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Prof Jane Kelsey's

Major national assets are transferred to private corporate owners who have primarily very short-term
goals which result in sub-optimal decision-making in times of economic stress, particularly in respect
of strategic assets.
Greatly increased disparity between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'.
Increase in attitudes of selfishness and 'me first' in the populace, more crime.
Significant geographic regions of the country are severely depressed economically.
Large decrease in all sorts of public service available as of right, resulting in a reduction in standard of
living that is difficult to quantify - one example is information from the many Departmental libraries
that there used to be - gone, or with highly restricted access.
The bargaining powers of wage and salary earners are mostly minimized in the employment world as
unions are disabled and power is vested mainly in the hands of employers; on the face of it, giving
employees the power to negotiate for themselves seems like doing them a good turn; but most
employees have neither the skill, inclination or association of numbers to negotiate effectively for
themselves. They are easily 'picked off' in isolation. 'Divide and conquer' applies in full measure.
This to me is Poverty and generational problems are ;Masochism,Authoritarianism,Lack of
participation in Local issues, Passivity,Low need of / for Education, Finally, Fatalism ,, ( Mr and Mrs
Right Now ). This is a generation cycle and I feel a direct result of the reform implemented by The
fourth labour government .
What should we do from Prof Jane Kelsey's book;
Take economic fundamentalism seriously ..
* Nip it in the bud ..
* Be skeptical about fiscal and other "crises" ..
* Watch for the blitzkrieg ...
* Remember, the conservatives are not always the worst ..
* Take economics seriously ..
* Expose the illogic of their theory ..
* Evaluate the arguments carefully ..
* Challenge hypocrisy ..
* Expose 'stacking of the deck' .. ( I am not sure what this is )
* Maximize every political obstacle ..
* Maintain a strong civil society and popular sector ..
* Work hard to maintain solidarity ..
* Do not compromise the labour movement ..
* Employ the politics of political embarrasment ..
* Reinforce the concept of an independant public service ..
* Encourage community leaders to speak out ..
* Avoid anti-intellectualism ..
* Establish well-resourced critical think-tanks ..
* Develop alternative media outlets ..
* Raise the levels of popular economic literacy ..
* Educate popular and sectoral groups in advance ..
* Resist 'market-speak' ..
* Be realistic and avoid nostalgia ..
* Be pro-active and develop real alternatives ..
* Re-think identity and alliances ..


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