivated centuries before.
MAP 3: When Ottomans captured Constantinople it greatly strengthened them
The map show a period slightly before Ottoman expansion over Serbia and Albania. Serbia had once been a strong regional power in its own right and vied with Hungary for influence over Balkans. Ottoman control over Constantinople allowed it to be effective expanding in placed relatively closer. The Ottomans were fortunate to have effective leaders and people knowledgeable and capable in statecraft.
On May 29, 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, but Venice managed to maintain a colony in the city and some of the former trade privileges it had had under the Byzantines. Indeed, in 1454, the Ottomans granted the Venetians their ports and trading rights. Despite the recent Ottoman defeats by John Hunyadi of Hungary and by Skanderbeg in Albania, war was unavoidable. In 1463 the Venetian fortress of Argos was ravaged. Venice set up an alliance with Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and attacked the Greek islands by sea and Bulgaria by land. The allies were forced to retreat on both fronts, however, after several minor victories. Operations were reduced mostly to isolated ravages and guerrilla attacks, until the Ottomans moved on a massive counteroffensive in 1470: this resulted in Venice losing its main stronghold in the Aegean Sea, Negroponte. The Venetians sought an alliance with the Shah of Persia and other European powers, but, receiving only limited support, could make only small-scale attacks at Antalya, Halicarnassus and Smirne.
The Ottomans conquered the Peloponnesus and launched an offensive in the Venetian mainland, closing in on the important centre of Udine. The Persians, together with the Caramanian amir, were severely defeated at Terdguin, and the Republic was left alone. Further, much of Albania was lost after Skanderbeg's death. However, the heroic resistance of Scutari under Antonio Loredan forced the Ottomans to retire from Albania, while a revolt in Cyprus gave back the island to the Cornaro family and, subsequently, to the Serenissima (1473). Its prestige seemed reassured, but Scutari fell anyway two years later, and Friuli was again invaded and ravaged. On January 24, 1479, a treaty of peace was finally signed with the Ottomans. Venice had to cede Argo, Negroponte, Lemnos and Scutari, and pay an annual tribute of 10,000 golden ducati. Five years later the agreement was confirmed by Mehmed II's successor, Bayezid II, with the peaceful exchange of the islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia between the two sides.
A listing of all the Sultans of the former Ottoman Empire (1299 CE - 1923 CE), and their individual relations with their Jewish subjects and officers. This data has been provided by the Quincentennial Foundation of Istanbul.
OSMAN GAZI (Born) 1258 - (Deceased) 1326 CE
Osman Gazi was the youngest of three sons born to Ertugrul Gazi, he prepared the basis for an Empire of which the world trembled;
ORHAN GAZI (Born) 1281 - (Deceased) 1360 CE
After the conquest of Bursa, in 1326 Orhan Gazi issued a Royal Decree for the building of a synagogue, the "Etz Ha Hayim" synagogue which was in service until 50 years ago. The oppressed Jewish community, thanks to Orhan Gazi could breathe again. When Bursa was declared the capital, Jewish tradesmen were invited to Bursa and thanks to the climate of freedom, Jews came even from Arabia.
MURAD I. HUDAVENDIGAR (Born) 1326 - (Deceased) 1389 CE
Murad I. settled the Jews who fled Hungary in Thrace and Anatolia. When the Ottomans conquered Edirne, the capital was transferred from Bursa to Edirne. The Jewish community of Edirne spoke only Greek. Therefore Jews from Bursa were invited to Edirne to teach Turkish to their kinsman. Learning of the tolerance and liberty the Jewish people enjoyed under the Ottoman crescent, the oppressed Jews from the Balkans ( Azakanazi, I would venture? ) came to Edirne.
SULTAN YILDIRIM BAYEZID (Born) 1360 - (Deceased) 1403 CE
In 1394 Sultan Yildirim Bayezid invited the French Jews who were molested by King Charles VI, to the Ottoman Empire. They were settled in Edirne and the Balkans. The French Kings had the habit of inviting the Jews to establish commerce and borrowing money from them. However often, when payment was due, they expelled them; only to re-invite them when they needed further financing.
CELEBI SULTAN MEHMED I (Born) 1389 - (Deceased) 1421 CE
His reign is marked by two important events: The conquest of Izmir and the Seyh Bedreddin revolution; there was a small Jewish community in Manisa that grew after the Ottoman conquest. The Seyh Bedreddin revolution: Aman called Seyh Bedreddin with a Jew, Samuel from Manisa, known as Torlak Kemal, organized a revolt. Torlak Kemal at the head of 3000 dervishes started spreading communist ideas saying that except wives everything belonged to the people. The movement started from Izmir and spread to Thrace. Saruhan Bey fought against him and was beaten. Ali Bey took ovet and had no success. Prince Murad at the head of a new army brought victory and consequently Seyh Bedreddin and Torlak Kemal were executed.
SULTAN MURAD II (Born) 1402 - (Deceased) 1451 CE
In 1421 he accepted to Adrianople and Salonica the German Jews who fled persecutions. In 1444 Sultan Murad abdicated in favour of his son Mehmed II, however, on account of war, upon the latters's request, he came back to power and resumed his reign in 1446. During the reign of Murad II, Ishak Pasa was appointed as chief doctor of the palace and a firman was issued in his family's favour exempting them from all taxes. The Jewish doctor Yakup also served in the palace.
FATIH SULTAN MEHMED (Born) 1429 - (Deceased) 1481 CE
MEHMED II, THE CONQUEROR (FATIH) Reigned from 1444 to 1446 until his father took over on account of war. He came again to throne in 1451. He conquered Constantinople in 1453. The oppressed Jews were relieved to see him occupy the city. He allowed Jews from today's Greek Islands and Crete to settle in Istanbul. Fatih's declaration is as follows: "Listen sons of the Hebrew who live in my country...May all of you who desire come to Constantinople and may the rest of your people find here a shelter". The Bavarian King Ludwig the III, under the influence of the Italian Monk Jean de Capistrano expelled the Jews out and forced them to settle on the banks of the Danube River, Capistrano helped John Hunyadi in 1456 when the Ottomans besieged Belgrade. In 1410 Jean Huss was excommunicated and burned on order of the pope Alexander the V. The pope Nicholas the V, summoned Jean de Capistrano to go to Slovakia and fight the followers of Jean Huss. Of course Capistrano did not forget the Jews and as a result, by order of the Sultan, a regiment called "The sons of Moses" was formed. Since Capistrano also prepared a crusade against the Ottomans, the same regiment participated in the war which ensued. The doctors Isak Pasa Galeon and Ribbi Sonsino were also appointed to that regiment. Before being killed, Ribbi Sonsino chopped off the head of Jean de Capistrano and the church declared the latter a saint. After the war Mehmed II (Fatih) invited the Ashkenazi Jews of Transylvania and Slovakia to the Ottoman Empire. The synagogues Ahrida, Karaferya, Yanbol and Cuhadji which were damaged due to a fire have been repaired on Fatih's order. According to a votive foundation document dated 1451-1481, the doctors Moses Hamon, Isak Pas a Galeon, Hekim Yakup, Ephraim Sandji and Hekim Abraham were appointed as palace doctors.
SULTAN II BAYEZID (Born) 1447 - (Deceased) 1512 CE
During the years 1490 to 1497 Sultan Bayezid II accepted the exiled Jews from Italy, Spain and Portugal. In 1492 Kemal Reis and his fleet were sent to Cadiz to take the Jews in charge. During the reign of Bayezid II, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, signed an edict of expulsion for the Jews.
The edict was issued under the pressure of the church on the 31st of March 1492 and the Jews had to leave the country until the 2nd of August 1492. The last lot of Jews gathered in the port of Cadiz faced a dilemma: Those who left port were attacked by the pirates, those who went on land were burned at the stake by the inquisition. About a thousand people waited in anguish. At the last minute arrived a small fleet manned by the Turkish admiral Kemal Reis who took the refugees under his protection. Thus organizing a convoy of Jewish immigrants towards the Ottoman empire. Of the approximately 600,000 Spanish Jews, half were baptized, 100,000 went to Portugal, some went to the Netherlands, Italy, North Africa and the New World. But, the biggest lot reached the Ottoman Empire, numbering about 150,000 people.
When the Jews who went to Portugal were exiled too in 1497, a big majority of them found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Whereas the migration of forcibly converted Jews to Ottoman lands lasted several decades. In 1501 he accepted the Jews who fled from France. At a later period, the Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin who went to Brazil were tracked by the inquisition who persecuted and compelled them to emigrate to New Amsterdam, today's New York.
The immigrants met in the Ottoman Empire about 50,000 Romaniot, Karaite and Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews which may have entered Anatolia following the collapse of the Khazars; those who may have followed Alp Arslan after his entry to Anatolia and the communities which existed in the south-east since ancient times are not part of the estimated figures.
YAVUZ SULTAN SELIM (Born) 1470 - (Deceased) 1520 CE
By conquering Egypt, he had put an end to the "Law of no return" issued by the Roman Senate in the year 60 AD. The expulsion process was completed in the year 120. Meaning it took 60 years from Titus to Hadrian. Jews could travel freely for 400 years until the British conquered Palestine in 1917 and restricted again the entry of Jews into Palestine.
The "Law of no return" comprised an order of throwing overboard all Jews found on a ship sailing for the Holy Land. The reason for the law of expulsion, was that the Jews were undermining the "Pax Romana" as they were in constant rebellion. The Roman emperors considering themselves gods, wanted to establish their statues in the Temple and the Jews fought them. All occupiers of the land of Israel applied the law of no return. Meaning the Romans, the Byzantines, the Mameluks, the Arabs who came from the south, the crusaders, and the British in 1917.
At that time the palace doctors were Joseph Hamon and his son Moses Hamon, Joseph Hamon was killed during the conquest of Palestine in 1516. Sultan Selim had borrowed money from a Jewish banker for his Egyptian campaign, but the banker passed away before payment was due and his minister of finance reported the death to the Sultan adding that there was no need for payment. The Sultan wrote the following phrase under the report: "May the dead rest in peace, his orphans live in good health, his belongings prosper and curse upon the intriguer." Yavuz Sultan Selim who abrogated the Roman edict of no return has to be honored as the Sultan who paved the way for today's Israel.
KANUNI SULTAN SULEYMAN (Born) 1495 - (Deceased) 1566 CE
(SOLIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT) Built the city walls of Jerusalem and ordered the settling of thousands of Jews on the shores of Lake Kinnereth in Tiberias and the north of Jerusalem. His reign is marked as the most powerful and prosperous period of the Ottomans. During the reign of Soliman The Magnificent, Dona Gracia and Joseph Nassi, came to Turkey. Thanks to his connections and agents in Europe, Nassi was appointed as political advisor to the Sultan.
The pope Paul IV, wanted to hand over the Jews of Ancona to the inquisition but the timely opposition of the Sultan saved the Jews. Moses Hamon, Avram Levi Migas, Tam Ben david Yahya and his sons Gedalya Yahya and Joseph Yahya, Yehuda de Kugers, Moiz Butaril and doctor Menashe, served as palace physicians. During the war against Iran Gedalya Yahya, and during the war for the conquest of the island of Rhodes, Dr. Menashe was killed.
