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Letter to the Editor- Cindys woke warriors lose the plot


Dear Sir, Madam;

It has come to my attention that a Serving Minister residing in one of the minor parties has acted in a manner unbecoming of office. The Minister , using social media, together with two people associated with Auckland university. Contrived to manipulate social opinion resulting in a petition being sent to a south Canterbury company. The result of which was the termination of a persons employment, resulting in the breakdown of their marriage and potential loss of their home.

The phrase to bring the “political structure into disrepute” must be understood in the long term sense of maintaining the integrity of and public confidence in the political system and in this regard:

The New Zealand bill of Rights act section 14, asserts that you have the permission to speak freely; that is, one is not doing any wrong by speaking freely and the Greek word “parrhesia” means to “speak candidly” a cornerstone of civilized communities.

This cornerstone has been sidestepped by a member of the house reminiscent of McCarthyist pogroms of a most vile nature. Deplorable endeavors taken by people who though their actions purport to be taking affirmative action.

The worst of governments – either established by force or deceit, come, in time, to be supported by a majority. This majority is composed, in large part, of the most ignorant, superstitious, timid, dependent, servile, and corrupt portions of the people; of those who have been over-awed by the power, intelligence, wealth, and arrogance; of those who have been deceived by the frauds; and of those who have been corrupted by the inducements, of the few who really constitute the government.

When the commonwealth of Athens has become the forest of the corrupt and when the scepters are in the hands of children; Envy will breed unkind division, followed by ruin and despair.

I hope that, at the very least, questions are raised about the conduct of your fellows in artifice.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


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