From a Farcebook post I wrote in 2016 ,, No one expected a " virus " of which the evidence I will lay before you at a later date ,,but as I refer tot his Farcebook post often, It gets posted here;
March 29
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hahahaha ... wrote this in 2016 From my notes wrote this in 2016 ...Facebooks search is just garbage,,,, Do I get to say I TOLD YOU SO ... 

For the record ...
Bigger picture time
The global economy is slowing to the point of collapse
The same conditions as in the 1933 stock market crash are in place , stratospheric stock market, zero interest and 99% of the population dumber than horse manure ( they weren't in the 1930s)
When you look at the trends of the us economy, right before a Regime change they tank the economy. The very nature of a capitalist debt based economy is that it is cyclic and NEEDS to be reset..
And if you want a global paradigm shift you need a global event, such as Breton woods and how did Breton woods come to be?
So with a high probability of a reset coming , it doesn't matter what buffoon you have as a mouthpiece. They are not the ones calling the shots. Look for the money. the trilateral commission, Rockefeller .Zbiginew Brzinsky.. Kissinger... these nut-jobs are the real power ..and there are probably people controlling them . I can't prove that point though, they have increased their rhetoric since the Soviet collapse, as this cleared away any opposition.
Either way If American keeps its current foreign policy it will end in war with either Russia or China .. possibly through a third party .
If Britain remains in the EU the Anglo American money will use the EU to step up provocations towards the Russians and or China or the third party ... if Britain leaves the EU then expected the pound to be attacked and devaluation to occur. Either way
This will cause large social unrest ..war is the easiest option as it will most likely be nuclear and the resulting mess is easier to police.
So if it inevitable that large social unrest will happen therefore:
You as a government need ... a small compliant population.. ,either brain-dead or unarmed. Scared shirtless that the boogie man will eat their children for breakfast false flags such as Paris ,Brussels , sandy hook ,,and a controlled media, help no end in the scaring of the sheep.
So that under the pretense of protecting society draconian laws can be introduced. Kiss good bye to any freedoms you have now. Internet, the right to free speech , healthy food privacy , these are all being discussed and removed right now ..not if ..but actually happening
The technique of how this happens is well thought out . Trilateral commission and globalists have a plan , outlined above. They set out an agreement using a event that effects us all , such as global warming , environmental concerns . Using such an agreement ,agenda 21 or agenda 2o30 as it is called now. Policies are put in place at the local level using people who think they are helping humanity, when actually they the people are assisting in the creation of this hunger games society , such as , steering committees ICLEI ( Rockefeller owned and operated ...and Auckland New Zealand "5 point plan" is really just ICLEI's plan in different colours.
So while the word conspiracy may evoke all sorts of ideas , there is provably a global plan for the few to relive the golden age, based of the sufferings of us , the great unwashed ....
Finally , if you the person reading this thinks I'm wrong , now is your chance to offer evidence either for or against and to ask me for my evidence.....
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