SULTAN SELIM II (Born) 1524 - (Deceased) 1574 CE
After the conquest of Cyprus he established 500 Jewish families on the Island and appointed Joseph Nassi as duke of Naxos. The German King Maximilian II asked Nassi to interfere in favour of Alexander Lapusneanu who was in disgrace. In 1569 Nassi had a treaty signed between Charles 9, of France and Selim II. In 1574, the palace doctor Solomon Nathan Eskenazi was sent to Venice as ambassador. The treaty between the Ottomans and Spain being under discussion, the Spaniards tried to bribe Eskenazi. Eskenazi gave them a lesson in honesty and the treaty was signed in favour of Turkey.
Mostly because they were at the right place at the right time in history. Byzantium was weak in the west. Eastern regions were devastated by Mongolian swarms and were still recovering. Anatolia and Balkans were fragmented which created a power vacuum filled in quickly by the Ottomans. Ottomans had the capability to rally the Turkic tribes initially to the west in the name of Islam and conquest. They were able statesman creating Casus Belli's for their neighboring Islamic states.
When this was combined with a strong bureaucracy inheriting Venetian and Byzantium legacy, able statesman and a novel land ownership scheme the foundations of an Empire one of the most successful in History were established. Ottoman Islam was tolerant and progressive and Ottomans created a multinational society and a diverse rich culture promoting individuals based on merit no matter what their ethnic backgrounds might be with minimal corruption. It was these defining characteristics that made the Empire successful and prepared its demise once they were lost.
Constantinople in the Quran
in Ākhir Al-Zamān (i.e., the End-Time) by Imram Hosien
Quote “ This book offers an insight into the emergence of modern western civilization in the drama which attended
The birth of a child to a virgin mother, when part of the Israelite people accepted Jesus السلام عليه as the Messiah, and another part rejected him and slandered him and his mother. All the Israelite people—both those who accepted Jesus السلام عليه , as well as those who rejected him—were then expelled from the Holy Land after he had departed this world, and they were banned from returning until Gog and Magog were released into the world and the had subsequently spread out in all directions. Gog and Magog would then use their indestructible power to establish the world-order of Gog and Magog, and they would be the ones who would bring the Israelite ( not Israelis which is feminine if I remember correctly. My insertion ) people back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own. Those who accepted Jesus السلام عليه , and who came to be known as Christians (i.e., Nasārah in the Qur’ān), were then blessed by Allah Most High to gain a home in Constantinople, where they proceeded to establish a Holy Christian State; but when they were tested concerning observance of the Law of the Sabbath in which all Christians were supposed to refrain from work (and hence fishing as well), some of them continued to obey the sacred law sent down in the Torah and remained the faithful followers of Jesus.
The Qur’ān described them as Ahl al-Injīl, or the people of the Gospel. Others, however, they abandoned the Law of the Sabbath and eventually split from Constantinople to become western Christianity. Their abandonment of the Law has now led them to shameful end where a man can marry another man and get a marriage certificate. They were cursed by Allah Most High to be ‘Apes despised’. It is from this part of the Christian world that modern Western Civilization emerged.” End quote from CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE QUR ’ ĀN”.
Again from Imran Hosein;
“When Mohammad Fateh conquered Constantinople, the first thing he did in the city was take the greatest cathedral ever built in Christendom, Hagia Sophia, which was the heart of Byzantine Christianity. It had been in existence for more than a thousand years as the premier Cathedral of the Christian world. Sultan Mohammad Fateh passed an act, which I regretfully describe as sinful - monstrously sinful and stupid. I regret having to use that language, but somebody has to do it. He brought shame upon Islam when he took that Christian functioning cathedral, which was not an abandoned building, and transformed it into a Masjid. It is not permissible for us to do such a thing.
In particular, Muhammad said that at the end of times we are going to meet in alliance with Rome. It can’t be Rome, as we fought before to get Constantinople. It can’t be the Rome that women served in the armed forces. The only other Rome is in Moscow, the eastern Christian one.
“You are going to make an alliance with Rome”. And this is Rome’s greatest Cathedral. If you had any sense in your head, you would have never done such a stupid, monstrously wicked thing. This is their cathedral, not ours.
So the first day that our Muslim army conquers Constantinople, the first thing that the commander will do, because the Prophet described him as a “quite excellent” commander, to return the Cathedral to the Christians and offer an apology on behalf of the Ummah of Muhammad. And we will return the name to the city, the name used by Muhammad himself. So goodbye, Mustafa Kemal.”
Can one see a “divide” being set up ?
Frankism the Sabbatean Jewish religious movement
As one can see, due to the opportunities of trade and persecutions in and around Europe there was a large movement of expelled people centered around the trade hub of Constantinople up to the mid 1600s.
Frankism was a Sabbatean Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. Frank rejected religious norms, and said his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible. ( Does the “Frankfurt School raise any eyebrows at this point?) At its height it claimed perhaps 500,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe
Unlike traditional Judaism, which provides a set of detailed guidelines called "halakha" that are scrupulously followed by observant Jews and regulate many aspects of life, Frank claimed that "all laws and teachings will fall"and – following antinomianism – asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary.
Frankism is associated with the Sabbateans of Turkey, a religious movement that identified the 17th-century Jewish rabbi Sabbatai Zevi as the Messiah. Like Frankism, the earlier forms of Sabbateanism believed that at least in some circumstances, antinomianism was the correct path.
Zevi himself would perform actions that violated traditional Jewish taboos, such as eating foods that were forbidden by kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) and celebrating prescribed fast days as feast days. Especially after Zevi's death, a number of branches of Sabbateanism evolved, which disagreed among themselves over which aspects of traditional Judaism should be preserved and which discarded. The more radical branches even engaged in sexual foreplay. In Frankism, orgies featured prominently in rituals.
The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of followers of disciples and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza. Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he became a Jewish apostate with his conversion to Islam in the same year.
Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his "Messiahship" and after his conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. They can be grouped into three: "Maaminim" (believers), "Haberim" (associates), and "Ba'ale Milhamah" (warriors). Part of the Sabbateans lived on until well into the 20th century as Dönmeh. Inside the Ottoman Empire, those followers of Zevi who had converted to Islam but who secretly continued Jewish observances and Brit Mila became known as the Dönme (Turkish: dönme "convert").
Some scholars have noted that the Sabbatean movement in general fostered and connected well with the principles of modern secularism. Related to this is the drive of the Donmeh in Turkey for secularizing their society just as European Jews promoted the values of Age of Enlightenment and its Jewish equivalent the haskalah. Despite their conversion to Islam, the Sabbateans secretly remained close to Judaism and continued to practice Jewish rituals covertly.
They recognized Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676) as the Jewish Messiah, observed certain commandments with similarities to those in Judaism, and prayed in Hebrew and later in Ladino. They also observed rituals celebrating important events in Zevi's life and interpreted Zevi's conversion in a Kabbalistic way.
There are several branches of the Dönmeh group. The first is the İzmirli, formed in İzmir (Smyrna). This was the original sect, from which two others eventually split. The first schism created the sect of the Jakubi, founded by Jacob Querido (ca. 1650–1690), the brother of Zevi's last wife. Querido claimed to be Zevi's reincarnation and a messiah in his own right. The second split from the İzmirli was the result of claims that Berechiah Russo (1695–1740), had inherited a soul known in Turkish as Otman Baba, who was truly next reincarnated in Zevi's soul. These allegations gained following and gave rise to the Karakashi (Turkish), or Konioso (Ladino), branch, the most numerous and strictest branch of the Dönmeh. Missionaries from the Karakashi/Konioso were active in Poland in the first part of the 18th century and taught Jacob Frank (1726–1791), who later claimed to have inherited Russo's soul. Frank went on to create the Frankist sect, a different non-Dönmeh Sabbatean group in Eastern Europe. Yet another group, the Lechli, of Polish descent, lived in exile in Thessaloniki and Constantinople.
According to some, several leading members of the Young Turk movement, a group of constitutional monarchist revolutionaries who brought down the Ottoman Empire, were Dönmeh. At the time of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, some among the Thessaloniki Dönmeh tried to be recognized as non-Muslims to avoid being forced to leave the city
Young Turks, through highly secret diplomatic negotiations, led the Ottoman Empire to ally itself with Germany.
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, KG, GCB, PC, FRS (20 October 1784 – 18 October 1865)
was a British statesman who served twice as Prime Minister in the mid-19th century. Palmerston dominated British foreign policy during the period 1830 to 1865, when Britain was at the height of its imperial power. He held office almost continuously from 1807 until his death in 1865. He began his parliamentary career as a Tory, defected to the Whigs in 1830, and became the first Prime Minister of the newly formed Liberal Party in 1859. He served as Foreign Secretary 1830–34, 1835–41, and 1846–51. In this office, Palmerston responded efficaciously to a series of conflicts in Europe. His belligerent actions as Foreign Secretary, some of which were highly controversial, have been considered to be prototypes of the practice of liberal interventionism.
In 1850 Britain rules , a new Rome; Victoria is on the throne and is dabbling in the occult. The venetian oligarchy has set up the Sax gotha co-burg ( via William of Orange ) to rule the houses of Europe.
Lord Palmaston a disciple of Jeremy Bentham: note “Jeremy Bentham ; 15 February 1748 – 6 June 1832) was an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism.
Bentham defined as the "fundamental axiom" of his philosophy the principle that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong." He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law, and a political radical whose ideas influenced the development of welfarism. He advocated individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and (in an unpublished essay) the decriminalising of homosexual acts. He called for the abolition of slavery, capital punishment and physical punishment, including that of children. He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights. Though strongly in favour of the extension of individual legal rights, he opposed the idea of natural law and natural rights (both of which are considered "divine" or "God-given" in origin), calling them "nonsense upon stilts".
Bentham's students included his secretary and collaborator James Mill, the latter's son, John Stuart Mill, the legal philosopher John Austin, as well as Robert Owen, one of the founders of utopian socialism. He "had considerable influence on the reform of prisons, schools, poor laws, law courts, and Parliament itself."
The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this “mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism. The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. ( easter anyone?)
In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar.You can see this hapening today with the Cult of Gaia and the swedish marrionette.
When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal garbage came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under the Second Earl of Shelbourne’s puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such as the powerful Jeremy Bentham in the fore.
Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England, the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University's John Ruksin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Out of this came theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.
Sorry for that tangent; now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Palmerston as we can now see was most probably a satanist. To put this another way; Queen Victoria satanist, Bentham satanist, and John Mill satanist; all very good friends with Lord Palmerston. Who at the very least was an occultist.
Palmerston had help from a certain ; Giuseppe Mazzini 22 June 1805 – 10 March 1872)
Who was an Italian politician, journalist, activist for the unification of Italy, and spearhead of the Italian revolutionary movement. His efforts helped bring about the independent and unified Italy in place of the several separate states, many dominated by foreign powers, that existed until the 19th century. He also helped define the modern European movement for popular democracy in a republican state.
Mazzini's thoughts had a very considerable influence on the Italian and European republican movements, Mazzini organized a new political society called Young Italy. Young Italy was a secret society formed to promote Italian unification: "One, free, independent, republican nation." Mazzini believed that a popular uprising would create a unified Italy, and would touch off a European-wide revolutionary movement.
The group's motto was God and the People, and its basic principle was the unification of the several states and kingdoms of the peninsula into a single republic as the only true foundation of Italian liberty. The new nation had to be: "One, Independent, Free Republic". Remember this name; Bertie uses it to kick off a European party later in the day !
