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The Technocracy , trilateral sumbaggery

The Scumbaggery and the trilateral commission or technocracy inc
The Emperor of Japan announces to the sovereigns of all foreign countries and to their subjects
that permission has been granted to the Shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu to return the governing power
in accordance with his own request. We shall henceforward exercise supreme authority in all the
internal and external affairs of the country. Consequently, the title of Emperor must be substituted
for that of Taikun, in which the treaties have been made. Officers are being appointed by us to the
conduct of foreign affairs. It is desirable that the representatives of the treaty powers recognize this
— Mutsuhito, January 3, 1868.
In 1979 senator Barrie Gold water offered no apologies for the trilateral commission. The trilateral
commission is the intended vehicle for multi national consolidation of banking and the seizing of
the four centers of control , political, financial, ecclesiastical, intellectual.
The trilateral commission was started in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zibiginew Brzezinski who
introduced the idea to the 1972 Bilderburgh meeting for they chose 298 hand picked members to
for the nucleus of the trilateral committee. In 1976 jimmy carter and Walter Mondale picked
zibinew Brzezinski to be the National Security adviser and then went on to appoint trilateral
members to 1/3 of the administration posts .

Trilateral commission policies were;
To foster a “ new international economic order”
interdependence between nations
promote free trade by dismantilling tariffs and trade barriers ( Austrian School?)
Zibiginew Brzezinski wrote a book in 1970 “ Between two ages Americas role in the technotonic
age” the book laid out the four stages of development that Zibiginew thought a society would go
through to reach enlightenment .

Religious , which he thought was narrow minded and ignorant and was characterized
the period 1850 to 1875
Nationalism, Nation states had equality before the law
Marxism, represents a further and vitally creative stage in the maturing of mans
universal vision
Technocracy, rational humanism on a global scale.
Zibiginew thought the nation state as a fundamental unit of organization and ceased to be the
principle creative force . International banks and corporations are acting and planning in terms that
are in far in advance of political concepts of the nation state.
The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society that would be
dominated an elite UNRESTRAINED by traditional values.
Soon it would be possible to assert continuous surveillance over citizens and maintain up to date
and complete files on each and every citizen which is subject to instant retrieval by the state.
In April 1974 Richard Gardner said “ the hard road to world order would in the end an end run
around National sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece and will accomplish more than the old
fashioned frontal assault”.
How did the Trilateral commission use the executive branch. Nine out of the twelve were appointed
from the trilateral commission . Six of the eight world bank presidents were trilateral, Robert
McNamara , Paul Wolfowitz 2005 -2007 , see my blog on the links between New Zealand and the
world bank via Mr Wolfowitz.Other members of the Executive office who were trilateral members such as the a fore mentioned
Carter and Mondale as were bush senior and Bush junior, Dick Cheney , AL gore, yes he of the
climate change fame. Dick Cheney wife was also a trilateral member , as was Henry Kissinger,
condallessa Rice. The trilateral commission makes up 44% of the CFR, council of foreign relations,
they who write important papers for the enlightenment of the masses which tend to be cleared by
the trilateral commission.
The world bank is the most important banking institution all over the world. They lend money in
return for “conditionalities” . If you do XYZ , then we will lend you the money you need. - if they
release the money, the corporations closer to the supply, vacuum up the money so that it doesn't
reach the intended.
The president of the USA appoints the world bank president, Grahame Wheeler was the world bank
president and then became the reserve bank governor of New Zealand (26 September 2012 - 27
September 2017 ).
Gro Harlem Brundtland wrote a article entitled “ Our common future” brundtland was the heart of
the UN agenda 2030 and was a European “UN” trilateral commission proponent.
Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report in
recognition of former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem
Brundtland's role as Chair of the World Commission on Environment
and Development (WCED), was published in 1987 by the United
Nations through the Oxford University Press.

