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SERAPHIM sĕr’ ə fĭm (שְׂרָפִ֨ים ; pl. prob. of שָׂרָפ֒H8597; LXX σεραφιν, meaning questioned; possibly burning ones or nobles, KJV [superfluous] seraphims). Rank of angelic beings.

The Biblical data concerning the quantity, appearance, and function of the seraphim is limited primarily to Isaiah’s vision in Isaiah 6. There are only two references in the Bible to the seraphim (Isa 6:26). The number of these creatures is not given. The pl. noun prob. implies three or more.

Each seraph is said to have six wings, a face, hands, and feet (6:2). The latter many scholars regard as a euphemism for sexual organs. Two wings covered the face, two covered the feet, displaying humility before God, and with two they flew (6:2). They expressed themselves in words which human ears comprehended (6:37). The description seems to suggest a six-winged, humanoid figure (cf. ANEP, plate 655).

Seraphim are described by some scholars as winged demons, guardian-griffins (called sherref in Egyp., BDB, 977), or winged fiery serpents (Num 21:6-9Deut 8:15Isa 14:2930:6). The last view connects the fiery serpents, which afflicted the Israelites in the wilderness, and the apotropaic bronze serpent (Num 21:6-9), which later was destroyed because it had become an object of worship (2 Kings 18:4), with the snake cults of the ancient Near E. This view assumes that the fiery serpent (שָׂרָפ֒H8597. “burning one,” possibly referring to the sting of its fatal bite or to its bright color) is related in etymology and physical form to the seraphim. However, while the seraphim handled hot coals from the altar (Isa 6:67) or may have had fiery countenances, it is not certain that their name is derived from the Sem. root “to burn” (Heb. שׂרף). Seraphim may mean “princes” or “nobles,” originating from a verbal root “to be noble” like the Arab. sharafa (F. H. W. Gesenius, Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon [1957], 795, 796). The seraphim as described by Isaiah are more like men than snakes. In light of the association of seraphim with the throne of God (Isa 6:12), the winged snakes which constitute the arms of Tut-ankh-Amon’s wooden throne are interesting (ANEP, plates 415-417).

Seraphim were prob. an order of supernatural or angelic beings similar to the cherubim (q.v.) possibly related to the living creatures of Revelation 4:6-8. They stood beside or hovered above the heavenly throne of God as functionaries and attendants. They acted as agents and spokesmen for God (Isa 6:67). A chief duty was that of praising God (6:3). It has been suggested that this act was accomplished antiphonally with the seraphim on one side of the throne responding to those on the opposite side. Seraphim prob. were not threshold guardians as some believe that Isaiah 6:4 implies. See Angel.

Bibliography G. B. Gray, Isaiah I, ICC (1912), 104-109; P. Heinisch, Theology of the Old Testament (1955), 137; T. H. Gaster, “Angel,” IDB, I (1962), 131, 132; E. J. Young, The Book of Isaiah, I (1965), 234-253; J. L. McKenzie, Dictionary of the Bible (1965), 789; J. de Savignac, “Les Seraphim,” VT, XXII, No. 3 (July, 1972), 320-325.


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