So how did this group of Venetian Satanic perverts rule the waves? The Venetian idea of “controlling the culture” of course by the old roman maxim of “looting your neighbors.
The 11 points of rule from the Frankfurt School;
The Nonsense that Britain had factories the fleet was formidable was not as it was cracked up to be. The fleet didn't have wheels and other “empires” namely the Russian and the US has more resources at their disposal. However Britain
played the “National Liberation card.” For Britain to rule the world. The Ottoman and Europe empires needed to be dismembered, Lord Cupid ( Palmerston ) had a plan. Enter “Bertie” .
For long years, King Edward wove, with masterly skill, the Nessus robe that was to destroy the German Hercules.-Leipziger Neuste Nachrichten, after the death of Edward VII, May 1910
There are no frictions between us, there is only rivalry .-Edward VII to State Secretary von Tschirschky of the German Foreign Ministry, at the Cronberg Anglo German summit, 1906
Born in 1841, Edward VII was a pupil of Lord Palmerston, with whom he discussed a Russian alliance during the mid-1860s. The young Edward was also close to Palmerston's little helper; Napoleon III, and the Empress Eugenie. Casanova with a crown, a satyr and sodomist on the throne of England.
I have talked before about the long line of decent from Babylon, through madness to the debauchery of current times. Scumbaggery are bred and nurtured. Edward was no different. To set the stage, I must spread my gaze towards Russia and paint a picture of Europe.
With the battle of Poltava in 1709 , Russia began to emerge as a “superpower”. later with the unification of the Holy Roman Empire into the Germanic confederation or “Germany” as we now call her. Britain began to lose credibility and the iron rod of Venetian influence was slipping away. With this in mind as well as the blunders of the Boar war, and Crimea still weighing heavily in the minds of the unwashed. Bertie set about the destruction of the Russian house and the ring fencing of Germany. A united and orderly Europe. Baron Greindl, the Belgian ambassador to Berlin, expressed the opinion “ One is driven to the conclusion that British foreign policy is directed by the king in person there is undoubtedly in England a court policy pursued outside and along side that of the government.”
Indulge me in a little deviation, to highlight the "cold-bloodedness of these interconected satanists; One of the greatest “mysteries” is why the house of Guelph , as that is their name. Allowed the execution of the Russian Tzar Nicholas the 2nd and his family. Men , Woman and children; and children. Alexandria sent a letter to Queen Mary begging for help
Queen mary at the breakfast table received from the staff , a letter from the Alexandria begging for help ( Mary canceled lunch with Aunt Helena, “ poor Nicky”)
On July 16, 1918, imprisoned Czar Nicholas II, his wife, and their five children were awoken in the middle of the night and led down to a basement room. Bolshevik secret police stormed in, an order of execution was read aloud, and a storm of bullets fired toward the family. Nicholas and his wife died immediately, while his children were bludgeoned, stabbed and shot again and again until they finally were killed.
In the 15 months from his abdication to his death, royal relations still in power debated if and how they should grant the family asylum, with many of the Romanov descendants believing King George V of England, the czar’s cousin and grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II, could have saved them. And in my humble opinion they could have.
The web of royal marriages across the continent was so interconnected that King George V of England was first cousins to both Nicholas and his wife, Alexandra. While most of the royal relatives were fond of the warm and outgoing Nicholas, who also bore strong physical resemblance to George, Alexandra’s slightly arrogant demeanor rubbed many the wrong way, leading to growing antipathy.
After a smaller-scale revolt in 1905 forced Nicholas to cede some of his power, the couple started to withdraw from society. They began to rely on mystics and healers like the much-hated Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin to help with Alexandra’s failing health and their son Alexei’s debilitating hemophilia,( insert chart of European scumbaggery that have this disease) which distanced them further away from the other royals and drew suspicion among many Russians.
Russia’s disastrous entry into World War I in 1914 and the ensuing defeats and hardships increased resentments toward the family, eventually erupting into the 1917 February Revolution. Please refer to the above narrative about Edward the 7th manipulations as to why Russia was drawn into WW1.
Still in St. Petersburg, Nicholas’ wife and children were urged by the government to flee as the riots unfolded. Alexandra refused to leave without Nicholas, who was at the front fighting against the revolutionaries. He eventually succumbed to pressure and abdicated. The week Nicholas spent traveling back to his family was likely the last window for the family to escape Russia.
George V expressed his concern for his cousins in private letters, but he knew the situation was precarious as most Brits at the time called the former czar “Bloody Nicholas.” They also despised the German-born Alexandria just as much, as anti-German sentiment was at such a fever pitch that George V eventually changed the royal family’s name from the very German “Saxe-Coburg-Gotha” to the thoroughly British “Windsor.”
Great Britain also needed to tread lightly with the new Provisional Government in Russia; it would be a disaster for the Allies if Russia succumbed to internal pressure and withdrew from World War I. That new Russian government, however, faced its own looming threat: what if pro-monarchist groups try to restore Nicholas to the throne? Because of this, they wanted to Romanovs out of Russia—and fast. They asked other Governments to grant the Romanovs asylum. The British agreed.
Britain regretted the offer almost immediately. The government was nervous having the Romanovs on British shores, while George V’s private secretary, Lord Stamfordham, feared an uprising against the monarchy.
Other crowned heads of Europe—mainly Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway—considered ways to rescue the family, but they all feared antagonizing the new government in Russia.
Various rumors swirled about their fate. They moved to the remote Siberian city of Tobolsk in August 1917 and, as reality set in, the family began sending hidden messages about their situation in capitivty to the outside world in hopes of reaching pro-monarchist groups.
When the Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917, even the most ardent Romanov supporters began to lose hope. While the Provisional Government seemed somewhat sympathetic to the family, the Bolsheviks wanted their heads.
After transferring to the city of Ekaterinburg, the Romanovs and their servants were imprisoned in the ominously named “House of Special Purpose.” Despite their bleak circumstance, they still were optimistic, with Alexandra writing a hopeful diary entry hours before her execution. After the execution, only Nicholas’ death was announced, and it would be months before word of the rest of the family’s fate reached the courts of Europe.
No 20th century regicide had a greater impact on world history than the execution of Tsar Nicholas ll, Empress Alexandra and their children at the hands of Bolshevik revolutionaries in 1918. In Europe especially, the panicked reaction among its remaining royal families, most of whom were related to both Nicholas and Alexandra, was swift and ultimately devastating. For while publicly embracing more liberal, socialist leaning forms of government, privately most of them aided and abetted the rise of fascism, including the Nazis, as a last line of defense against the onslaught of further worker led revolutions.
This directly led to the outbreak of World War ll and the far more devastating loss of life it wrought than the previous war. The unsealing of Cabinet papers kept during the tenure of David Lloyd George, the British prime minister during the First World War, in 1986 revealed it was King George V, rather than the head of his government, who decided not to give the Tsar and his family refuge in Britain when Alexander Kerensky and his Menshevik government, who overthrew Nicholas ll in the initial stage of the Russian revolution, asked the British to accept the Romanovs as exiles. This disclosure made it clear that the King, advised by his private secretary, Lord Stanfordham, was convinced that harboring Europe’s most notorious autocrat at a time when the UK was erupting in worker led anti-war strikes would only further endanger the already fragile stability of the British Monarchy. What these papers don’t clarify, however, is the long held rumor among Europe’s royal and aristocratic elite that the real decision to leave the Russian Imperial Family to their fate wasn’t made by Stamfordham, but by George V’s far more trusted advisor, his consort, Queen Mary.
Gore Vidal recalls Princess Margaret’s thoughts concerning her august grandmother in his memoir, Palimpsest. They became friends in the ’50’s and kept in touch intermittently for the rest of her life. Aside from inviting him for a swim in the pool at her early childhood country estate, Royal Lodge, which he describes as “grubby,” Her Royal Highness revealed to Vidal that she despised Queen Mary because the dowager was rude to all of her grandchildren except Margaret’s older sister, Princess Elizabeth, and that was only because one day she’d be Queen. In the princess’ opinion, Queen Mary suffered from a terminal inferiority complex, and pathological jealousy of most of her grandchildren, because she wasn’t born a Royal Highness and they were. There’s more than a little substance to this observation.
Queen Mary, after all, was born a Serene,( His/Her Serene Highness (abbreviation: HSH, oral address: Your Serene Highness) is a style used today by the reigning families of Liechtenstein, Monaco, and Thailand. Until 1918, it was also associated with the princely titles of members of some German ruling and mediatised dynasties and with a few princely but non-ruling families. It was also the form of address used for cadet members of the dynasties of France, Italy, Russia and Ernestine Saxony, under their monarchies. Additionally, the treatment was granted for some, but not all, princely yet non-reigning families of Bohemia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Russia by emperors or popes. In a handful of rare cases, it was employed by non-royal rulers in viceregal or even republican contexts.
In a number of older English dictionaries, serene as used in this context means supreme; royal; august; marked by majestic dignity or grandeur; or high or supremely dignified. German-speaking lands; Francophone dominions,Italy,Poland Russia .
Rather than Royal Highness, owing to her father being the son of an unequal, or morganatic, marriage between a prince of Wurtemburg and a Hungarian countess. In 19th century royal Europe the descendants of such a mésalliance were treated as second class citizens destined for lives of obscurity and marriages to either the most low ranking of royals, or someone who wasn’t royal at all.
Her parents’ marriage told its own story. For Prince Francis, Duke of Teck, her virtually penniless father, was forced to settle for her plain, morbidly obese mother, Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, who was the daughter of the youngest surviving son of King George lll, and had virtually no dowry. Her lowly status coupled with her parents’ near constant financial straights, which caused the family’s possessions to be sold off at public auction at least once, traumatized their only daughter, Princess Victoria Mary, who later shortened her name to simply Mary, and was known within her family as May. Despite Queen Victoria deciding that Mary’s morganatic taint was no impediment to her first becoming the fiancé of the Queen’s heir presumptive and grandson, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, and then when he suddenly died being passed along to his little brother, Prince George, Princess Mary’s more prominently born in-laws and relatives never tired of chiding her because of her origins, at least until she became Queen consort.
Sarah Bradford writes in Elizabeth R that her sisters-in-law never missed an opportunity to make fun of her “ugly, Wurtemburg hands.” According to Lady Colin Campbell’s recent biography of the Queen Mother, the meanest girl of all toward Princess Mary among her extended family while she was growing up was Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, later Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia. Mary and her itinerant family often spent holidays in Hesse-Darmstadt, where putting her in her lowly place was among Princess Alix’s favorite pastimes.
The last Russian Empress’ innate and lifelong snobbery, at least among other royals, is corroborated by Robert K. Massie in his monumental biography, Nicholas and Alexandra. One of the reasons why the Empress so despised her cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm ll, and recoiled every time he kissed her children, was because she deemed him a parvenu emperor. Germany, after all, had only become an empire in 1870.
Ironically, had she not been so determined to wed for love, Alix would’ve taken Mary’s place in the annals of British history. She was her grandmother, Queen Victoria’s, initial choice as spouse for Prince Albert Victor. Lady Campbell plainly states that it was Queen Mary who most strongly persuaded her husband, King George V, not to give asylum to the Romanovs, despite his fondness for his virtual lookalike first cousin, Nicholas ll. While arguing to her husband’s face that their presence would undoubtedly foster revolutionary fervor in Britain, Campbell writes that for years to come her family was convinced that her sole reason for denying the Russian Imperial Family sanctuary was simply to exact revenge on Empress Alexandra for having slighted her for all those years.
