Global management concepts
The Hive mind is a manufactured consensus. In his book Alexander Inglis proposes the
idea that schools are a " fifth column" for the new democratic
movement, giving them , the educated but unwashed, a seat at
thebargaining table though an expanded eloquence. By dividing children
by subject, by age grading and constant ranking via constant testing. It
wasunlikely that the unwashed , the ignorant mass of mankind separated
in childhood would ever
rebuild or reintegrate into a whole . Classic divide and conquer.
Education then limits argument and implants Ideology making us slaves to emotional arguments
and beliefs.
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in the book The Gulag archipelago describes Ideology succinctly when he
The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses,
because they had no Ideology.
Ideology- that is what gives evil its long sought justification and the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps make his acts seem good , in his own and in the eyes of his peers. That is how the agents of the inquisition fortified their wills; by invoking
Christianity ; the conquerors of foreign lands by extolling the grandeur of the motherland; the colonizers
by cultivation; the Nazis by race and the Jacobin's by equality and
brotherhood. Without evildoers there would be no archipelago
gulag archipelago ch4 page 173.
In 1972 Irvine Janis pioneered the initial research on “Group think” theory. He coined the phrase
“double-think”. Orwell's book “ 1984” used similar terms in the idea of “Newspeak”.
Irvine initially defined group think as a way of thinking that people engage in when - concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive group. That it overrides realistic appraisal of an alternative. Ideas such as “ consensus building” and the “cult of Gaia” bolster the cohesive
group narrative. Group think is the deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgment.
The rules of “group think” are as follows;
• A group of people come together to share a common view or belief. The common view or
belief may not be grounded in reality and often fails under scrutiny, Often is justified by evidence that is found to be wanting.
Because of this belief of the “group think”. The group feels the need to
elevate the belief into a “consensus” via techniques such as Delphi , ( Delphi technique is a method used in meeting to reach consensus efficiently and is often used to control meeting to reach predetermined consensus,).
The essence of the belief system must be defended at all cost or the belief system crumbles leaving the participants in a vulnerable state. This can be devastating . If ones whole life has built around a premise that is found to be untrue. One can only imagine the conflicting feelings the person is left with after the realization of the falsity.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his book Gulag Archipelago highlighted a case of a woman responding to her daughter. The woman had been arrested by the party. The daughter writing to her mother in the camp inquiring about her guilt. She lied, preferring to lie to her child in order the child
would join the party. The same party that had arrested her.Finally, the
consequence of insistence. The notion of everyone supporting the
consensus at all costs and those who do not is wholly unacceptable. Traitors will be excluded from any
further discussion via methods such as: Mistakes in reasoning, logical fallacies, Non sequitur, non causa pro causa ( the fallacy of mistaken
causation). The old argument of Authority , I'm a scientist.... ! Ad hominems ( playing the man not the ball. Where the speaker suggests the argument should be rejected on the basis of some quality that is logically related to the credibility of the argument. An example of this would be the argument
; “have you had cancer”? No? “Then you are in no position to know whether pesticides cause
Another common tactic is the “straw man” argument which deliberately misrepresents the argument, Finally, when all of the above fail. The “consensus” will resort to good old fashioned abuse. More often than not , forgoing the structure of argument in favor of plain old abuse and
These are clear indications you are dealing with a cult.
When a person compromises the truth or justifies a falsity either deliberately or by deception that person becomes a liar. The story of Genesis, both Adam and Eve were led astray by deception but chose through free will to justify the deception. Lucifer through deception leads the soul away from
the truth. In 1995 a famous Email did the round. Johnathan Overpec to a scientist, who he thought was on side , I.e agreed with the consensus. The Email revealed the scientists attempt to politicize the debate and to advance to predetermined outcomes via the manipulation of the data. From the email
Quote;” The trick may be to decide on the main message and to use that as a guide, as to what included and what is left out of the Ipcc report”. Overpec wrote “ we have to get rid of the medieval warm period”. Lo and behold 4 years later the infamous “hockey stick” graph appeared in the magazine -Nature.
The “hockey stick” graph gave a 390 point weighting to bristle cone pines in California over other tree ring data and tacked onto the end data obtained from thermometers. Different data sources.
Helping the data was that 1998 was an exceptionally warm year since “records began”; note these records “began” after the very cold period of the early 1800s.
The “hockey stick” was debunked by Tony Heller aka Steven Goddard on his blog
Micheal Mann then embarked a campaign of attack. While this example isn't from Micheal Mann it is a good example of the style .
The Ipcc assumes the Co2 theory, a theory first proposed by Greta’s thunderbird1s father, Svante Thunberg, who is the descendant of Svante Arrhenius, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, who first calculated the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide emissions in 1896, known to some as the
“father of climate change science.”
The Ipcc and its overlords, the UN use Saul Alynsky techniques to drive the message through to “cult status” backstopped with fake science. "Real data (satellite measurements) show world temperatures are now falling under satellite measurements and that current reported rises in surface temperatures depend on politically motivated fraudulent 'adjustments' and 'selection' of actual data.
These ‘adjustments’ are a continuation of the data fraud exposed in the Climate-Gate Scandal ~2009 at the Climate-Research-Unit (CRU) of the University Of East Anglia, see;
The very warm summer spell 2018 in Britain Ireland and N/W Europe was mis-represented by BBC and
warmist propaganda organs as a world / North-Hemisphere heatwave. Yet
much of Russia,Australia and South America were then extremely cold and N
Hemisphere average land temperature
on eg; July 30th 2018, was in fact 0.2C BELOW normal.
This “science” emanates from universities reliant on Ipcc funding. Big Oil have backed UN-IPCC Global Warming policy since 2004 –as on their websites and has been reported in the #ExxonKnew Court cases in the Spring of 2018
The Ipcc is a purely political animal. Where reports require a line by line consensus resulting in science being given up to political priorities . As noted by Professor Frederick Seitz. Seitz was the fourth president of the Rockefeller University and the recipient of the national medal of science.
Nasa’s distinguished public service award and a tabbacoindustry consultant. An “insider” if ever there was one. Seitz, was also a prominent Climate change skeptic.
This man was at the top of his game. Working with and for the corporate interests funded by the Rockefeller . If anyone should have been toeing the corporate line it was Seitz. However in early 1970 Seitz was an ardent critic of the Vietnam war and a principle organiser of the infamous “Oregon partition” . A partition urging the US government to reject the Kyoto protocols of 1997 due
to the inconsistencies of the “science” it reported.
In a letter to the wall st Journal professor Seitz revealed that the Ipcc had censored the comment of the scientists. Quote; from the complete transcript of the interview to the wall st journal. “ this is not the version that was approved by the contributing scientists” Professor Seitz; “ I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer reviewed process that the events that have led to this Ipcc report. None of the studies cited has shown clear evidence that we can attribute climate change to greenhouse gasses”.
To conclude; The art of social manipulation, kick started and perfected by the British, is alive and well. The long march through the institutions is evident for all to see. Existential Frankfurtian school of nihilism running rampant, The cult of Gaia and the breakdown of the basic units of society by the well organized elite. In order to profit from an induced Malthusian scarcity ( energy)
using a technocratic management structure allow Global management concepts
A small group of “haves” to thrive at the expense of the multitudes of unwashed “have nots”. The evil perpetuated in Stalin's Russia was but a mere practice run to perfect the end game.
The rules and outcomes of which the cattle have no idea.
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