It's a pretty known fact that the Jews are chosen people and the Jewish homeland is Israel and the Jews believe in the Old Testament and that the Old Testament is about Jews.
However almost none of these facts are true nowhere in the Bible does it call the Jews gods chosen people and only about 5% of the people in the old testament could be called "Jews".
So now that you have branded me an anti-semite we can begin; The term "anti semite" literally means against Shem or his descendants however being anti-jewish isn't the same as being anti-semitic.
So let me explain the Semites are the descendants of a man named Shem who would father some of the world's most renowned Empires and dynasties such as the Syrian Empire and Babylonian empires. So why is it "anti-semetic" to say something against the Jews?
Well, just like stealing your religion, your homes, your money, and businesses some Jews also love stealing names and inheritance.
So, Shem is the son of Noah the guy who built the ark when Mesopotamia flooded the Sumerian Kingdom would be destroyed by the flood and the Semites would descend from the Caucasian Mountains and established the Acadian Empire.
Shem would have children and one of his descendants could be named Eber. He would be the father of the Hebrew people and the semites would be called by his name.
So according to the Bible Abraham was a Hebrew and not a Jew who God promised the father of many nations not one single Jewish Nation but many nations and that through him all the families of the world would be blessed.
Abraham would pass this blessing down to his son Isaac but not to Ishmael.
Isaac would have twin sons named Essa and Jacob; again the abrahamic blessing would be passed down with the younger brother Jacob who would then be renamed to Israel. Israel would then have 12 sons, who would each become their own tribes and then their own nations. While Esau would conquer the Horites and flee to Mount Seir in 1926 bc. Mix with the local cave dwellers which would later becom the land of Canaan. ( note the reason why Esau didnt get his fathers blessing, was that Esau married a canaanite woman, going directly against the word of god,Genesis 28:6-8 )
One of his sons would be named Judah who would be the father of the Jewish people and all Jews are related to him.Even though all jews are Israelites. The majority of Israelites are not Jews as the abrahamic blessing would have to havee been passed to Judah for this to happen. Judah the father of the Jews would be jealous and conspired with his brothers to have Joseph killed st Joseph into slavery for silver. As Joesph was the one who recieved his fathers abrahamic blessing, much like judas sold Jesus to the Jews, so the Bible portrays Judah as a jealous villain and Joseph as the chosen son.
While in slavery Joesph would rise to become the prime minister of Egypt and father two sons Ephraim and Manasseh pass the abrahamic lesson on to them making them the chosen people and dividing Joseph into two tribes making 13 tribes of Israel. So no we understand that the jews were never intended to bless the world nor were they ever considered the chosen people We can move on to our second point;
Is the Jewish homeland Israel and the answer is yes and not at all Israel was originally called the land of Canaan named after Noahs grandson Canaan and was conquered by the Israelites after they left Egypt with Moses found in the book of Exodus.
The Bible says God commanded the Israelites to punish the Canaanites for their sexuality which lest to child sacrifice and cannibalisim; the word cannibal actually comes from the canaanite practice of eating the children after they were sacrificed to him Canaan and Baal. hence why we call them Cannibals. So dont feel so bad when we learn that god ordered us to exterminate them. The borders of the Jewish homeland were established by Joshua who is one of the descendants of Joseph and not from Judah.
So like the story of Joseph and Judah their children likewise wouldn't get along either after becoming Nations there would be a Civil War the Jews would rule the southern Kingdom of Judea while Joseph sons of rule the northern kingdom keeping the name Israel. They would have different religions, believe in different gods and while Judas Stayed in Judea, Joseph would Ally himself with the Phoenicians and established colonies and trade posts all over the Mediterranean.
Israel would be corrupted by Foreign ideologies and like the Canaanites would fall into materialism sexual immorality and child sacrifice which would lead to them being conquered by the Syrian Empire while some of the Israelites and Phoenicians would flee to their colonies and trade posts fulfilling the promise made to Abraham that the world would be blessed through him as he would be the father of many nations.