Lady Colin clarifies, however, that there was no way at that time anyone could’ve predicted the tragic fate that befell the former Tsar and his family. They were still, after all, being kept at their palace at Tsarkoe Selo as prisoners of Kerensky’s Provisional Government, and it wasn’t until he and his regime were overthrown by the Bolsheviks that the tragic bloody fate of the Romanovs was sealed. While one could dismiss this as groundless hearsay, Gore Vidal adds an interesting addendum to this tale in his memoir.
For not only was he friends with Princess Margaret, but was also a friendly acquaintance of her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward Vlll. They were both mutual friends of Countess Mona Von Bismarck, and it was on her estate at Capri one night in the ’50’s when the first born son of George V and Queen Mary revealed to Vidal his own eyewitness account of the morning his parents inadvertently sealed their imperial relatives’ doom.
While eating breakfast at Buckingham Palace in 1917 with his parents and apparently none of his siblings, an aide-de-camp to the King suddenly entered the room carrying a folded note. Despite this being a complete breach of protocol, and George V being furious, the aide immediately handed him the note and awaited his reply. George proceeded to read it, then handed it to his wife, clearly awaiting her response. She read it, turned to her husband and said, “No.” He then handed the note to the aide and declared, “No.” The gentleman left and breakfast proceeded without further interruption. Later that day Prince Edward inquired of his mother what the meaning of that morning’s scene was. She proceeded to tell him that his father’s government was ready to send a battle ship to rescue the former Tsar and his family, but she didn’t think it would be good for them to have their Russian relatives in Britain. The Duke ended the story by blasély mentioning his parents’ decision left no choice for the Bolsheviks but to shoot them all. Vidal then theorizes that Princess Margaret wouldn’t have been shocked by her grandmother’s decision given her resentment of more higher born royals than herself, like Nicholas, Alexandra and their brood.
While the Duke of Windsor may have witnessed the exact moment his parents opted to ditch the Romanovs, the declassified government documents from that period make it very clear that George V’s decision to leave his Russian cousins to their fate wasn’t made in a few minutes over breakfast, was also heavily influenced by Lord Stamfordham, and was based on far more than the personal vendetta of his wife. While Queen Mary may have had her own personal axe to grind with Empress Alexandra, she was far too intelligent and sensible to persuade her husband’s decision, if in fact she did so, based solely upon her personal feelings. A war that was supposed to have lasted no more than six months had dragged on for three devastating years, killing more young men than any other foreign war in British, with all the sovereign variations therein, history.
The economy was in a shambles, worker led, anti-war strikes were occurring daily with ever growing numbers of participants, and a socialist friendly prime minister, that congratulated the Mensheviks when they overthrew Nicholas ll, had just taken power. The threat of a potential revolution erupting in the UK was all too real, and the harboring of the Russian Imperial Family might’ve proven the final spark to make the British Monarchy explode. As Vidal concludes about the Windsors in his memoir, they’re tough as nails when it comes to their own survival.
The loss of the Mensheviks and the installation of the Bolsheviks, Stalin , the rise of Hitler the funding of Lenin must wait unfortuantly for another day as this article is rapidly becoming a book,
Back to Bertie !
Until 1870, the British perceived Russia to be the strongest land power. Remember “Bismark had not wielded his charm “ and the patchwork of Junkers still prevailed. In 1870 that changed with the emergence of a united Germany.
Sir Edward Grey
A family servant of Edward VII was Sir Edward Grey,the British Foreign Secretary who actually started World War I. Grey' s father was an army officer who had joined the household of Edward when he was Prince of Wales. The elder Grey was an equerry, or master of the royal horses . Edward was Lord Grey' s godfather. Edward did the traveling, while Grey stayed in the Foreign Office to do the clerking. Grey's problem later, in August 1 9 1 4, was to make Germany think that England would not go to war, until the war had actually started. This he did with the help of Edward ' s surviving son, George V. At the same time, Grey had to convince the Russians and the French that Britain would indeed honor the Triple Entente and go to war in support of Russian aggression. In his effort to start the war, Grey also had to lie to his own prime minister and cabinet. He finally had to sell the entire result to the House of Commons. In other words Bertie had died and edward grey ( lower case , as these people are not important.) used George the fifth to complete the plan,
Edward' s French network was extensive, and included royalists and oligarchs . The common denominator of Edward ' s network was La revanche, t he need for France to exact vengeance from Germany for the loss of the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine in 1 87 1 . The central figure was a leftish radical, Georges "Tiger" Clemenceau, France' s wartime premier and the chairman of the Peace Conference at Versailles .
Can one see how “ connected” things were and Are! Do I really need to press forward and join the dots and perhaps cross the “t”?
Edward's mastery of psychological and ideological manipulation is most evident in his relation with his pathetic and unstable nephew, Kaiser Wilhelm. Edward made a detailed Kaiser Wilhelm. Edward made a detaileds study of Willy's psychological profile, which he knew to be pervaded by feelings of inferiority and incurable anglophilia.
One of Edward' s last memorable outings was his 1909 visit with King Victor Emmanuel, ,held at Baiae near Naples on April 29, 1 909 . Here Edward VlI briefed his agent, Italian Foreign Minister Tittoni, on what he saw as the alarming growth of the Austro-Hungarian fltet, the navy of a power to which Italy was theoretically allied but to which it was in reality a rival .
For a few moments during early August 1914, the kaiser realized what had happened: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves . . . after laying the foundation of the casus foederis for us through Austria . . . to take the Austro-Serbian conflict for an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us .
So the famous encirclement of Germany has finally become a fact, despite every effort of our politicians and diplomats to prevent it. The net has been suddenly thrown over our head, and England sneeringly reaps the most brilliant success of her persistently prosecuted purely anti German world policy against which we have proved ourselves helpless, while she twists the noose of our political and economic destruction out of our fidelity to Austria, as we squirm isolated in the net. A great achievement, which arouses the admiration even of him who is to be destroyed as its result!
Edward VII is stronger after his death than am I who am still alive! And there have been people who believed that England could be won over or pacified, by this or that puny measure.
. . . That is the real naked situation slowly and cleverly set going by Edward VII and . . . finally brought to a conclusion
by George V . . . .
As you can see and get the feeling for; you are being manipulated by a class of people who bear no relations to the common world that you and I delight in.
These Babylonian scumbags have no empathy , if they do it is very misdirected, so I would like to close by adding my observations on a statue in a small town in one of the Empires far flung outposts. In reality Edward the Carresser had manipulated Europe in order to ring fence the newly created Germany. A Germany with resources and man power that could influence British Hedge-money and loosen the Venetian grip and its moneyed influence.
From the beginning there has
been " a hidden hand" whether the Vatican or the monied; the slaves to
These wretched creatures as so eloquently highlighted by Tolkien, who have been consumed by Satan's cherubim into and giving all, for the short term lust of Money.
These wretched creatures have jostled for position casting aside all that is good to gain a foothold in the paths of ease and want. we know as the silk road and Constantinople.To those that rejected Christ , there was no need to restrict themselves, only the serving of the self. In the belief ,or by understanding, the brothers of Arron or by the priests of mammon, or As Tennyson put it in Tithonus
"To his great heart none other than a God!
I ask'd thee, "Give me immortality."
Then didst thou grant mine asking with a smile,
Like a wealthy man? "
Who gave them the "Divine right of rule."
Phycopathic scumbaggery has become the norm and millions upon millions of the trusting have fallen. Some in the belief of doing "the right thing". Others for "by doing" the right thing.
The blue lights flickering behind closed curtains up and down the empty street, tell of the future . A future of thought crimes and self censorship. A future of sustainable super cities and control. A surveiled , monitored socially controlled future
A future of fraudulent malthusian scarcity, of soaring energy and food prices, and a poor abused swedish marionette
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,-- The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
An old fella once said
, "money and honour have no attraction for them; good men do not wish to be openly demanding payment for governing and so to get the name of hirelings, nor by secretly helping themselves out of the public revenues to get the name of thieves. And not being ambitious they do not care about honour. Wherefore necessity must be laid upon them, and they must be induced to serve from the fear of punishment. And this, as I imagine, is the reason why the forwardness to take office, instead of waiting to be compelled, has been deemed dishonourable. Now the worst part of the punishment is that he who refuses to rule is liable to be ruled by one who is worse than himself. And the fear of this, as I conceive, induces the good to take office.
In other words good men rule because they want to better the condition of the other not themselves. They seek no reward.
The Ottoman Empire
The Christchurch shooting traumatized Christchurch New Zealand. The official narrative held that “ a lone white supremacist gunman” shot 50 people in a mosque before being arrested by police. The attack was “live streamed to facebook” and subsequently banned in very short order by the Ardern led Labour government.
Written in white paint on the gun “ an assault styled weapon, ” were dates of Greek and Ottoman battles. Battles involving the orthodox church. ( Rum, aka Russia). A few weeks later, an attack on a christian church in India shocked the media yet again.
So what is going on here? Why is conflict being engineered between orthodox Christianity and western Christianity? We need to pop back a few years and look at the history of the Ottoman empire and see who did what to whom and why. - how the Ottoman Empire sabotaged the relationship between Christianity and Islam, through oppression and aggression, and the desecration of the Hagia Sophia. How the New Zealand shooter is explicitly linked to this?
The desire of the Ghazi Turks to expand their territory under Osman I early in the 14th century led to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. These Islamic raiders attracted hordes of nomadic peoples to bolster their army and successfully assaulted the decaying defenses of the Byzantine Empire in Anatolia.
The ancestors of the Ghazis were tribal nomads who fled from Genghis Khan's Mongols and settled in Anatolia in the 12th century. The word "Ottoman" comes from the name "Osman." After Osman I united the Ghazis, they attacked the Byzantines but bypassed the capital, Constantinople. After the death of Osman I, the Ottomans expanded into the Balkans and Eastern Europe. They captured Thessaloniki from the Venetians in 1387 and Kosovo from the Serbs in 1389. The European crusades of the Middle Ages failed to vanquish them. Finally, in 1453, the Ottomans overcame the heavily fortified city of Constantinople. In the 15th and 16th centuries, further conquests expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire into Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Mesopotamia, Greece and parts of Hungary.
The Osman were given land by the Seljuk for their help in defending against the Mongols. The Osmans expanded as the Seljuk Empire began to disintegrate. The Osmans founded the Ottoman Empire expanded into the Balkans. The Ottomans soon came into conflict with the Byzantines. They recruited Christians in the Balkans, who they converted to Islam and enlisted in their Janissaries corps ( note; The Janis began as an elite corps of slaves made up of kidnapped young Christian boys who were converted to Islam ( either that or be killed) and became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries. Forbidden to marry or engage in trade, their complete loyalty to the Sultan was expected).
Italian and French merchants who had dominated Mediterranean trade since the Byzantine era, married women from local non-Muslim communities and created the Levantine class. Among them, the Lorando, Tubini, Baltazzi, Corpi, Stefanovic, Shilizzi, Negroponte, Coronio and Alberti families were the most famous. Apart from the Levantines, there were Jewish money changers like Camondo and Fernandez, along with Greek money changers (sarraf) such as Mavrokordato and Zarifi and Armenians such as Köçeoğlu and Mısırlıoğlu. Because the signature on their official work permit given by the state looks like "tail," they were called "money changers with a tail." This is important as one must remember that Constantinople was a hub of “silk route trade” and was to be controlled in the worship of Mammon.