This new “international Economic order as pointed out before pushes
an agenda which is similar throughout so called different
organizations these are
• Surveillance
• a controlled society
• Global banks and multi national are the primary actors and
planners of economic life
Files are available for instant retrieval
So where did Zbiginew Brzezinski and his funding get the idea for this “new economic order”. To
and to that we must go back to the great war and Columbia university. A name that keeps popping
up when scumbaggery rears its ugly head.
Technocracy inc, originated in the 1930s from Columbia University from a study course in 1934.
With him of “peak oil” fame, M. King. Hubbard being one of the founding members. The
technocracy course envisaged government by technicians and a management of society by technical
experts. Technocracy equaled the replacement of the “asset” economic system with a “ energy
system based on the distribution and consumption of energy.
If you remember the saying “the men in Grey suits”. This can be attributed to a one William Knight
who was familiar with National socialism and wanted something similar, There was even a
production run of a certain car that could be ordered in “Grey”.

The Technocracy movement; would produce volumes of inviolable regulation that were
science based
Would be totalitarian control but would not be socialism or communism
Technocracy seeks to replace price based ( asset) economic systems with an energy based
systems, energy credits?.
The requirement were written in 1932 were as follows•

Register on a continuous 24/7 of the total net conversion of energy.
Registration of energy to make possible a balanced load
Provide a continuous inventory of all consumption and production
Registration of all goods and services, type and where and when used.
Registration of the consumption of each individual and a complete record and description of
the individual.
Surely this “ crackpot” organizational never stood a chance of being taken seriously? Well the new
deal and world war two overshadowed the plan of the eugenicial elite until revived by M. King.
Hubbard with the baton being passed to Zibiginew Brzezinski. Slowly the “plan” was released and
experimented into perfection slowly and with a Fabian thoroughness.
Today, we have Smart-meters and the smart grid. A “grid” which sends information about energy
usage in real time back to a “central” office. We have a “Global energy network endorsement” in
the likes of Al gore, Desmond Tutu and the abuse of children in Greta Thumburg.
Agenda 21, or as its currently known agenda 2030 from the Rio meeting in which globalist prime
ministers signed in droves in 1992 from a task force initiated by the “CFR” paid for by David
Rockefeller. Which hides under terms such as “ sustainable development”.
The sustainable development or cities is a directly from the UN agenda and is most often linked
with the CFR , Maurice strong, Rothschild scam. Climate warming change, which is “science based
rubbish. However this allows the cap and tax on trade and the opening up Carbon credits and Co2
Finally, dear reader. Your data. Signed up for a smartphone? Have a users “online health care”
record such as Obama care. Online license renewal ? “real me” online authorization? Data
collection in real time .
The customer centric of technocracy want a total “profile” and is being driven by an economic
process which depend on a total information awareness. “They” need a total surveillance society
and as all the other elements of this totalitarian plan are in place. Total surveillance is the final
element to tie everything together and they have this with 5G. Hence the steam rolling of the 5g
system, Tom wheeler stating “ it will go through”.
The Trilateral technocratic end game is close, in the west and in 1978 we didn't understand but now
however in 1980 we can see, the world fundamentally changed.
In 1978 Time magazine ran a story titled “ Revenge of the Nerds” about China. China where
Zibiginew Brzezinski went and where Zibiginew Brzezinski offer the Chinese, US technology and a
plan to lift themselves out of poverty and onto the world stage.
China with the “Social credit system” and real time facial recognition, also being rolled out in other
“smart cities” such as Darwin in Australia and London. Smart motorways that log and record your
license plate and determine your speed and photograph you and your passengers to determine if any
crime has taken place, Then automatically fine and reduce your social credit score. THIS is
happening now. Now. Not in some distopian novel set in the near future with our hero “Winston “
hiding next to the all seeing TV ( Smart tbs anyone, !) writing a diary and try to evade the thought
police , Facebook.
China on religion has pre-marxist roots, China was a communist state, China now is regarded as a
“Technocracy”. The future is here now.


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