It's a pretty known fact that the Jews are chosen people and the Jewish homeland is Israel and the Jews believe in the Old Testament and that the Old Testament is about Jews. However almost none of these facts are true nowhere in the Bible does it call the Jews gods chosen people and only about 5% of the people in the old testament could be called "Jews". So now that you have branded me an anti-semite we can begin; The term "anti semite" literally means against Shem or his descendants however being anti-jewish isn't the same as being anti-semitic. So let me explain the Semites are the descendants of a man named Shem who would father some of the world's most renowned Empires and dynasties such as the Syrian Empire and Babylonian empires. So why is it "anti-semetic" to say something against the Jews? Well, just like stealing your religion, your homes, your money, and businesses some Jews also love stealing names...