The initial success of Osman and his Beylik comes from its ability to print coins. The Beyliks did not mint coins in the name of their own leaders while they remained under the suzerainty of the Ilkhanids.
Islamic states invariably printed excerpts from the Holy Koran on the coins, however, it is significant that Ottoman coins bore no religious references from the establishment period. Even examining the sultan titles on the coins provide important clues on the power of the state.
In the early periods, coins would simply feature names of the sultans and their fathers. As Empire grew stronger, titles such as “Sultan of two lands, Khan of Two Seas Sultan’s Son Sultan” or “Sultan of Greek, Persian and Arabic lands” are observed on the coins. However, when the Empire worn by the centuries faced economic hardships, titles were once more simplified.
The Mongol invasion having crushed the Seljuk Empire, leave a number of independent principalities governed by Beys, amongst them the Beylik of Osmanoğulları.
Coins provide us with accurate information on the fiscal structure of Ottoman State. In the first 150 years of the State, silver currency “Akçe” did not lose any value with regard to weight and carat, and therefore there was no inflation. However, in the Sultan Mahmud II period, Ottoman state could not even cover war expenditures and reduced the weight and carat of silver coins every three to five years, and was forced to create new currencies.
Following Mehmed the Conqueror’s conquest of Istanbul, the first gold coin minted is regarded as the sign of Ottoman State becoming an Empire. However, within the same years, the weight of Ottoman silver coins was reduced for the first time which led to a janissary uprising.
The alliance in 1441 of what was then a tiny territory of the Aegean and Anatolian controlled by the Ottomans (they had captured Gallipoli since 1354) and the Crimean Khanate doubled the territory and the might of the Ottoman Empire. Once the control of the Black Sea from the Crimea and the control of the entrance to the Marmara Sea from the Mediterranean at Gallipoli under the firm hands of the Ottomans, Mehmet the Conqueror could plan and execute the successful capture of Constantinople, aided by a weapon which was unknown until then: the cannon that could send bullets to knock the City's walls. Once the City captured Mehmet would add to his title Kayser-i Rûm (Emperor of the Romans) and absorb all of the military symbols of what was until then the richest and mightiest empire of the time.
Mehmet would be the first to institutionalize permanent offices of tax collections. And use lower taxes as a way to lure new territories to accept the hegemony of the Ottomans.
Rather than the inconclusive second siege of Vienna in 1683, it is the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca in 1774 making the Crimean Khanate an independent territory that is often agreed by historians as the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
In their affluent and prosperous days Byzantium controlled huge swathes of Europe and North Africa along with Levant. ( this is a key point, I believe) . Although they were building upon international trade connections that existed long before Byzantium and previous Roman Empire existed. The long Byzantine centuries and Roman centuries before had wielded people adept at statecraft, bureaucracy and building armies and defensive buildings. There was elaborate networks of roads that enabled quick movements and mobilisation. Technology had been developing since much earlier civilisations.
MAP 2: Ottoman successor to Byzantium. Notice contemporary Venetians
The embryonic Ottomans were very fortunate to have been bequeathed the advantages Byzantium once held. Venice, ( remember Venetian really does mean Rome ) was a powerful maritime trading republic. However this important city of commerce needed to go through Constantinople to trade in regions of Black Sea and beyond. Ottomans needed to win hard fought victories to establish themselves. They had inherited the efficient Byzantine Bureaucracy and continued along the architectural engineering projects and treaties Byzantium cultivated centuries before.

The map show a period slightly before Ottoman expansion over Serbia and Albania. Serbia had once been a strong regional power in its own right and vied with Hungary for influence over Balkans. Ottoman control over Constantinople allowed it to be effective expanding in placed relatively closer. The Ottomans were fortunate to have effective leaders and people knowledgeable and capable in statecraft.
On May 29, 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, but Venice managed to maintain a colony in the city and some of the former trade privileges it had had under the Byzantines. Indeed, in 1454, the Ottomans granted the Venetians their ports and trading rights. Despite the recent Ottoman defeats by John Hunyadi of Hungary and by Skanderbeg in Albania, war was unavoidable. In 1463 the Venetian fortress of Argos was ravaged. Venice set up an alliance with Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and attacked the Greek islands by sea and Bulgaria by land. The allies were forced to retreat on both fronts, however, after several minor victories. Operations were reduced mostly to isolated ravages and guerrilla attacks, until the Ottomans moved on a massive counteroffensive in 1470: this resulted in Venice losing its main stronghold in the Aegean Sea, Negroponte. The Venetians sought an alliance with the Shah of Persia and other European powers, but, receiving only limited support, could make only small-scale attacks at Antalya, Halicarnassus and Smirne.
The Ottomans conquered the Peloponnesus and launched an offensive in the Venetian mainland, closing in on the important centre of Udine. The Persians, together with the Caramanian amir, were severely defeated at Terdguin, and the Republic was left alone. Further, much of Albania was lost after Skanderbeg's death. However, the heroic resistance of Scutari under Antonio Loredan forced the Ottomans to retire from Albania, while a revolt in Cyprus gave back the island to the Cornaro family and, subsequently, to the Serenissima (1473). Its prestige seemed reassured, but Scutari fell anyway two years later, and Friuli was again invaded and ravaged. On January 24, 1479, a treaty of peace was finally signed with the Ottomans. Venice had to cede Argo, Negroponte, Lemnos and Scutari, and pay an annual tribute of 10,000 golden ducati. Five years later the agreement was confirmed by Mehmed II's successor, Bayezid II, with the peaceful exchange of the islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia between the two sides.
A listing of all the Sultans of the former Ottoman Empire (1299 CE - 1923 CE), and their individual relations with their Jewish subjects and officers. This data has been provided by the Quincentennial Foundation of Istanbul.
OSMAN GAZI (Born) 1258 - (Deceased) 1326 CE
Osman Gazi was the youngest of three sons born to Ertugrul Gazi, he prepared the basis for an Empire of which the world trembled;
ORHAN GAZI (Born) 1281 - (Deceased) 1360 CE
After the conquest of Bursa, in 1326 Orhan Gazi issued a Royal Decree for the building of a synagogue, the "Etz Ha Hayim" synagogue which was in service until 50 years ago. The oppressed Jewish community, thanks to Orhan Gazi could breathe again. When Bursa was declared the capital, Jewish tradesmen were invited to Bursa and thanks to the climate of freedom, Jews came even from Arabia.
MURAD I. HUDAVENDIGAR (Born) 1326 - (Deceased) 1389 CE
Murad I. settled the Jews who fled Hungary in Thrace and Anatolia. When the Ottomans conquered Edirne, the capital was transferred from Bursa to Edirne. The Jewish community of Edirne spoke only Greek. Therefore Jews from Bursa were invited to Edirne to teach Turkish to their kinsman. Learning of the tolerance and liberty the Jewish people enjoyed under the Ottoman crescent, the oppressed Jews from the Balkans ( Azakanazi, I would venture? ) came to Edirne.
SULTAN YILDIRIM BAYEZID (Born) 1360 - (Deceased) 1403 CE
In 1394 Sultan Yildirim Bayezid invited the French Jews who were molested by King Charles VI, to the Ottoman Empire. They were settled in Edirne and the Balkans. The French Kings had the habit of inviting the Jews to establish commerce and borrowing money from them. However often, when payment was due, they expelled them; only to re-invite them when they needed further financing.
CELEBI SULTAN MEHMED I (Born) 1389 - (Deceased) 1421 CE
His reign is marked by two important events: The conquest of Izmir and the Seyh Bedreddin revolution; there was a small Jewish community in Manisa that grew after the Ottoman conquest. The Seyh Bedreddin revolution: Aman called Seyh Bedreddin with a Jew, Samuel from Manisa, known as Torlak Kemal, organized a revolt. Torlak Kemal at the head of 3000 dervishes started spreading communist ideas saying that except wives everything belonged to the people. The movement started from Izmir and spread to Thrace. Saruhan Bey fought against him and was beaten. Ali Bey took ovet and had no success. Prince Murad at the head of a new army brought victory and consequently Seyh Bedreddin and Torlak Kemal were executed.
SULTAN MURAD II (Born) 1402 - (Deceased) 1451 CE
In 1421 he accepted to Adrianople and Salonica the German Jews who fled persecutions. In 1444 Sultan Murad abdicated in favour of his son Mehmed II, however, on account of war, upon the latters's request, he came back to power and resumed his reign in 1446. During the reign of Murad II, Ishak Pasa was appointed as chief doctor of the palace and a firman was issued in his family's favour exempting them from all taxes. The Jewish doctor Yakup also served in the palace.
FATIH SULTAN MEHMED (Born) 1429 - (Deceased) 1481 CE
MEHMED II, THE CONQUEROR (FATIH) Reigned from 1444 to 1446 until his father took over on account of war. He came again to throne in 1451. He conquered Constantinople in 1453. The oppressed Jews were relieved to see him occupy the city. He allowed Jews from today's Greek Islands and Crete to settle in Istanbul. Fatih's declaration is as follows: "Listen sons of the Hebrew who live in my country...May all of you who desire come to Constantinople and may the rest of your people find here a shelter". The Bavarian King Ludwig the III, under the influence of the Italian Monk Jean de Capistrano expelled the Jews out and forced them to settle on the banks of the Danube River, Capistrano helped John Hunyadi in 1456 when the Ottomans besieged Belgrade. In 1410 Jean Huss was excommunicated and burned on order of the pope Alexander the V. The pope Nicholas the V, summoned Jean de Capistrano to go to Slovakia and fight the followers of Jean Huss. Of course Capistrano did not forget the Jews and as a result, by order of the Sultan, a regiment called "The sons of Moses" was formed. Since Capistrano also prepared a crusade against the Ottomans, the same regiment participated in the war which ensued. The doctors Isak Pasa Galeon and Ribbi Sonsino were also appointed to that regiment. Before being killed, Ribbi Sonsino chopped off the head of Jean de Capistrano and the church declared the latter a saint. After the war Mehmed II (Fatih) invited the Ashkenazi Jews of Transylvania and Slovakia to the Ottoman Empire. The synagogues Ahrida, Karaferya, Yanbol and Cuhadji which were damaged due to a fire have been repaired on Fatih's order. According to a votive foundation document dated 1451-1481, the doctors Moses Hamon, Isak Pas a Galeon, Hekim Yakup, Ephraim Sandji and Hekim Abraham were appointed as palace doctors.
SULTAN II BAYEZID (Born) 1447 - (Deceased) 1512 CE
During the years 1490 to 1497 Sultan Bayezid II accepted the exiled Jews from Italy, Spain and Portugal. In 1492 Kemal Reis and his fleet were sent to Cadiz to take the Jews in charge. During the reign of Bayezid II, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, signed an edict of expulsion for the Jews.
The edict was issued under the pressure of the church on the 31st of March 1492 and the Jews had to leave the country until the 2nd of August 1492. The last lot of Jews gathered in the port of Cadiz faced a dilemma: Those who left port were attacked by the pirates, those who went on land were burned at the stake by the inquisition. About a thousand people waited in anguish. At the last minute arrived a small fleet manned by the Turkish admiral Kemal Reis who took the refugees under his protection. Thus organizing a convoy of Jewish immigrants towards the Ottoman empire. Of the approximately 600,000 Spanish Jews, half were baptized, 100,000 went to Portugal, some went to the Netherlands, Italy, North Africa and the New World. But, the biggest lot reached the Ottoman Empire, numbering about 150,000 people.
