I cannot post on any you tube channel it just gets removed INSTANTLY
So, even though this Poem has clearly broken the law and the media
council now is aware of the breach. Would you not be also complicit
in the breach of the law and thereby liable for the remedies as listed in the act?
Sorry, that poem is not art and clearly is incitement as laid out in the legislation. The act, I assume triumphs over your "12 principles".
As you are unwilling to reverse the decision and by doing so promote this "hate speech" You will then accept the remedies laid out in the Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill
Government Bill 209—1 Which as I understand it amounts to;
"Every person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 who contravenes or refuses to comply with any other order of the Tribunal made under section 92I or an interim order of the Tribunal made under section 95."
A sum the media council could well afford, though in these difficult times an individual may find difficult.
Why Margot are you protecting these vile people Irrespective of race or religion. you know in yourself the actions you and your team are pursuing are wrong.
Please retract your position.
Kind Regards Stephen Watson
Thank you for you email.
The Media Council carefully considered the issues raised by you and the other complainants regarding this poem and will not be retracting its decision.
Regards (M/c hammer)
My Email for context
Thank you for your reply with regards to (TUISATA AVIA POEM) CASE NO: 3392 RULING BY THE NEW ZEALAND MEDIA COUNCIL;
However, I cannot accept such a ludicrous finding.
I Quote from legislation: Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill
Government Bill
209—1; Quote" Clause 5 amends section 61, which makes it unlawful for anyone to publish, distribute, or use threatening, abusive, or insulting written matter or words likely to excite hostility against or bring into contempt any group on 1 or more of the following prohibited grounds of discrimination:
Clause 5 adds religious belief to that list. Religious belief is an existing prohibited ground of discrimination under section 21."
The poem in question clearly violates Clause 5. The poem in Question is; "threatening, abusive, or insulting written matter or words likely to excite hostility against or bring into contempt any group"
In all fairness I offer you the right to ammend your decision or to reply before this complaint is taken further and the matter escalates.
Kind Regards
Stephen Watson M/c Hammers Reply; Kia ora Stephen Thank you for your email.
The Media Council considers complaints under its twelve Principles.
The Human Rights commission hears complaints under the Human Rights legislation that you quote. If you wish to make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission, this is the link https://tikatangata.org.nz/
Nga mihi
- colour:
- race:
- ethnic or national origins.
Please find attached the NZ Media Council’s ruling in the eleven complaints against Stuff’s publication of Tuisata Avia’s poem about James Cook.
Nga mihi
Dear Stephen,
If you would like the council to consider your complaint, please send dated copies of your emails with Stuff regarding this article.
Thanks and kind regards,
MV |
NEW ZEALAND MEDIA COUNCIL | Te kaunihera ao pāpāho o Aotearoa
-----Original Message-----
From: stephen <stephens.mess@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 4:27 PM
To: Info-Media Council <info@mediacouncil.org.nz>
Subject: Re: 475-23 Watson v Stuff
Dear Sir, Madam;
I quote "Stuff.co.nz" reply to my complaint.
I have, therefore complied with your request and have recieved a reply.
Therefore I ask, most strongly to take action: remove and reprimand this organisation for inciting racial hatred.
Racial hatred in most civilised countries is a criminal act.
organizations in those "civilised countries" that promote and support racial hatred are liable for prosecution.
I assume that you do not condone or support racial hatred and,or the organisations that promote such vile opinions.
I ask most strongly for you to take action asap. I have forwarded this correspondence to the relevant Ministers of parlement.
Stephen Watson
On Mon, 2023-02-20 at 02:35 +0000, Info-Media Council wrote:
> Kia ora Stephen,
> Thank you for lodging your complaint with the NZ Media Council.
> Our procedure requires you first complain to the publisher so they
> have an opportunity to resolve the matter. If you have already done
> this can you please forward your complaint and their response to the
> Media Council by 6 March or as soon as possible. We will then be able
> to assess your complaint .
> We will wait to hear from you.
> Thanks and kind regards,
> mv
> From: Stephen <stephens.mess@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, 20 February 2023 3:16 PM
> To: Info-Media Council <info@mediacouncil.org.nz>
> Subject: Cannot lodge a complaint via website
> Dear Sir, Madam;
> I would like to lodge a very strong complaint about a vile article
> masquerading as an "opinion piece" in the online newspaper;
> https://www.stuff.co.nz/ The article in question quite clearly
> promotes Racial hatred.
> https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/sunday-magazine/131236724/tusiata-a
> via-cant-wait-to-make-you-uncomfortable
> I quote from the article, showing clear and explicit unequivocal
> Racial hatred. ( see the quote at the bottom of this Email)
> If this is allowed to continue then similar views expressed in Germany
> earlier this century also would be valid.
> Please remove this vile article masquerading as an opinion piece as
> soon as possible and issue a public reprimand.
> Yours Faithfully
> Mr Stephen Watson
> Christchurch New Zealand
> Quote "
> 250th anniversary of James Cook’s arrival in New Zealand Hey James,
> yeah, you in the white wig in that big Endeavour sailing the blue,
> blue water like a big arsehole F… YOU, BITCH.
> James,
> I heard someone
> shoved a knife
> right up
> into the gap between
> your white ribs
> at Kealakekua Bay.
> I’m gonna go there
> make a big Makahiki luau
> cook a white pig
> feed it to the dogs
> and F… YOU UP, BITCH. ( my note, this is CLEAR INTENT )
> Hey James,
> it’s us.
> These days
> we’re driving round
> in SUVs
> looking for ya
> or white men like you
> who might be thieves
> or rapists
> or kidnappers
> or murderers
> yeah, or any of your descendants
> or any of your incarnations
> cos, you know
> ay, bitch?
> We’re gonna F… YOU UP.
> Tonight, James,
> it’s me
> Lani, Danielle
> and a car full of brown girls
> we find you
> on the corner
> of the Justice Precinct.
> You’ve got another woman
> in a headlock
> and I’ve got my father’s
> pig-hunting knife
> in my fist
> and we’re coming to get you
> sailing round
> in your Resolution
> your Friendship
> your Discovery
> and your f…ing Freelove.
> Watch your ribs, James
> cos, I’m coming with
> Kalaniōpu‘u
> Kānekapōlei
> Kana‘ina
> Keawe‘ōpala
> Kūka‘ilimoku
> who is a god
> and Nua‘a
> who is king with a knife.
> And then
> James,
> then
> we’re gonna
> F….
> YOU.
> UP.
> FOR.
> - Tusiata Avia
> Image removed by sender. Sunday magazine logo
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