So the sons of Joseph would become fruitful and multiply among the Nations forgetting who they are, which shouldn't surprise us as their name mean; fruitful and forgetful.
Just like the northern kingdom the Jews would fall into sexual immorality and start sacrificing their children if they would be conquered and enslaved by the Babylonians and Freedom reestablished by the Persians by the Greeks and later occupied by the Romans
While under Roman rule the Jews would launch the greatest revolution in roman history , known as "The great revolt",which would fail. Resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and their temple, ironically fulfilling Everything Jesus and the Christian side, ( Mark 13;2) said would happen.
The Jews not being satisfied with losing their Temple and Homeland would stab the Romans in the back by launching two more rebellions killing over half a million Greeks in Romans. God would bless the chosen people with two more humiliating defeats along with the banishment from the land causing Judea to be renamed Syria palaestina. So the reason the jews have been able to take Palestine really rest on the fact that they stole the name Israel and of convinced the Christian West that they are the chosen people and that they alone are Israel but once putting things into perspective we see that just isn't true. Which brings us to our third point;
Do the Jews believe in the Old Testament? answer; Kind of and not really. while waiving around the Old Testament as if they believe in it Jews actually have secondary books that they consider just as important the main book being called the talmud
To explain the Talmud, we have to understand some basic Jewish Roman history going back to Emperor Claudius who like emperor Tiberius tried to ban the jews from Rome and branding them "aggressive trouble makers ". Sadly Claudius didnt understand how to play "The Game of Thrones" and ended up mysteriously being killed.
His successor Emperor Nero, would lift the Jewish ban which shouldn't surprises considering the talmud says he was a Jewish convert. Nero and his Jews would engage in some of the most barbaric acts known to man; just to give you an idea of how crazy this Pro Jewish Roman Emperor was Nero burned down Rome and blamed it on the Christians causing them to be tortured and killed in the worst ways imaginable.
He murdered his entire family and kicked his pregnant wife and child to death and then castrated a young boy ( Sporus) forced him to wear a dress and made him his wife. With the coming of Jesus the Jews would divide into two main groups those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, while the other group of Jews rejected this claim believing that their Messiah would come wielding a sword todestroy the Romans and set up a Jewish Empire which is what led the Jews to revolt against Rome in the first place. That and they just didnt want to pay taxes. after their failed rebellions the jews retreated to Babylon creating the religion we know today as Judaisim, making Christianity older by about 200 years. The Jews would argue that the Taldud is the oral law passed down "orally" without any mistakes since the time of Moses before finally being written down between 200 and 400 years after Jesus.
This would place the jews in first place above the Muslims for the longest most successful game of broken telephone ever played.
The Talmud speaks of its love for Christians by calling the mother of Jesus a w**** and calling Jesus Ambassador sorcerer who is in Hell boiling in human s*** .
Which brings us to our last point. Is the old tesament about Jews? The answer is no not really because the Jews have stolen the name Israel, you would never guess that the majority of the people in the Bible are not Jewish
The Apostle Paul for instance, even though everyone calls him a Jew, noticehow quickly separates himself from the Jews and says "I am Israelite of the seed of Abraham and of the tribe of Benamin" . God also sent Paul to preach umongst the Israelites and funnily enough Pauls ministry wasnt in Judea but in asia minor, to the greeks in greece and the romans in Rome.
The Bible is constantly separating the Kingdom of Israel from the kingdom of Judah as it is constantly separating Joseph from Judah the entire Jewish deception and hijacking of the Bible depends on them stealing the terms Semites, Hebrews and Israelites for example Moses the man who wrote the first five books Known as the TORAH did not come from the tribe of Judah nor was he part of the kingdom of judea, but somehow he is a "jew"
The reality here is the majority of the people in the Old Testament are not Jewish the Bible is the book that tells the history of many nations and peoples like the Semites Hebrews Israelites Egyptians Phoenicians Babylonians Assyrians Armenians Persian Greeks Romans and many others it's not only about Jews
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