When the Jews who went to Portugal were exiled too in 1497, a big majority of them found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Whereas the migration of forcibly converted Jews to Ottoman lands lasted several decades. In 1501 he accepted the Jews who fled from France. At a later period, the Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin who went to Brazil were tracked by the inquisition who persecuted and compelled them to emigrate to New Amsterdam, today's New York.
The immigrants met in the Ottoman Empire about 50,000 Romaniot, Karaite and Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews which may have entered Anatolia following the collapse of the Khazars; those who may have followed Alp Arslan after his entry to Anatolia and the communities which existed in the south-east since ancient times are not part of the estimated figures.
YAVUZ SULTAN SELIM (Born) 1470 - (Deceased) 1520 CE
By conquering Egypt, he had put an end to the "Law of no return" issued by the Roman Senate in the year 60 AD. The expulsion process was completed in the year 120. Meaning it took 60 years from Titus to Hadrian. Jews could travel freely for 400 years until the British conquered Palestine in 1917 and restricted again the entry of Jews into Palestine.
The "Law of no return" comprised an order of throwing overboard all Jews found on a ship sailing for the Holy Land. The reason for the law of expulsion, was that the Jews were undermining the "Pax Romana" as they were in constant rebellion. The Roman emperors considering themselves gods, wanted to establish their statues in the Temple and the Jews fought them. All occupiers of the land of Israel applied the law of no return. Meaning the Romans, the Byzantines, the Mameluks, the Arabs who came from the south, the crusaders, and the British in 1917.
At that time the palace doctors were Joseph Hamon and his son Moses Hamon, Joseph Hamon was killed during the conquest of Palestine in 1516. Sultan Selim had borrowed money from a Jewish banker for his Egyptian campaign, but the banker passed away before payment was due and his minister of finance reported the death to the Sultan adding that there was no need for payment. The Sultan wrote the following phrase under the report: "May the dead rest in peace, his orphans live in good health, his belongings prosper and curse upon the intriguer." Yavuz Sultan Selim who abrogated the Roman edict of no return has to be honored as the Sultan who paved the way for today's Israel.
KANUNI SULTAN SULEYMAN (Born) 1495 - (Deceased) 1566 CE
(SOLIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT) Built the city walls of Jerusalem and ordered the settling of thousands of Jews on the shores of Lake Kinnereth in Tiberias and the north of Jerusalem. His reign is marked as the most powerful and prosperous period of the Ottomans. During the reign of Soliman The Magnificent, Dona Gracia and Joseph Nassi, came to Turkey. Thanks to his connections and agents in Europe, Nassi was appointed as political advisor to the Sultan.
The pope Paul IV, wanted to hand over the Jews of Ancona to the inquisition but the timely opposition of the Sultan saved the Jews. Moses Hamon, Avram Levi Migas, Tam Ben david Yahya and his sons Gedalya Yahya and Joseph Yahya, Yehuda de Kugers, Moiz Butaril and doctor Menashe, served as palace physicians. During the war against Iran Gedalya Yahya, and during the war for the conquest of the island of Rhodes, Dr. Menashe was killed.
SULTAN SELIM II (Born) 1524 - (Deceased) 1574 CE
After the conquest of Cyprus he established 500 Jewish families on the Island and appointed Joseph Nassi as duke of Naxos. The German King Maximilian II asked Nassi to interfere in favour of Alexander Lapusneanu who was in disgrace. In 1569 Nassi had a treaty signed between Charles 9, of France and Selim II. In 1574, the palace doctor Solomon Nathan Eskenazi was sent to Venice as ambassador. The treaty between the Ottomans and Spain being under discussion, the Spaniards tried to bribe Eskenazi. Eskenazi gave them a lesson in honesty and the treaty was signed in favour of Turkey.
Mostly because they were at the right place at the right time in history. Byzantium was weak in the west. Eastern regions were devastated by Mongolian swarms and were still recovering. Anatolia and Balkans were fragmented which created a power vacuum filled in quickly by the Ottomans. Ottomans had the capability to rally the Turkic tribes initially to the west in the name of Islam and conquest. They were able statesman creating Casus Belli's for their neighboring Islamic states.
When this was combined with a strong bureaucracy inheriting Venetian and Byzantium legacy, able statesman and a novel land ownership scheme the foundations of an Empire one of the most successful in History were established. Ottoman Islam was tolerant and progressive and Ottomans created a multinational society and a diverse rich culture promoting individuals based on merit no matter what their ethnic backgrounds might be with minimal corruption. It was these defining characteristics that made the Empire successful and prepared its demise once they were lost.
Constantinople in the Quran
in Ākhir Al-Zamān (i.e., the End-Time) by Imram Hosien
Quote “ This book offers an insight into the emergence of modern western civilization in the drama which attended
The birth of a child to a virgin mother, when part of the Israelite people accepted Jesus السلام عليه as the Messiah, and another part rejected him and slandered him and his mother. All the Israelite people—both those who accepted Jesus السلام عليه , as well as those who rejected him—were then expelled from the Holy Land after he had departed this world, and they were banned from returning until Gog and Magog were released into the world and the had subsequently spread out in all directions. Gog and Magog would then use their indestructible power to establish the world-order of Gog and Magog, and they would be the ones who would bring the Israelite ( not Israelis which is feminine if I remember correctly. My insertion ) people back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own. Those who accepted Jesus السلام عليه , and who came to be known as Christians (i.e., Nasārah in the Qur’ān), were then blessed by Allah Most High to gain a home in Constantinople, where they proceeded to establish a Holy Christian State; but when they were tested concerning observance of the Law of the Sabbath in which all Christians were supposed to refrain from work (and hence fishing as well), some of them continued to obey the sacred law sent down in the Torah and remained the faithful followers of Jesus.
The Qur’ān described them as Ahl al-Injīl, or the people of the Gospel. Others, however, they abandoned the Law of the Sabbath and eventually split from Constantinople to become western Christianity. Their abandonment of the Law has now led them to shameful end where a man can marry another man and get a marriage certificate. They were cursed by Allah Most High to be ‘Apes despised’. It is from this part of the Christian world that modern Western Civilization emerged.” End quote from CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE QUR ’ ĀN”.
Again from Imran Hosein;
“When Mohammad Fateh conquered Constantinople, the first thing he did in the city was take the greatest cathedral ever built in Christendom, Hagia Sophia, which was the heart of Byzantine Christianity. It had been in existence for more than a thousand years as the premier Cathedral of the Christian world. Sultan Mohammad Fateh passed an act, which I regretfully describe as sinful - monstrously sinful and stupid. I regret having to use that language, but somebody has to do it. He brought shame upon Islam when he took that Christian functioning cathedral, which was not an abandoned building, and transformed it into a Masjid. It is not permissible for us to do such a thing.
In particular, Muhammad said that at the end of times we are going to meet in alliance with Rome. It can’t be Rome, as we fought before to get Constantinople. It can’t be the Rome that women served in the armed forces. The only other Rome is in Moscow, the eastern Christian one.
“You are going to make an alliance with Rome”. And this is Rome’s greatest Cathedral. If you had any sense in your head, you would have never done such a stupid, monstrously wicked thing. This is their cathedral, not ours.
So the first day that our Muslim army conquers Constantinople, the first thing that the commander will do, because the Prophet described him as a “quite excellent” commander, to return the Cathedral to the Christians and offer an apology on behalf of the Ummah of Muhammad. And we will return the name to the city, the name used by Muhammad himself. So goodbye, Mustafa Kemal.”
Can one see a “divide” being set up ?
Frankism the Sabbatean Jewish religious movement
As one can see, due to the opportunities of trade and persecutions in and around Europe there was a large movement of expelled people centered around the trade hub of Constantinople up to the mid 1600s.
Frankism was a Sabbatean Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. Frank rejected religious norms, and said his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible. ( Does the “Frankfurt School raise any eyebrows at this point?) At its height it claimed perhaps 500,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe
Unlike traditional Judaism, which provides a set of detailed guidelines called "halakha" that are scrupulously followed by observant Jews and regulate many aspects of life, Frank claimed that "all laws and teachings will fall"and – following antinomianism – asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary.
Frankism is associated with the Sabbateans of Turkey, a religious movement that identified the 17th-century Jewish rabbi Sabbatai Zevi as the Messiah. Like Frankism, the earlier forms of Sabbateanism believed that at least in some circumstances, antinomianism was the correct path.
Zevi himself would perform actions that violated traditional Jewish taboos, such as eating foods that were forbidden by kashrut (Jewish dietary laws) and celebrating prescribed fast days as feast days. Especially after Zevi's death, a number of branches of Sabbateanism evolved, which disagreed among themselves over which aspects of traditional Judaism should be preserved and which discarded. The more radical branches even engaged in sexual foreplay. In Frankism, orgies featured prominently in rituals.
The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of followers of disciples and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza. Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he became a Jewish apostate with his conversion to Islam in the same year.
Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his "Messiahship" and after his conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. They can be grouped into three: "Maaminim" (believers), "Haberim" (associates), and "Ba'ale Milhamah" (warriors). Part of the Sabbateans lived on until well into the 20th century as Dönmeh. Inside the Ottoman Empire, those followers of Zevi who had converted to Islam but who secretly continued Jewish observances and Brit Mila became known as the Dönme (Turkish: dönme "convert").
Some scholars have noted that the Sabbatean movement in general fostered and connected well with the principles of modern secularism. Related to this is the drive of the Donmeh in Turkey for secularizing their society just as European Jews promoted the values of Age of Enlightenment and its Jewish equivalent the haskalah. Despite their conversion to Islam, the Sabbateans secretly remained close to Judaism and continued to practice Jewish rituals covertly.
They recognized Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676) as the Jewish Messiah, observed certain commandments with similarities to those in Judaism, and prayed in Hebrew and later in Ladino. They also observed rituals celebrating important events in Zevi's life and interpreted Zevi's conversion in a Kabbalistic way.
There are several branches of the Dönmeh group. The first is the İzmirli, formed in İzmir (Smyrna). This was the original sect, from which two others eventually split. The first schism created the sect of the Jakubi, founded by Jacob Querido (ca. 1650–1690), the brother of Zevi's last wife. Querido claimed to be Zevi's reincarnation and a messiah in his own right. The second split from the İzmirli was the result of claims that Berechiah Russo (1695–1740), had inherited a soul known in Turkish as Otman Baba, who was truly next reincarnated in Zevi's soul. These allegations gained following and gave rise to the Karakashi (Turkish), or Konioso (Ladino), branch, the most numerous and strictest branch of the Dönmeh. Missionaries from the Karakashi/Konioso were active in Poland in the first part of the 18th century and taught Jacob Frank (1726–1791), who later claimed to have inherited Russo's soul. Frank went on to create the Frankist sect, a different non-Dönmeh Sabbatean group in Eastern Europe. Yet another group, the Lechli, of Polish descent, lived in exile in Thessaloniki and Constantinople.
According to some, several leading members of the Young Turk movement, a group of constitutional monarchist revolutionaries who brought down the Ottoman Empire, were Dönmeh. At the time of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, some among the Thessaloniki Dönmeh tried to be recognized as non-Muslims to avoid being forced to leave the city
Young Turks, through highly secret diplomatic negotiations, led the Ottoman Empire to ally itself with Germany.
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, KG, GCB, PC, FRS (20 October 1784 – 18 October 1865)

In 1850 Britain rules , a new Rome; Victoria is on the throne and is dabbling in the occult. The venetian oligarchy has set up the Sax gotha co-burg ( via William of Orange ) to rule the houses of Europe.
Lord Palmaston a disciple of Jeremy Bentham: note “Jeremy Bentham ; 15 February 1748 – 6 June 1832) was an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism.
Bentham defined as the "fundamental axiom" of his philosophy the principle that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong." He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law, and a political radical whose ideas influenced the development of welfarism. He advocated individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and (in an unpublished essay) the decriminalising of homosexual acts. He called for the abolition of slavery, capital punishment and physical punishment, including that of children. He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights. Though strongly in favour of the extension of individual legal rights, he opposed the idea of natural law and natural rights (both of which are considered "divine" or "God-given" in origin), calling them "nonsense upon stilts".
Bentham's students included his secretary and collaborator James Mill, the latter's son, John Stuart Mill, the legal philosopher John Austin, as well as Robert Owen, one of the founders of utopian socialism. He "had considerable influence on the reform of prisons, schools, poor laws, law courts, and Parliament itself."
The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this “mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism. The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. ( easter anyone?)
In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar.You can see this hapening today with the Cult of Gaia and the swedish marrionette.
When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal garbage came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under the Second Earl of Shelbourne’s puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such as the powerful Jeremy Bentham in the fore.
Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England, the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University's John Ruksin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Out of this came theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.
Sorry for that tangent; now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Palmerston as we can now see was most probably a satanist. To put this another way; Queen Victoria satanist, Bentham satanist, and John Mill satanist; all very good friends with Lord Palmerston. Who at the very least was an occultist.
Palmerston had help from a certain ; Giuseppe Mazzini 22 June 1805 – 10 March 1872)
Who was an Italian politician, journalist, activist for the unification of Italy, and spearhead of the Italian revolutionary movement. His efforts helped bring about the independent and unified Italy in place of the several separate states, many dominated by foreign powers, that existed until the 19th century. He also helped define the modern European movement for popular democracy in a republican state.
Mazzini's thoughts had a very considerable influence on the Italian and European republican movements, Mazzini organized a new political society called Young Italy. Young Italy was a secret society formed to promote Italian unification: "One, free, independent, republican nation." Mazzini believed that a popular uprising would create a unified Italy, and would touch off a European-wide revolutionary movement.
The group's motto was God and the People, and its basic principle was the unification of the several states and kingdoms of the peninsula into a single republic as the only true foundation of Italian liberty. The new nation had to be: "One, Independent, Free Republic". Remember this name; Bertie uses it to kick off a European party later in the day !
So how did this group of Venetian Satanic perverts rule the waves? The Venetian idea of “controlling the culture” of course by the old roman maxim of “looting your neighbors.
The 11 points of rule from the Frankfurt School;
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family The Nonsense that Britain had factories the fleet was formidable was not as it was cracked up to be. The fleet didn't have wheels and other “empires” namely the Russian and the US has more resources at their disposal. However Britain
played the “National Liberation card.” For Britain to rule the world. The Ottoman and Europe empires needed to be dismembered, Lord Cupid ( Palmerston ) had a plan. Enter “Bertie” .
For long years, King Edward wove, with masterly skill, the Nessus robe that was to destroy the German Hercules.-Leipziger Neuste Nachrichten, after the death of Edward VII, May 1910
There are no frictions between us, there is only rivalry .-Edward VII to State Secretary von Tschirschky of the German Foreign Ministry, at the Cronberg Anglo German summit, 1906
Born in 1841, Edward VII was a pupil of Lord Palmerston, with whom he discussed a Russian alliance during the mid-1860s. The young Edward was also close to Palmerston's little helper; Napoleon III, and the Empress Eugenie. Casanova with a crown, a satyr and sodomist on the throne of England.
I have talked before about the long line of decent from Babylon, through madness to the debauchery of current times. Scumbaggery are bred and nurtured. Edward was no different. To set the stage, I must spread my gaze towards Russia and paint a picture of Europe.
With the battle of Poltava in 1709 , Russia began to emerge as a “superpower”. later with the unification of the Holy Roman Empire into the Germanic confederation or “Germany” as we now call her. Britain began to lose credibility and the iron rod of Venetian influence was slipping away. With this in mind as well as the blunders of the Boar war, and Crimea still weighing heavily in the minds of the unwashed. Bertie set about the destruction of the Russian house and the ring fencing of Germany. A united and orderly Europe. Baron Greindl, the Belgian ambassador to Berlin, expressed the opinion “ One is driven to the conclusion that British foreign policy is directed by the king in person there is undoubtedly in England a court policy pursued outside and along side that of the government.”
Indulge me in a little deviation, to highlight the "cold-bloodedness of these interconected satanists; One of the greatest “mysteries” is why the house of Guelph , as that is their name. Allowed the execution of the Russian Tzar Nicholas the 2nd and his family. Men , Woman and children; and children. Alexandria sent a letter to Queen Mary begging for help
Queen mary at the breakfast table received from the staff , a letter from the Alexandria begging for help ( Mary canceled lunch with Aunt Helena, “ poor Nicky”)
On July 16, 1918, imprisoned Czar Nicholas II, his wife, and their five children were awoken in the middle of the night and led down to a basement room. Bolshevik secret police stormed in, an order of execution was read aloud, and a storm of bullets fired toward the family. Nicholas and his wife died immediately, while his children were bludgeoned, stabbed and shot again and again until they finally were killed.
In the 15 months from his abdication to his death, royal relations still in power debated if and how they should grant the family asylum, with many of the Romanov descendants believing King George V of England, the czar’s cousin and grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II, could have saved them. And in my humble opinion they could have.
The web of royal marriages across the continent was so interconnected that King George V of England was first cousins to both Nicholas and his wife, Alexandra. While most of the royal relatives were fond of the warm and outgoing Nicholas, who also bore strong physical resemblance to George, Alexandra’s slightly arrogant demeanor rubbed many the wrong way, leading to growing antipathy.
After a smaller-scale revolt in 1905 forced Nicholas to cede some of his power, the couple started to withdraw from society. They began to rely on mystics and healers like the much-hated Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin to help with Alexandra’s failing health and their son Alexei’s debilitating hemophilia,( insert chart of European scumbaggery that have this disease) which distanced them further away from the other royals and drew suspicion among many Russians.
Russia’s disastrous entry into World War I in 1914 and the ensuing defeats and hardships increased resentments toward the family, eventually erupting into the 1917 February Revolution. Please refer to the above narrative about Edward the 7th manipulations as to why Russia was drawn into WW1.
Still in St. Petersburg, Nicholas’ wife and children were urged by the government to flee as the riots unfolded. Alexandra refused to leave without Nicholas, who was at the front fighting against the revolutionaries. He eventually succumbed to pressure and abdicated. The week Nicholas spent traveling back to his family was likely the last window for the family to escape Russia.
George V expressed his concern for his cousins in private letters, but he knew the situation was precarious as most Brits at the time called the former czar “Bloody Nicholas.” They also despised the German-born Alexandria just as much, as anti-German sentiment was at such a fever pitch that George V eventually changed the royal family’s name from the very German “Saxe-Coburg-Gotha” to the thoroughly British “Windsor.”
Great Britain also needed to tread lightly with the new Provisional Government in Russia; it would be a disaster for the Allies if Russia succumbed to internal pressure and withdrew from World War I. That new Russian government, however, faced its own looming threat: what if pro-monarchist groups try to restore Nicholas to the throne? Because of this, they wanted to Romanovs out of Russia—and fast. They asked other Governments to grant the Romanovs asylum. The British agreed.
Britain regretted the offer almost immediately. The government was nervous having the Romanovs on British shores, while George V’s private secretary, Lord Stamfordham, feared an uprising against the monarchy.
Other crowned heads of Europe—mainly Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway—considered ways to rescue the family, but they all feared antagonizing the new government in Russia.
Various rumors swirled about their fate. They moved to the remote Siberian city of Tobolsk in August 1917 and, as reality set in, the family began sending hidden messages about their situation in capitivty to the outside world in hopes of reaching pro-monarchist groups.
When the Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917, even the most ardent Romanov supporters began to lose hope. While the Provisional Government seemed somewhat sympathetic to the family, the Bolsheviks wanted their heads.
After transferring to the city of Ekaterinburg, the Romanovs and their servants were imprisoned in the ominously named “House of Special Purpose.” Despite their bleak circumstance, they still were optimistic, with Alexandra writing a hopeful diary entry hours before her execution. After the execution, only Nicholas’ death was announced, and it would be months before word of the rest of the family’s fate reached the courts of Europe.
No 20th century regicide had a greater impact on world history than the execution of Tsar Nicholas ll, Empress Alexandra and their children at the hands of Bolshevik revolutionaries in 1918. In Europe especially, the panicked reaction among its remaining royal families, most of whom were related to both Nicholas and Alexandra, was swift and ultimately devastating. For while publicly embracing more liberal, socialist leaning forms of government, privately most of them aided and abetted the rise of fascism, including the Nazis, as a last line of defense against the onslaught of further worker led revolutions.
This directly led to the outbreak of World War ll and the far more devastating loss of life it wrought than the previous war. The unsealing of Cabinet papers kept during the tenure of David Lloyd George, the British prime minister during the First World War, in 1986 revealed it was King George V, rather than the head of his government, who decided not to give the Tsar and his family refuge in Britain when Alexander Kerensky and his Menshevik government, who overthrew Nicholas ll in the initial stage of the Russian revolution, asked the British to accept the Romanovs as exiles. This disclosure made it clear that the King, advised by his private secretary, Lord Stanfordham, was convinced that harboring Europe’s most notorious autocrat at a time when the UK was erupting in worker led anti-war strikes would only further endanger the already fragile stability of the British Monarchy. What these papers don’t clarify, however, is the long held rumor among Europe’s royal and aristocratic elite that the real decision to leave the Russian Imperial Family to their fate wasn’t made by Stamfordham, but by George V’s far more trusted advisor, his consort, Queen Mary.
Gore Vidal recalls Princess Margaret’s thoughts concerning her august grandmother in his memoir, Palimpsest. They became friends in the ’50’s and kept in touch intermittently for the rest of her life. Aside from inviting him for a swim in the pool at her early childhood country estate, Royal Lodge, which he describes as “grubby,” Her Royal Highness revealed to Vidal that she despised Queen Mary because the dowager was rude to all of her grandchildren except Margaret’s older sister, Princess Elizabeth, and that was only because one day she’d be Queen. In the princess’ opinion, Queen Mary suffered from a terminal inferiority complex, and pathological jealousy of most of her grandchildren, because she wasn’t born a Royal Highness and they were. There’s more than a little substance to this observation.
Queen Mary, after all, was born a Serene,( His/Her Serene Highness (abbreviation: HSH, oral address: Your Serene Highness) is a style used today by the reigning families of Liechtenstein, Monaco, and Thailand. Until 1918, it was also associated with the princely titles of members of some German ruling and mediatised dynasties and with a few princely but non-ruling families. It was also the form of address used for cadet members of the dynasties of France, Italy, Russia and Ernestine Saxony, under their monarchies. Additionally, the treatment was granted for some, but not all, princely yet non-reigning families of Bohemia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Russia by emperors or popes. In a handful of rare cases, it was employed by non-royal rulers in viceregal or even republican contexts.
In a number of older English dictionaries, serene as used in this context means supreme; royal; august; marked by majestic dignity or grandeur; or high or supremely dignified. German-speaking lands; Francophone dominions,Italy,Poland Russia .
Rather than Royal Highness, owing to her father being the son of an unequal, or morganatic, marriage between a prince of Wurtemburg and a Hungarian countess. In 19th century royal Europe the descendants of such a mésalliance were treated as second class citizens destined for lives of obscurity and marriages to either the most low ranking of royals, or someone who wasn’t royal at all.
Her parents’ marriage told its own story. For Prince Francis, Duke of Teck, her virtually penniless father, was forced to settle for her plain, morbidly obese mother, Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, who was the daughter of the youngest surviving son of King George lll, and had virtually no dowry. Her lowly status coupled with her parents’ near constant financial straights, which caused the family’s possessions to be sold off at public auction at least once, traumatized their only daughter, Princess Victoria Mary, who later shortened her name to simply Mary, and was known within her family as May. Despite Queen Victoria deciding that Mary’s morganatic taint was no impediment to her first becoming the fiancé of the Queen’s heir presumptive and grandson, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, and then when he suddenly died being passed along to his little brother, Prince George, Princess Mary’s more prominently born in-laws and relatives never tired of chiding her because of her origins, at least until she became Queen consort.
Sarah Bradford writes in Elizabeth R that her sisters-in-law never missed an opportunity to make fun of her “ugly, Wurtemburg hands.” According to Lady Colin Campbell’s recent biography of the Queen Mother, the meanest girl of all toward Princess Mary among her extended family while she was growing up was Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, later Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia. Mary and her itinerant family often spent holidays in Hesse-Darmstadt, where putting her in her lowly place was among Princess Alix’s favorite pastimes.
The last Russian Empress’ innate and lifelong snobbery, at least among other royals, is corroborated by Robert K. Massie in his monumental biography, Nicholas and Alexandra. One of the reasons why the Empress so despised her cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm ll, and recoiled every time he kissed her children, was because she deemed him a parvenu emperor. Germany, after all, had only become an empire in 1870.
Ironically, had she not been so determined to wed for love, Alix would’ve taken Mary’s place in the annals of British history. She was her grandmother, Queen Victoria’s, initial choice as spouse for Prince Albert Victor. Lady Campbell plainly states that it was Queen Mary who most strongly persuaded her husband, King George V, not to give asylum to the Romanovs, despite his fondness for his virtual lookalike first cousin, Nicholas ll. While arguing to her husband’s face that their presence would undoubtedly foster revolutionary fervor in Britain, Campbell writes that for years to come her family was convinced that her sole reason for denying the Russian Imperial Family sanctuary was simply to exact revenge on Empress Alexandra for having slighted her for all those years.
Lady Colin clarifies, however, that there was no way at that time anyone could’ve predicted the tragic fate that befell the former Tsar and his family. They were still, after all, being kept at their palace at Tsarkoe Selo as prisoners of Kerensky’s Provisional Government, and it wasn’t until he and his regime were overthrown by the Bolsheviks that the tragic bloody fate of the Romanovs was sealed. While one could dismiss this as groundless hearsay, Gore Vidal adds an interesting addendum to this tale in his memoir.
For not only was he friends with Princess Margaret, but was also a friendly acquaintance of her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward Vlll. They were both mutual friends of Countess Mona Von Bismarck, and it was on her estate at Capri one night in the ’50’s when the first born son of George V and Queen Mary revealed to Vidal his own eyewitness account of the morning his parents inadvertently sealed their imperial relatives’ doom.
While eating breakfast at Buckingham Palace in 1917 with his parents and apparently none of his siblings, an aide-de-camp to the King suddenly entered the room carrying a folded note. Despite this being a complete breach of protocol, and George V being furious, the aide immediately handed him the note and awaited his reply. George proceeded to read it, then handed it to his wife, clearly awaiting her response. She read it, turned to her husband and said, “No.” He then handed the note to the aide and declared, “No.” The gentleman left and breakfast proceeded without further interruption. Later that day Prince Edward inquired of his mother what the meaning of that morning’s scene was. She proceeded to tell him that his father’s government was ready to send a battle ship to rescue the former Tsar and his family, but she didn’t think it would be good for them to have their Russian relatives in Britain. The Duke ended the story by blasély mentioning his parents’ decision left no choice for the Bolsheviks but to shoot them all. Vidal then theorizes that Princess Margaret wouldn’t have been shocked by her grandmother’s decision given her resentment of more higher born royals than herself, like Nicholas, Alexandra and their brood.
While the Duke of Windsor may have witnessed the exact moment his parents opted to ditch the Romanovs, the declassified government documents from that period make it very clear that George V’s decision to leave his Russian cousins to their fate wasn’t made in a few minutes over breakfast, was also heavily influenced by Lord Stamfordham, and was based on far more than the personal vendetta of his wife. While Queen Mary may have had her own personal axe to grind with Empress Alexandra, she was far too intelligent and sensible to persuade her husband’s decision, if in fact she did so, based solely upon her personal feelings. A war that was supposed to have lasted no more than six months had dragged on for three devastating years, killing more young men than any other foreign war in British, with all the sovereign variations therein, history.
The economy was in a shambles, worker led, anti-war strikes were occurring daily with ever growing numbers of participants, and a socialist friendly prime minister, that congratulated the Mensheviks when they overthrew Nicholas ll, had just taken power. The threat of a potential revolution erupting in the UK was all too real, and the harboring of the Russian Imperial Family might’ve proven the final spark to make the British Monarchy explode. As Vidal concludes about the Windsors in his memoir, they’re tough as nails when it comes to their own survival.
The loss of the Mensheviks and the installation of the Bolsheviks, Stalin , the rise of Hitler the funding of Lenin must wait unfortuantly for another day as this article is rapidly becoming a book,
Back to Bertie !
Until 1870, the British perceived Russia to be the strongest land power. Remember “Bismark had not wielded his charm “ and the patchwork of Junkers still prevailed. In 1870 that changed with the emergence of a united Germany.
Sir Edward Grey
A family servant of Edward VII was Sir Edward Grey,the British Foreign Secretary who actually started World War I. Grey' s father was an army officer who had joined the household of Edward when he was Prince of Wales. The elder Grey was an equerry, or master of the royal horses . Edward was Lord Grey' s godfather. Edward did the traveling, while Grey stayed in the Foreign Office to do the clerking. Grey's problem later, in August 1 9 1 4, was to make Germany think that England would not go to war, until the war had actually started. This he did with the help of Edward ' s surviving son, George V. At the same time, Grey had to convince the Russians and the French that Britain would indeed honor the Triple Entente and go to war in support of Russian aggression. In his effort to start the war, Grey also had to lie to his own prime minister and cabinet. He finally had to sell the entire result to the House of Commons. In other words Bertie had died and edward grey ( lower case , as these people are not important.) used George the fifth to complete the plan,
Edward' s French network was extensive, and included royalists and oligarchs . The common denominator of Edward ' s network was La revanche, t he need for France to exact vengeance from Germany for the loss of the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine in 1 87 1 . The central figure was a leftish radical, Georges "Tiger" Clemenceau, France' s wartime premier and the chairman of the Peace Conference at Versailles .
Can one see how “ connected” things were and Are! Do I really need to press forward and join the dots and perhaps cross the “t”?
Edward's mastery of psychological and ideological manipulation is most evident in his relation with his pathetic and unstable nephew, Kaiser Wilhelm. Edward made a detailed Kaiser Wilhelm. Edward made a detaileds study of Willy's psychological profile, which he knew to be pervaded by feelings of inferiority and incurable anglophilia.
One of Edward' s last memorable outings was his 1909 visit with King Victor Emmanuel, ,held at Baiae near Naples on April 29, 1 909 . Here Edward VlI briefed his agent, Italian Foreign Minister Tittoni, on what he saw as the alarming growth of the Austro-Hungarian fltet, the navy of a power to which Italy was theoretically allied but to which it was in reality a rival .
For a few moments during early August 1914, the kaiser realized what had happened: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves . . . after laying the foundation of the casus foederis for us through Austria . . . to take the Austro-Serbian conflict for an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us .
So the famous encirclement of Germany has finally become a fact, despite every effort of our politicians and diplomats to prevent it. The net has been suddenly thrown over our head, and England sneeringly reaps the most brilliant success of her persistently prosecuted purely anti German world policy against which we have proved ourselves helpless, while she twists the noose of our political and economic destruction out of our fidelity to Austria, as we squirm isolated in the net. A great achievement, which arouses the admiration even of him who is to be destroyed as its result!
Edward VII is stronger after his death than am I who am still alive! And there have been people who believed that England could be won over or pacified, by this or that puny measure.
. . . That is the real naked situation slowly and cleverly set going by Edward VII and . . . finally brought to a conclusion
by George V . . . .
As you can see and get the feeling for; you are being manipulated by a class of people who bear no relations to the common world that you and I delight in.
These Babylonian scumbags have no empathy , if they do it is very misdirected, so I would like to close by adding my observations on a statue in a small town in one of the Empires far flung outposts. In reality Edward the Carresser had manipulated Europe in order to ring fence the newly created Germany. A Germany with resources and man power that could influence British Hedge-money and loosen the Venetian grip and its moneyed influence.
These wretched creatures as so eloquently highlighted by Tolkien, who have been consumed by Satan's cherubim into and giving all, for the short term lust of Money.
These wretched creatures have jostled for position casting aside all that is good to gain a foothold in the paths of ease and want. we know as the silk road and Constantinople.To those that rejected Christ , there was no need to restrict themselves, only the serving of the self. In the belief ,or by understanding, the brothers of Arron or by the priests of mammon, or As Tennyson put it in Tithonus
"To his great heart none other than a God!
I ask'd thee, "Give me immortality."
Then didst thou grant mine asking with a smile,
Like a wealthy man? "
Who gave them the "Divine right of rule."
Phycopathic scumbaggery has become the norm and millions upon millions of the trusting have fallen. Some in the belief of doing "the right thing". Others for "by doing" the right thing.
The blue lights flickering behind closed curtains up and down the empty street, tell of the future . A future of thought crimes and self censorship. A future of sustainable super cities and control. A surveiled , monitored socially controlled future
A future of fraudulent malthusian scarcity, of soaring energy and food prices, and a poor abused swedish marionette
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,-- The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
An old fella once said
, "money and honour have no attraction for them; good men do not wish to be openly demanding payment for governing and so to get the name of hirelings, nor by secretly helping themselves out of the public revenues to get the name of thieves. And not being ambitious they do not care about honour. Wherefore necessity must be laid upon them, and they must be induced to serve from the fear of punishment. And this, as I imagine, is the reason why the forwardness to take office, instead of waiting to be compelled, has been deemed dishonourable. Now the worst part of the punishment is that he who refuses to rule is liable to be ruled by one who is worse than himself. And the fear of this, as I conceive, induces the good to take office.
In other words good men rule because they want to better the condition of the other not themselves. They seek no reward.
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